The mayor and his prison

These chuckleheads should be sent to Washington. We need people of vision like this running our country.

Out-of-pen thinking can fix jail mess

City officials in Hardin must find themselves in the unusual position of hoping for a statewide crime wave.

Unless malefactors step up to the plate and start getting themselves sent to prison in large numbers, Hardin is going to be stuck with 464 empty beds at its spanking-new, $27 million jail.
Now it’s shaping up as one of the most expensive misunderstandings in the history of Montana.
Basically, it comes down to this: The folks in Hardin thought they had a gentleman’s agreement with state officials – particularly those in the Department of Corrections – to send state prisoners to the private prison.

Those officials, however, said there were no contracts, no promises, no representations and not even a wink or a nod.

Check out the town website. Hardin is where they reenact that other local debacle, Custer’s Last Stand.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    To quote Nelson… “Ha! Ha!”

  2. Dallas says:

    Is it mere coincidence that 464 is EXACTLY the number of Bush criminals that need to be sent to prison? This is uncanny.

  3. John Paradox says:

    Quick, pass more laws for people to break!


  4. Ah_Yea says:

    This guy spent $27 million on a wink and a nod? He should be sent to his own prison! Who bankrolled this on a wink and a nod.
    There are reasons for contracts!

  5. Rick Cain says:

    I’m sure there are more than enough neighboring states with overflowing jails that wouldn’t mind renting those 464 luxury concrete hotel rooms.

  6. how's chow? says:

    How’s the chow?

  7. Jägermeister says:

    Perhaps they can make it a school for troubled youth… your only way out is to pass the exams. Big sign on the entrance STUDIES GIVES FREEDOM.

  8. Gasbag says:

    How about a turning it into a hotel. Hell I stayed at some places that where like a prison.

  9. the answer says:

    Hey i’ve seen a few farms turn into haunted house places, and that was so lucrative that’s all they do. Work the month of October ( minus planning and set up and strike down ) Maybe he should go the way of Eastern State Penn?

    Or just try to get more people into Montana

    “Movin’ to Montana soon… Gonna be a dental floss tycoon…”


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