A group of Canadian sex trade workers hoping to set up a legal “co-op” brothel in time for the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver said they have won approval to incorporate themselves.

The provincial government’s designation of the group as a business co-operative is the first step in what organizers say will create a safer working environment for sex trade workers in the Pacific Coast city.

“It defines a structure for us to work together as a community,” said Susan Davis, a development co-ordinator for what will be called the West Coast Co-operative of Sex Industry Professionals.

Brothels are illegal in Canada, but the country’s prostitution laws have recently been challenged in the court as unconstitutional. Prostitution itself is legal, however solicitation, procuring or living off the avails of prostitution can land you in jail.

My, how times have changed.

  1. lordfoul says:

    For your U.S. viewers it should read “Canadian Pacific Coast city”.

  2. eaze says:

    Bravo Canada!
    Always setting an example for other countries.

  3. hahnarama says:

    Oh…Oh, OH! Canada!

  4. Cinaedh says:

    This is the result of politicians sampling the leading export from B.C. – called ‘Bud’ for some reason.

  5. rectagon says:

    This is a joke. Neither the Federal or the Provincial gov’t will allow this. All this story is reporting is a permit for a co-op. First.. and last step. Move along… nothing to see here.


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