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Next up — iron chastity belts become all the rage.
But why must the girls be the ones who take on this burden? What about ‘temporary’ vasectomies for the boys? At least this idea understands the inability of governments to stop kids from having sex with unrealistic, bound to fail things like abstinence programs. |
Why we should sterilise teenage girls … temporarily at least
Last week, an intriguing proposition was mooted by Government minister Dawn Primarolo.
Teenage girls, she said, could be steered towards what is described as “long-term contraception”.
This is now possible thanks to the development of contraceptive jabs and implants which can last up to five years.
In other words, there is a way of effectively sterilising girls for a lengthy period of time.
At what age? Well, doesn’t 12 until 17 sound rather sensible?
As for why girls over boys for this, I remember reading somewhere that it’s easier to control one egg over millions of sperm. This is part of the reason why it’s taking so long to develop a hormonal or pill solution for men.
Now whether they’re minors and might need parental consent, it seems to be the correct way to me. As with everything else parent-dependent, if they’re paying for you, you have to suck it up to what they expect… most of the time.
I don’t think ‘steering’ them is going to work.
Where I live, pregnancy is voluntary and nothing but a ticket to allow stupid girls to get out from under Mom and Dad’s tyranny and into a nice apartment, where everything is paid for by Welfare.
The biologists know why you don’t sterilize the boys. You only have to miss one of ’em, and you can end up with a lot of babies.
Cinaedh….so sad ….so true.
There is a SF story about birth control being in the water and if you want to get pregnant, you have to take a pill to neutralize the water.
We’ll have several such plans after the ocean collapses in a few more years.
And teenage boys everywhere applaud.
I suggested this LONG AGO, to many parents…
You CANT STOP IT, just protect the situation..
This is so wrong in so many ways. First, it’s not just the teen pregnancy that they should fight. It’s STDs… If these teens aren’t smart enough to use contraceptives, how the hell they’ll be responsible enough to use a rubber…And believe me, if they get into this “I can’t get pregnant” state of mind, there will be a spike in STDs.
And, let’s face it, we need more responsible people, not less. Sure it’s easier to take the fast lane than to reinforce the public awareness, education and culture.
It’s called, “eugenics”.
Isn’t state forced sterilization a violation of human rights. This sounds a little close to something the Third Reich would have done for “social improvement”.
It really doesn’t qualify as eugenics because it is temporary, though it is a form of population control (and would be more likely applied against select groups of people who are most likely not able to afford the children they have). In this sense, you could argue that it is a form of racism (poor people of African and Middle East countries).
well i think that insted of giving an abortion u should tack care of your responsibilitys
I think that what teenage girls are doing on deciding to have an abortion is the wrong answer. Not only teenage girls but women have abortions too. If you dont want to have kids use protection. When you have an abortion you are killing a life. Not only that but your hurting yourself physically and mentally. If you dont want your child because you think that being a parent is too much of a responsability, give birth too the baby and then put it for adoption. And while that baby is growing up that child that you left will thank you for not killing it and giving life to it. And I think that is the best answer a teenager or a women should do.