Judge Robert Somma’s Mercedes-Benz E320 sedan hit a pick-up truck from behind about 11:29 p.m. on Feb. 6, the police report said. No one was hurt.

Somma, who lives in Newbury, Mass., fumbled in his purse for his driver’s license before handing it to the officer who later arrested him, the police report shows…

But lots of other people did offer those details:

When authorities removed him from the vehicle, they said he wore a black women’s cocktail dress, fishnet stockings and high heels…

The arresting officer reported Somma smelled of alcohol, slurred his speech and fell backwards against the door frame while getting out of his car…

Somma showed his sense of style to the end. He phoned in his resignation from a vacation spot in the Caribbean. If I were him, I think I’d just stay there.

Do you think it was George W’s intent all along to broaden public acceptance of alternative lifestyles?

Thanks, joshua

  1. TIHZ_HO says:

    Judges, after all, wear a black gown to work everyday so this is a “taking work home” kind of thing.


  2. TIHZ_HO says:

    The US is playing “catch up” with the UK…



  3. Matt says:

    Gee, another conservative hypocrite. It’s almost becoming passé.

  4. Joshua says:

    And all you Liberals say Bush is against diversity. 🙂

  5. Pierre Larsen says:

    I hope he resigned because of the drunk driving and not because of being caught cross dressing.

    Knowing conservatives cross dressing is unforgivable while drunk driving is a thing that can be forgiven…

  6. Hmeyers says:

    “he wore a black women’s cocktail dress”

    How did they know it belonged to an African American woman?

  7. GregA says:


    I think you were trying to say de rigueur

  8. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  9. dwright says:

    You can’t win with liberals. These people try to reach out and understand alternative lifestyles and they still get criticized.

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I’m glad readers here aren’t taking unfair advantage of this opportunity to make any sort of connection between women drivers and this crossdressing man driver. I would especially hate to see any jokes that perpetuate the common stereotypes about women drivers, as in the following example of what I would hate to see here…

    Wife: “There’s trouble with the car. It has water in the carburetor.”

    Husband: “Water in the carburetor? That’s ridiculous.”

    Wife: “I tell you the car has water in the carburetor.”

    Husband: “You don’t even know what a carburetor is. Where’s the car?”

    Wife: “In the swimming pool.”

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 – Mmmmmmmmmmm… I think I’m beginning to understand you better.

  12. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    Conservative hypocrites are much more common than liberal hypocrites because you have to have values to start with in order to violate them and become a hypocrite.

  13. TravelsTooMuch says:

    Your title is incorrect. Article III of the US Constitution gives federal judges authority to appoint bankruptcy judges. While Bush may not be my favorite president, he didn’t appoint this man to the judiciary. And if he did, I might applaud his sense of diversity.

    There is no political-based madness here, and your citation needs to be changed if you value your accuracy.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #12 – By your logic, there should be more liberal hypocrites then… Since it is liberals who have values.

    What conservatives call values is just self-righteous, judgmental, pious, holier-than-thou, theocratic, brow-beating bullshit.

  15. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    And what liberals call “values” is nothing more than anything goes in the name of diversity. Nothing is actually “wrong”, just different.

  16. TatooYou says:

    “Judge Robert Somma’s Mercedes-Benz E320 sedan hit a pick-up truck from behind”

    Anybody find it ironic he was busted when he “rear-ended” some other guy?…

  17. moss says:

    #13 – oh, has Bush noticed the Constitution?

  18. Greg Allen says:

    # 9 dwright said, You can’t win with liberals. These people try to reach out and understand alternative lifestyles and they still get criticized.

    Stop using anti-gay initiatives as a wedge issue to rally your base.

    THAT would “win” with us.

    Stop claiming you’re morally superior to liberals.

    THAT would “win” with us.

    Just stop being a gigantic pile of steaming hypocrites.

    THAT would “win” with us.

  19. Mister Catshit says:

    #13, Travelled too far,

    I’m not sure what you are complaining about. The article clearly states in the headline and then in the second paragraph, quotes:

    [Federal Judge Robert] Somma worked in private practice for years in Boston before he was appointed to the bench by President Bush in December 2004.

    Now if that is incorrect, then you are quite correct to point it out. You, however, seem to prefer to make an armpit of yourself. And, you are also wrong.

    A Bankruptcy Judge is appointed for 14 years by the Appeals Court of that circuit. Not, Federal Judges.

    The Bankruptcy clause is NOT in Article III. It is not even mentioned in Article III. Try Article I, Section 8, Clause 4. This authority is held by Congress which delegates it to the Judiciary under USC Title 28, 152 and 1334.

    The moral of the story is if you are going to criticize someone for being wrong, then you better check to make sure you are right.

    And I don’t like Bush either and he is still a phuking asshole.

  20. Mister Catshit says:

    Ya jes gotta luv that blue eyeliner. It does so much for his eye.

  21. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    #18 – But now you’re being a hypocrite by criticizing conservatives. They’re just “different” and therefore above judgement.

    But wait a minute, even hypocrisy is just another diverse type of behavior and therefore can’t actually be hypocritical and therefore….

  22. Mister Catshit says:

    #21, Bloedshithead

    Get off the “holier than thou” crap. The good Judge was caught while driving drunk. That should be all the reason one needs to be kicked off of the bench. The fact that he was dressed up in some African American’s dress and was a little unsteady on his feet is totally irrelevant. But damn funny.

    So if you like to prance around in your mommy’s undies and use her makeup when she’s not home, that is your life. If you want to drink and drive then I am annoyed and will speak up.

  23. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    Quite true about the drunk driving part, but it’s also very, very OK to be down on “alternative lifestyles”.


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