Australia has asked Indonesia’s navy to help stop thieves from stealing buoys which will be part of an Indian Ocean tsunami warning system.

Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology spokesman Geoff Love told a parliamentary hearing on Tuesday that Canberra plans to place two tsunami-warning buoys later this year in international waters between Australia and Indonesia.

“We are negotiating an agreement with the Indonesian government to make sure that they don’t become the victims of pirates and scrap metal collectors,” Love told the hearing…

“We’ve found automatic weather stations for sale in Hong Kong and don’t want that to happen again,” he said.

Better keep an eye on eBay.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Well, there is a huge demand for these on eBay…

  2. bobbo says:

    They should label the buoy “Theft of this buoy is a violation of law.”

    Then only criminals will have buoys.

  3. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    Embed small nukes on these things with classified disarming codes and GPS linked detonators. Try to steal one and you become a greenhouse gas.

  4. Mister Catshit says:

    I’m not surprised. Not too long ago there was a man electrocuted trying to steal some copper cable. Only the asshole didn’t realize it was live. His funeral was a really charged up affair. Half his relatives were wired. And yes, there was a big scrap in the front yard. Made a whole pile.

    In other news, several nearby communities have had their power outed because of people stealing copper cable over the past few months.

    So I am not surprised at what people steal or that they steal. I am surprised that there are not more funerals to laugh at.

    They might try some GPS locaters that make an alarm when moved or shut down. That would alert the Coast Guard of the theft in progress and allow them to shoot those fancy big guns they have on deck.

  5. Greg Allen says:

    In some of those same nations, people are so poor they will steal manhole covers.

    Poverty affects us all.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – That would alert the Coast Guard of the theft in progress

    Do they have a Coast Guard?

  7. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    #4 – Damn you! “Only the asshole didn’t realize it was live. His funeral was a really charged up affair. Half his relatives were wired. “ – now I’ve got coffee in my sinuses… 😉

  8. Phillep says:

    Those impovershed countries have crooked rulers. That’s /why/ they are poor.

    The US supports them? Well, the US tries to give aid that is /supposed/ to be used for the people. It’s usually stolen by the rulers.

    It’s so bad that some people in Africa have been begging the US and other countries to stop sending aid. They say the rulers just use the money to buy guns for their gangs (or military).

  9. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I like buoys. Does that make me gay?

  10. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    #9,10 – Interesting idea you’re floating.

  11. Phillep says:

    #10 (BOO, HISS)

  12. Ron Larson says:

    My brother was in the US Coast Guard maintaining navigation aids in the western Pacific. He was sent to Manila to work on the buoys that mark the channels and lanes in Manila Bay. Every single buoy had its inside batteries and wiring ripped out.

    Doesn’t that make you feel warm and fuzzy?

    The world is becoming more and more like Idiocracy.


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