• The Wikileak site gets shut down by USA and re-opens in Sweden where free speech is respected. A sad day when that has to happen.
  • The EU and Microsoft continue battle and Microsoft says it will cough up all the details of everything! I outline how this BS actually works and why Microsoft will not really do this in a meaningful way. The EU will be steamed if they are screwed over.
  • And finally, what did we all forget about Yahoo? I’ll tell you.

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  1. ECA says:

    You REALLy think, MS will open up??

  2. ECA says:

    And, lets not forget, that this ISNT..

  3. TIHZ_HO says:

    USA Freedom?

    HAR! “USA Freedom” is an oxymoron …with emphasis on the last two syllables.

    How did this happen?

    Thomas Jefferson had an idea…

    If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send 150 lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, & talk by the hour? That 150 lawyers should do business together ought not to be expected.
    Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography, 1821

    Laws are made for men of ordinary understanding and should, therefore, be construed by the ordinary rules of common sense. Their meaning is not to be sought for in metaphysical subtleties which may make anything mean everything or nothing at pleasure.
    Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Johnson, June 12, 1823

    “whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing and talk by the hour”

    “…meaning is not to be sought for in metaphysical subtleties which may make anything mean everything or nothing at pleasure.”

    What is needed is Democracy 2.0 – NO LAWYERS!


  4. Ah_Yea says:


    Yes, Lawyers suck. I have a feeling we both have had enough of these paid hit-men.

    By the way of freedom, the US has lost too much, but in contrast:

    I can write the following in America and post it on a public American blog.

    Now you, from Shanghai, post a corresponding message in Chinese to a publicly read Chinese blog.

    Go ahead. I’m going to sleep well knowing that no-one’s going to kick down my door in the middle of the night.

    Need I say more?

  5. Ah_Yea says:


    This is why! Do you remember a couple of years back about an exhibit of partially dissected human bodies preserved by injecting plastic into the tissues? READ ON!

    “ABC 20/ 20 Says the Bodies at the Sports Works Exhibit of BODIES are in fact Chinese political prisoners who were killed and that the US Customs Department is looking in to the fact that the cadavers were labeled plastic models to get them through customs, the US Customs Department is considering taking possession of those bodies until the labeling can be cleared up, Officials of the Exhibit say they we’re misled about the original source of those bodies in the show.”


  6. TIHZ_HO says:

    #4 Ah_Yea

    Yes, some good points…what you said is true in China.

    However… the things as you said flags emails in the US – got a file going yet with the FBI, HLS and CIA? Send enough emails like this and with a similar web site could you say with absolute certainty that one day your door won’t get kicked in? 😆 People in the US get their door kicked in for less it seems!

    By the way regarding freedom of speech in China. My brother in law holds two PhDs, one for international government and the other for Chinese government, and he is a Chinese government official. As such he routinely lectures Chinese university students on how Communism has failed China, and how Mao set China back 100 years. (!)

    So far he hasn’t been shot! LOL!

    He jokes about the fact that only 15~20 years ago if he did even less, the family would be receiving the bill for the bullet that shot him – as is the custom in China when one is executed.


  7. TIHZ_HO says:

    Ah_Yea “…Chinese political prisoners who were killed…”

    China government does accept criticize from within its own ranks, however they do not want US “Montana” style patriots running around! HAR! 🙂

    Its not perfect and one does not have to look very hard to find corruption and old school mentality in China. However it is changing…slowly. Last year +2,000 government officials were executed for corruption – lets hope at least some of them were also lawyers!



  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Maybe I should stop posting about Bush….

    I don’t really mean to kick China too much, I do like it there and I know that things today are much better since Deng Xiaoping took control. I like Deng for all the reasons I don’t like Mao. I am amazed every time I visit how much things are progressing and Deng should get the loin’s share of the praise.

    It looks like I’m making my next visit sometime mid March. I’m going to Tianjin although I wish I was going to Shanghai or Beijing.

    Sorry for the cheap shot but I can’t resist every once in a while…

  9. TIHZ_HO says:

    #8 Ah_Yea – No need to feel that way at all! My wife is Chinese and she takes cheap shots all the time!

    I heartily agree that Deng Xiaoping should be praised. It should be Deng Xiaoping’s moniker on the RMB and not Mao’s.

    You might not know that shortly after Mao fell off the perch Deng Xiaoping made a series of nationwide speeches apologizing for the horrific things that Mao did – The Great Leap Forward and The Cultural Revolution and for setting the course for a new China.

    Deng also offered compensation for people who suffered as a result and admitted that it is not enough and nothing could be compensation for what has happened. Deng urged the people to move forward from this terrible time as nothing can change what has happened.


  10. Esteban says:

    Both PC Magazine and PC World had headlines saying “Microsoft Embraces Open Source”. Who wrote that? Bill Gates? Or Steve Ballmer?

  11. Ah_Yea says:


  12. ECA says:

    I only WISH the USA, would end corruption the SAME WAY.

  13. TIHZ_HO says:

    #12 ECA Amen brother!

    That certainly would shake things up a bit in DC now, wouldn’t it? HA!


  14. Peter Rodwell says:

    The US has outsourced just about everything else, so why not outsource freedom of speech too?

  15. GregA says:

    See once again, the tech blog’o’sphere is clueless. Mary Jo Foley on Zdnet goes ballistic on the new Microsoft openness, yet as a consumer I see a different reality entirely.

    I know that when I ask a third party vendor to work with a non-Microsoft solution, I get funny looks as the vendor tries to determine if they can work with that. On the other hand, when I ask a third party vendor if they can integrate with a Microsoft product, I always immediately get “absolutely we can integrate with Microsoft whatever”

    Is it me or is there a whole class of people who do nothing but collect adsense income based upon Microsoft hatred?


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