Anybody recognise the brand of the notebook? The quality of the video makes it difficult.
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So, nobody thought about unplugging it from the main, huh? Lets just video a smoking laptop but not alert anyone. Is this the sort of YouTube culture we have now? Great!
Reports at the time identified it as a Lenovo/IBM Thinkpad with a Sony battery.
A year-and-a-half ago.
you gotta love lithium. So much fun with a simple metal.
I am not going to fall asleep in the bed anymore with the laptop on top of me 🙁
Didn’t this news story run over a year ago?
I keep mine in the trunk of my Pinto!
A laptop all by itself, on the floor, being focused on by a video camera for no reason. Yeah, this isn’t a setup to scare people.
too bad I wasn’t able to video my laptop catching fire… It was from the Motherboard and not from the battery though. It was an Compaq V2000… at first it was started to smoke, and since the 1 yr warranty has past, I opened it up, and saw a small spark coming out of one of the circuit paths on the mainboard… at first I assumed it was just an LED turning on, but a few seconds later it turned into a small flame. HP initially refused to repair for free, but eventually they replaced it with a newer model when I went to BBB
I have a ThnkPad and it doesn’t look much like that. It looks more like my Toshiba, although not quite.
#2. moss- I would have to challenge that, I have never seen a Lenovo Thinkpad that wasn’t black. Or that thick either.
Agreed. Looks like an older model Toshiba: they tended to use the grey plastic of that particular tone.
It is *NOT* a Thinkpad. All Thinkpads are IBM “business black”.
I’m going with Toshiba, or Gateway.
#6 – Macs are hot. Looks like you finally got a clue.
It’s a Toshiba. I own a Toshiba 1805 and it’s identical to what is in the picture except my version is the multimedia which has more buttons in the very front. The laptop in the video is the baseline version.
Additionally, my Toshiba and those of it’s like have the battery under the left palmrest, exactly in the spot where this battery caught fire.
The only item to note is these older Toshiba’s came with Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries and not Lithium, but Sony Li-Ion batteries became available for these laptops as a widely available aftermarket item before being recalled.
By the way, although I do not use that laptop anymore, I highly recommend Toshiba because that laptop still works great -slow, but great. Never a single problem from over 2 years of continuous use.
Not true. Toshibas may have been the best in town around 2000 but after 2003 the quality has gone down. May be true that the machines work after many years, but the wear starts showing from the first year. The plastic is too darn cheap.
It looks like a Dell Latitude, which we have a lot of here.
Remember, Dell rhymes with hell, and they sure do smell!
#18 – That’s swell, they do sell, they’ll even spell with the right software. So come out of your shell where you dwell. I got one before the prices fell. It came in the mail and was under warranty until it failed. Boy did I rail till they told me to go to hell. Now I’m sitting here in jail with a guy named Gail. ok I quit.
Whatever the case, someone left their laptop unattended, and that is horrible. I’m surprised that everyone there wasn’t screaming, suspicious of terrorism.
Looks like a Dell to me. Appropriate that it’s now burning in Hell?
Some blame a mobo short circuit, some a lithium ion battery; I say it’s a catastrophic head crash in its new Seagate-Maxtor HDD.