• Microsoft in the news again. The company pulls the plug on SP1 for Vista and updates XP again.
  • Windows 2008 to be the hot topic in the company.
  • I mention the ReactOS.
  • Sharper Image going chapter 11? Why?
  • Gates comments on Internet censorship.
  • PC Gaming alliance forming to push more PC games.
  • HP in the news for making a lot of money.
  • Hackers banging on WordPress.
  • Interesting Cranky Geeks was taped today. A weird theory emerged.

click ► to listen:


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  1. Greg Allen says:

    One thing about his deal that puzzles me.

    Wasn’t MSN supposed to compete with Yahoo?

    Isn’t Microsoft’s buying of Yahoo an admission that MSN is a failure?

  2. bill says:

    Having been at a Co that was ‘acquired by the BORG’ I can tell you that there will be blood in the cubicles.

    Yahoo has to deal with this right now to avert ‘severe brain drain’

    I would suggest CASH and lot’s of it.

    Good luck!!!! I really feel for these folks..

    It hurts to work like heck and then get thrown into the street because you are now ‘redundant’.

    Where as early as this morning you were a key player..

    That what happens!!!

  3. GregA says:

    Isn’t ReactOS the freedows people just like 10+ years later? I mean, come on, how long do we have to listen to this nonsense? 10+ years and they don’t have a working windows clone yet.

    That means it ain’t gonna happen. Not now, not 10 years from now.

  4. wingrove says:

    he doesnt look well!

  5. GregA says:

    Speaking of MS….

    The hot news item this morning is apparently McCain has been caught in an extra marital affair… With a lobbyist…

    So wow, unless Obama starts telling us about the time he was abducted by UFO’s thats a wrap.

  6. GregA says:


    I take pride in how cheap I am, and how cheap I can be. I have a whole network of windows 2k computers which I am nursing along. After all it runs great, why change anything at this point? I still have the whole migrate to XP option open to me.

    Dvorak mentioned ReactOS, and I looked at its webpage. ReactOS is still pre-alpha. Maybe sometime this year it will go beta? For the next two or three years. Given the speed at which OS projects proceed, and these sort of “windows replacement” projects never mature (look at lazarus for example, im still looking for a reason to switch from Delphi 6.0) ReactOS is a curiosity, and nothing else. Oh how I wanted firebird to mature into a useful database, but after nearly 10 years of opensource it is still prone to break and lose all your data… Or how linux distro’s tend to be useful at what comes out of the box, but don’t work for anything else, without lots and lots of tinkering.

    As a business owner, I am cheap. However, at a minimum, any computer solution has to let me sleep at night. Look at perkels troubles earlier this year! In my experience those sorts of issues are the norm, not the exception for OS software.

    So really, after all these years, a whole decade now basically, where I haven’t seen a windows computer crash unless the hardware was physically broken, people are making stupid little videos about windows being unstable?

    And people complain about Microsofts business practices??? When almost the entire rest of the industry is based on dishonest FUD and products inferior, in every way that matters, to Microsofts basic offerings?

    Naw, I listened to what they had to say, I listened for a good long time. I even used a linux computer for a year at one point on my desktop. I used a Myth machine for a year. I even used linux on a server(which is now a 2003 server btw). I still have an asterisk server. I am basically a expert on both platforms.

    Linux sucks! It isn’t getting any better anymore. The whole OS development model is broken, and no one is fixing it. Right now the whole linux way of doing things is based on trashing Microsoft, and very little else.


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