MyFox Colorado

EAGLE COUNTY — Two illegal immigrants were arrested for human smuggling in Eagle today. One of the men has been deported 14 times for human smuggling prior to today’s arrest. He is 22 years old.

At 8:21am a deputy pulled over a silver Chevy Venture van in the eastbound lane of I-70 for a license plate violation. The deputy discovered 13 illegal immigrants inside the vehicle. The driver said he planned on delivering the twelve adult males in various locations that included Denver, Iowa, and Georgia. Omar Alaverez-Mecedo, age 22, was arrested and charged with Human Smuggling, a class three felony, and operating a vehicle without a valid driver’s license, a class two misdemeanor. In the course of the investigation it was discovered that “Omar Alaverez-Mecedo’s” real name is Israel Robles-Gaytan. According to ICE, Robles-Gaytan had already been caught and deported fourteen times; he gave law enforcement officials a different name each time.

Robles-Gaytan will be charged with Criminal Impersonation and 2nd degree Forgery in addition to the charges of Human Smuggling and operating a vehicle without a valid driver’s license. Silvestre Bermudez, age 37, was arrested and charged with Possession of a Forged Instrument and Second Degree Forgery. Both men were in the country illegally. Alaverez-Mecedo admitted to previously being deported three times prior.

You know, we got a nice Supermax prison here in Colorado. How about getting this jerk a room, instead of paying his way back to Mexico?

  1. James Hill says:

    Agreed. It’s those evil conservatives that want to enforce this country’s laws that make this man a criminal. Society is ready to embrace him with open arms.

    The fact you would send him to prison is proof that you are out of touch with society.

    (Is today 4/1?)

  2. McCullough says:

    #2. You forgot the hack part, you must now kill yourself.

  3. bobbo says:

    Well, you can’t have one step above slave labor without having overseers smuggling them in.

    It all fits with the capitalist agenda.

  4. bobbo says:

    I forgot to post that with all the experience these guys had, why haven’t they figured out how to drive on the roads without getting a “standard traffic stop.” Even a flat worm will learn over time.

  5. rectagon says:

    Why not tattoo his resume to his forearm… surely would be smuggelees would like to know that this guy’s track record is spotty at best.

  6. jbenson2 says:

    Where’s the bloody fence?

  7. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  8. ECA says:

    Let me ask?
    WHERE did they get the VAN??
    I dont think they DROVE it across the border, as you would THINK, they would have a listing for it and the plates.

    AND if he got in on THIS side of the border..
    It wasnt BOUGHT by him, or Licensed BY HIM.

    IF he STOLE it, where are THOSE charges?

    INSURANCE?? WE have to pay it, WHY NOT HIM.

    THIS alone would keep him in jail 5+ year in the USA, THEN export him.

  9. Hillary C. says:

    Ha! Illegal immigration is not just a conservative agenda, it is a “love of money” agenda. It is a Democrat and Republican agenda. Who is to blame? The “love of money”. Both corporations and union mentality has driven up labor costs and forced a desire for these illegals. Save money – make money! I can’t believe the politicians only sees illegals as future voters. They should be seeing them as TAX PAYERS they can further soak the pockets of. They just have to get them in the TAX MACHINE.

    As for the issue posted, we are still a nation with laws, some good, some bad, but generally laws are in place to prevent chaos as you see in other countries. You can see the results of poor or too few enforced laws – chaos. Letting these illegal individuals will only contribute to the cause of chaos. If Mexico will not restrain them, then we need to do the job for them. Send them to Gitmo! lol

  10. gregallen says:

    # 7 jbenson2 said, Where’s the bloody fence?

    Where’s the trillion dollars we’ll need to build and maintain it?

    Oh, yeah, the conservatives blew it in Iraq.

  11. Scowell says:

    I see no charges for the two smugglers having entered the country by other than legal means.

    Forget the fence. Send everyone caught to jail and send their home country the bill for all costs. Even a 1 month sentence would send a clear message.

    The boarder has two sides. The problem needs to be solved on both sides. Don’t want to cooperate? Pay the bill.

  12. ECA says:

    GOOD idea.
    Also, IF THEIR country cant HELP the poor, FORCE it down their necks.
    Whats funny, is that the LAWS are enforced in the major city areas, and there are NONE in the north, and Mexico gov, FORGETS about those in the upper deserts..

  13. And then I says:

    The guy is an awesome entrepreneur, he gets his cash (which he would stash if he was smart) gets caught so they can repay to get smuggled again, either with him or an associate of his; pays off immigration officials enough to keep doing it. I heard it can cost over $1000 just to get across on average more like $2500; a ride to Colorado has to cost more. Multiply that by 13 by 14 and thats hmmmm $455000 so far, sure beats $4 an acre for hoeing beets.

  14. Joshua says:

    #14…This guy takes them all over the country, so he’s getting top dollar(about 4000.00 per body). My question has always been….if these people are so impoverished, where in hell are they getting 2000 to 5000 dollars each to make these trips?
    I know for a fact that just to be led across the border with Arizona, on foot, is 2000.00 per person. The women usually go on credit, and then are housed in groups up to 100 or more in 3 bedroom homes around Tucson and Phoenix and hired out as whatever they can until they repay the coyotes. The decent ones are pimped as prostitutes.

    For every one that comes here with a job waiting for them there are 10 that lead lives of horror and misery working for years as virtual slaves to pay off their trips across.

    No matter what your political ideology is, this just has to be stopped, completely. Then a system for allowing them to come and work and be treated as humans put into place.

  15. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    I would hate to see taxpayer money wasted on giving this guy a room. Just kill him and be done with it.

  16. Mister Catshit says:

    Maybe this would be cruel, or maybe not, but on the 19th time, as he tries to escape, …

  17. patrick says:

    # 11 gregallen said, on February 19th, 2008 at 8:21 pm

    # 7 jbenson2 said, Where’s the bloody fence?

    Where’s the trillion dollars we’ll need to build and maintain it?

    Oh, yeah, the conservatives blew it in Iraq.

    And the libs wanted to use that money to build a fence? Too funny!


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