Associated Press – 2/18/08:

Spending time behind bars in New York City might turn out to be good for your health.

The overhauled menu at the city’s jails includes no sweets, no butter and only skim milk. The Department of Corrections wants healthy alternatives to traditional jailhouse grub.

A breakfast might include fresh fruit, whole wheat bread and wheat flakes. A sample dinner: pepper steak, rice and steamed carrots.

“These people are in our custody, and they don’t get to make their own choices,” said Department of Correction Commissioner Martin Horn. “We have a moral obligation to make sound choices for them.”

That means unsweetened muffins, which are expected to replace the wickedly sweet ones for the roughly 14,000 inmates in the jail system.

  1. Jim says:

    This may be the best deterrence yet. They may already have a smoking band, so we must protect them from consumerism and violence on TV.

  2. bobbo says:

    I toured Alcatraz years ago and the guide said that all the prisoners were encouraged to take long hot showers. The idea was this would make them loath to enter the cold water around the island thus inhibiting escapes.

    It has always struck me as “odd” that cons would be encouraged to life weights and become powerful physical threats to everyone around them.

    Seems to me, the sound jail regimen should be sweets and transfat to your fill, no exercise, and all the Ophra and soap operas you wish to watch. Maybe a few books–maybe “This Penquin has 2 Dads” sort of thing would be ok.

  3. tcc3 says:

    I wouldn’t give this the nanny state warning. Many of these people are here because they cannot make sound decisions for themselves. They made choices that are dangerous to society and have lost the right to decide for themselves. They should be so lucky if the worst experience in prison is a bran muffin.

  4. Jetfire says:

    I agree with #2 this is not a “Nanny State Warning” issue. This is prison your talking about so the state is already telling them what to do. If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime (or get caught doing it).

  5. german says:

    whos the hot chick?

  6. #773412 says:

    Hey! Quit looking at my bitch, uhhmm… girfriend!

  7. Sea Lawyer says:

    Good idea, as long as it doesn’t cost the taxpayers any more to implement.

  8. Sean says:

    Probably doesn’t prevent them from buying food themselves or from visitors buying it for them. They’ll still have access to sweets I’m sure, but they just won’t be provided for free by the state.

  9. Cinaedh says:

    It still sounds a lot better than a cardiac diet.

    By the way, this is just what we need: a lot of really healthy, really strong sociopaths walking around, pissed about their diet when they were in prison.

    It’s almost poetic.

  10. John Paradox says:

    The first (okay, Second, after looking at the accompanying photo) was Maricopa County, AZ jail, where prisoners get green bologna.
    (Google Joe Arpaio)


  11. John Paradox says:

    The first (okay, Second, after looking at the accompanying photo) I though of was Maricopa County, AZ jail, where prisoners get green bologna.
    (Google Joe Arpaio)


  12. eyeofthetiger says:

    So how many cookies does Man Ass go for these days?

  13. jdmurray says:

    #5 – She’s Asian-Candy7.jpg at

  14. eyeofthetiger says:

    whoah, jd you know your candy.

  15. Beonarri says:

    Well, this isn’t really a nanny state thing. If it were for the general public, then it would be. But, I really have to ask, why is it that the inmates in prison eat better than most people outside of prison. Why not put some of this towards, oh I don’t know, feeding the poor?!

    #13 – Thanks for the link. I’d still like to know her name though.

  16. Mister Catshit says:

    #4, Jetfire,

    This is prison your talking about so the state is already telling them what to do. If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime (or get caught doing it).

    Only you missed something. These are prisoners on remand. That means they either don’t have bail or can’t make bail. They are not guilty until they are either found guilty by a court or plead guilty. Too many people get the idea that if they were arrested, they must be guilty.

  17. natefrog says:


    She’s Luana Lani, I believe.

  18. TVAddict says:

    natefrog, you know your hot asian chicks…that is indeed luana lani and the pic is called rainbow stick from 11-27-07. Nice call. Excuse me while I check out her videos…

  19. natefrog says:

    #18, TVAddict;

    It can be a fun challenge tracking down the true identities of various girls you find on this site, heh.

    Now if only I could get my own hot Asian chick! 😉

  20. Rick Cain says:

    I think its fitting punishment for prisoners to be FORCED to eat healthy.

    Mwahahahah! Kneel before me and eat your salads without dressing!

    That would reduce the inmate population if they knew that armed robbery meant 8 years of celery sticks, dry salads, gluten free breads, and vegetarian sushi.


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