(Click photo to enlarge.)

Here’s the story on the photo: Daily Mail

There’s no winner or prize or anything… it’s just for weekend chuckles.

  1. Don says:

    #24 is the best!

  2. matt y says:

    “Hey, dude! I was just picking my teeth and look what fell out!”

  3. Steve S says:

    All I know is when they tell you to send this chain letter to ten people you know, they mean ten. Nine won’t do.

  4. Anonymouse says:

    I have my index finger up his ass.

  5. ChrisB says:

    But don’t just take the word of Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley…

    Meet Twin bothers, Ahmed and Ahsamed, showing typical results of just 6 weeks of Ahmed’s use of the Total Gym 1700.

    Order yours today – operators standing by…

  6. FunkyBoss says:

    “I told you, don’t feed him after midnight or get him wet!”

  7. McCullough says:

    Is that a Gerkin in your underoos or are you just happy to see me?

  8. Deehexi says:

    Well, he can give me a BJ standing up.
    (is my mind in the gutter again?)

  9. Liberali says:

    Now I can add him to my “Indian Guys that look like Dennis Rodman” Collection

  10. Liberali says:

    Hey, get your thumb outta my ass or your gonna have to deal with my bb guns!

  11. Liberali says:

    McCain holding up Huckabee up to the Republican Conservatives.

    “This muthafuckers the best you got?!!


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