Warning, coarse language.

  1. EDTM says:

    ” Video – Do You Hate Windows Vista As Much As These Guys? ”

    Yes, I do…

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    GregA: You can run Vista on ancient computers as long as you have enough ram, and with Ram costing about $30 a gig right now

    Ancient computers are typically <2 GHz P4s, and while you’re correct about needing RAM, it’s twice that price for DDR, which is what they use. Many of those machines can’t do 2 GB, so Vista will never be snappy.

    FWIW most basic Office desktops run fine on Win 2k, and they still do in our office. The bean counters can’t add or analyze any faster with XP or Vista, and the writers can’t write any faster with newer OSes, either. Switching does cost training time, unless we default them back to the standard Start menus and stick with the same old versions of their apps, which work just fine. So upgrading means spending money for nothing.

    When our hardware eventually dies, we’ll be forced to upgrade and pay the costs of learning curves, new software, its headaches and yet-unknown bugs. We’ll probably try to skip through to the next Win OS if possible, maybe 2009.

    BTW, in my experiments Vista is fast enough on a Pentium D as long as I keep MS Office away from it. Regardless, XP SP2 is faster than Vista SP1. (per our observations and some ZDNet tests)

  3. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    #33 – That was that way back to VS2003 when I was taking some classes. Guess I’ll have to take another class… 😉

    On a related note – Anything that kills off Apache is a good thing. I just got away from a place using a HR system based on Apache. The piece of crap system had a lot of “issues” but one major one was provably it’s Apache foundation. Everyone I’ve every worked with that has any experience with Apache would agree it needs to go away.

  4. Jeff says:

    A pre P4 2.0 with less than 1gig of memory is about 2002 (if not 2001). That would be five years old. It would be beyond ancient. Today, a computer with a single core and 2gigs of memory will cost you about $399 (dual core for $599).

    I suppose it can get costly if you have to upgrade several hundred computers at the same time though.

  5. Jeff says:

    No, as a student you get a free copy of Visual Studio 2008 Pro, MSSQL, Expression Studio, Windows 2003 Server standard edition and XNA Game Studio 2.0… it looks like a pretty good deal if you are still a student (probably valid for graduate students as well).


  6. bobbo says:

    #27–qsabe==I had the same issue except it was with win2000==but if memory serves, it wasn’t the OS but rather the file system? Fat32 had the limit whereas NFTS doesn’t?

    In my upgrade the only thing I lost was my SoundBlaster Sound Card and thats probably just because I haven’t had time to go look for new drivers as the AC97 from the motherboard is ok on everything except the mpgvcr video editing program where the sound is broken up==don’t know if Soundblaster with drivers would fix that or not.

    Someone said a while back that no one buys a computer “because of” the OS–they buy it to run applications. Thats the ticket.

  7. robertson says:

    I actually really like Vista. Sure it had a few teething issues that are slowly being fixed with SP1 fixing the most serious problem of slow file copy.

    I would no longer consider going back to Windows Xp as I have become reliant on too many of the new features in windows vista. The enhancements to the windows explorer with its better searching, sorting, and view customizations are one example. Another is the better memory management with the ability to handle multitasking much better and more smoothly than XP.

    The Networking stack is also much better once the early poorly written device drivers were updated. The ability to automatically configure the firewall based on what network you are connected to makes moving from trusted wireless netowrks to wireless hotspots much more convienient. No more having to remember to lock up the firewall manually when using a untrusted hotspot as this is done automatically. The addition of the built in two way capable firewall make having to use a third party firewall unnessecary although the user interface is a little confusing at first.

  8. eyeofthetiger says:

    Most touch screen voting machines are tasty in CE. Asstastic!

  9. Cursor_ says:

    What part of waiting for Service Pack Three don’t people GET about Windows OS?

    Everyone who has run computers in the past 20 years knows that Microsoft refuses to pay a team to debug their software. They instead allow the end-user to debug it for them saving millions of dollars.

    And don’t think Apple’s OSX or some Linux distro is any better.

    They are BOTH based on an OS that is twice to three times older than most of the people whom extol their virtues as if they were handed down from God himself. I am sure IF Windows was developed in the 1960’s and had undergone countless tweaks and debugging by COMPUTER SCIENTISTS (and not average joe I’ll punch the monkey for an iPod like a doofus pavlovian subject) until the 1980’s; Windows would be an easy to use straight out of the box OS as well.

    Face it NO OS is good straight out of the gate. None, not one. Not even DOS or CP/M was good, not a single solitary damn one of them was good at Version 1.0.

    So IF you have issues with Version 1.0 of ANYTHING, consider this. You wouldn’t expect a fucking one year old to build a son of bitching skyscraper would you? If you do think they can do that, then please wear your “I’m Stupid as Hell” sign and get yourselves sterilised so we don’t have to support your offspring!

    Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


  10. GregA says:


    Touch screen voting is a stupid idea no matter what operating system is used.

  11. nash says:

    Well vista is what it is i only use xp for 2 games and all rest of my stuff goes on LINUX power ( im soft developer)
    Vista is just one bad project to replace xp we can t even run recent games on vista, guess my old 98se can beat the crap out of xp and vista at same time :p

  12. RBL says:

    “Video no longer available.”


  13. deanopp says:

    Hi guys!
    I’m the author of the video, VISTA SUCKS. The version you posted was a
    bootlef I had pulled from YouTube. My original, uncut, hi def version is


    -Dean Opperman


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