UNL calls dorm’s ‘Assassin’ game inappropriate and bans it – Boston.com — What a farce. Do they make the students at the University wear diapers too…”just in case?” Har!

In “Assassin,” each player gets another’s name as his or her target. The players then try to “assassinate” their targets by hitting them below the head with foam darts or paperclip “bullets” or some other benign projectile.

In some version of the game, water pistols are used. At Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, the would-be assassins used socks.

The “killer” get the vanquished target’s target and continue his or her bloodless trail to the final showdown against another player. In some games, the winner claims a pot of money.

Some student players said they were surprised the game caused such a stir, because the bright orange and yellow toy Nerf guns they preferred obviously were not real.

But Keith McGuffey, 20, said organizers could have done a better job of warning authorities about the game.

“We could have put up signs and notified police about what was going on,” McGuffey said.

Nanny Franco

The university worries that the game could turn deadly.

“We want to make sure we don’t have students running around campus with guns, even if they’re plastic,” said the vice chancellor for student affairs, Juan Franco, on Thursday.

  1. Rabble Rouser says:

    Better watch it with those nerf projectiles… You might put an eye out!

    Give me a freakin’ break!

  2. Steve Jibs says:

    So you’re given a target and your job is to “hunt” them down and “kill” them? I think it would be great to just stalk your target for awhile and freak them out.

    Actually sounds fun when there is a prize and lot of people playing.

  3. Joey B says:

    You guys def dont get enuf tail if u aint heard about this. its going on at like all colleges.

  4. TIHZ_HO says:

    The collective wisdom of average ignorance.


  5. Zeph says:

    Fire everyone involved and require them to undergo psychiatric evaluation.

  6. belgian guy says:

    are these the same kids that will eventually be sent to irak ?

  7. coach head says:

    they’ll ban football next,

    what’s in that ball? a bomb, guns an drugs?
    why are they running? must be guilty of something

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “It’s all fun and games until someone puts their eye out.” – Mom

  9. JFStan says:

    Ok, I can’t believe no one has mentioned this.. THIS IS FROM A MOVIE!!

    It’s called “Tag: The Assassination Game” and it came out in 1982. What happens in this movie is exactly what they’re trying to prevent by banning it. Hell, it’s probably because of this movie that they did it (or even started playing it)!

  10. stopher says:

    There’s also a version called “Spoon” where you just have to get the target to see a spoon.

  11. Curmudgen says:

    When I played the game 70 years ago, it was called tag!! WTF

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #13 – Yeah, and look how you turned out.

  13. Calin says:

    “It’s all fun and games until someone puts their eye out.” – Mom

    Then it’s fun and games without depth perception.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    So the university outlaws nerf-tag…

    Why do we care. They could just play it anyway.

    If we’d all learn to treat authority as optional, then authority would become irrelevant.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #18 – Finally – My Wisdom Is Recognized!!! 🙂

  16. Eldon says:

    You all are missing the point. It is fully legal to carry concealed weapons and handguns in Nebraska. Some idiot might start blasting away at a UNL Freshman walking down the street with a nurf gun to commit a foe ‘assignation’.

    Everyone who commented above is clueless!

  17. natefrog says:


    It is not legal to conceal-carry on the UNL campus, though.

  18. Marc says:

    “they’ll ban football next”

    In Nebraska? Never! I’m not sure if it’s still true but when I went to UNL, the stadium became the 3rd largest ‘city’ in the state on game days.

    As for the Assassination game, give me a break. How is this any different than playing first person shooters? At least here they are getting out and interacting with real people. It’s a game, not a real assassination. Some people seem to have forgotten what games are and/or how to have fun.

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #20 – You all are missing the point. It is fully legal to carry concealed weapons and handguns in Nebraska. Some idiot might start blasting away at a UNL Freshman walking down the street with a nurf gun to commit a foe ‘assignation’.

    If you can’t hold your itchy trigger finger when you see a guy taking aim with a big, plastic, bright yellow Nerf toy that fires purple tipped foam rubber sticks at 15 feet per second, then you don’t need a real weapon, concealed or otherwise.

    And while it might have been clever wordplay (and I tip my hat if it was), the word you are looking for is faux, not foe.


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