Plaque altered at Police request

LAWRENCE — They were real looking enough. Three wooden plaques each embossed with a gold police shield, a small gun piece and each engraved with an officer’s name.

But these “plaques” sent to the police department Sunday were no awards. They came from a bogus address in Puerto Rico, supposedly sent from a former assistant district attorney and were in recognition for the officers being “corrupt.” They were dated “9-11-2007.”

As first reported on The Eagle-Tribune’s Web site yesterday, police Chief John Romero has launched an investigation into who sent the packages. He said police are contemplating criminal charges, possibly at the federal level. Police yesterday dusted the plaques for fingerprints. Romero was one of the recipients of the so-called award.

Lawrence police also notified the postal inspector in Boston. The sender could face federal charges for using the U.S. Postal Service “to threaten, harass or intimidate,” Romero said.

Need some cheese with that whine?

  1. the answer says:

    So if the prankster just left it on the steps there would be no charge?

  2. Gregg says:

    Wow! ….WOW! Criminal charges? WOW! What a bunch of elitist babies! I guess you can’t even express unhappiness with the cops and not fear criminal charges in Bush’s brave new world.

  3. Rabble Rouser says:

    Geeze, for cops these guys are certainly harrassed, threatened, or intimidated easily. Don’t they learn how to deal with this in police school?

    OTOH, I think that they should start giving them awards for corruption. They would put them on their walls, just like all the other meaningless “awards” they put on their walls.

  4. James Stob says:

    I’m nearly sixty years old and I become more convinced – day by day – that we would be better off saving the money and fire them all.

    I’m tired of the “they have a tough job” type of excuses. Most of them aren’t worth the proverbial powder to blow to Hell.

    My son got 2 tickets on a single traffic stop when he went through a speed limit change. The police chief told me it was “statatorially sustainable”.

    Kiss my ass!

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Now that’s just funny. With a touch of class to boot!

  6. Jamie says:

    “He said police are contemplating criminal charges, possibly at the federal level. … The sender could face federal charges for using the U.S. Postal Service “to threaten, harass or intimidate,” Romero said.”

    Pain is a definite way to threaten or intimidate someone, let alone harass.
    Isn’t it said that “truth hurts?” They obviously have a clear case.


  7. Improbus says:

    The Truth hurts doesn’t it pigs.

  8. morram says:

    Maybe put it next to their Broom Stick Rape trophy

  9. rudedog says:

    I wonder what would happen if I called the police if I received a so called, bogus award?

    do as I say not as I do….

  10. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Where smoke, fire, etc.

    I find highly dubious that these were just sent to some regular, normal everyday Joe cops who were minding their own business when they got these terrifying communiqués.

    To even suggest unethically abusing the criminal law to act out personal pique and to prosecute someone for expressing a negative opinion about public servants more than hints that they did indeed reach the correct recipients… 🙂

  11. JPV says:

    If police brutality and thuggery continues on it’s current upswing… the pigs are going to have a lot more to worry about than harmless pranks like this.

  12. BillyBob says:

    Why didn’t these cops just simply take the plaques out to the gun range for some “practice”?
    I think they doth protest too much!

    There was another story about their department finding a fake myspace website spoofing them. Apparently they pissed someone off big time.

    I think they are either overreacting or are trying to suppress someone.

  13. crybaby cops says:

    Bet these weenie cops stayed up all night trying to come up with ways to prosecute. Too bad there isn’t a law against telling the truth.

  14. lou says:

    Maybe I’ts a trend.
    So much for free speech.

  15. eddie says:

    let the piggies bring this to court. the defendant will be given the opportunity to prove how corrupt they are.

    besides, everyone knows that when piggies are feeling threatened, harassed or intimidated they immediately taser someone and then beat them with a stick. no court necessary.

  16. Mister Catshit says:

    Seriously, if it had of been me I would admit it to the world. This would dare the cops to charge me. Since the truth is a defense, all it would take for dismissal would the corroboration of ONE witness suggesting the cops are corrupt. Not proof they are, just a reasonable accusation by someone else to allow me to form an opinion.

    But in the mean time the cops would have to submit to discovery and answer a lot of embarrassing questions.

  17. Daibh says:

    So,… Any recipient of the Ig-Nobel Prize could legally sue?



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