A district attorney who’s considered the state’s most powerful prosecutor has resigned under the weight of a scandal involving the release of dozens of pornographic, racist and political e-mails on his office computer.
Harris County District Attorney Chuck Rosenthal blamed the bizarre inbox contents, which included love notes to his secretary and campaign strategizing, on a combination of drugs he had been prescribed that affected his judgment…
Rosenthal has endured a public outcry, including a street demonstration by hundreds of people, and calls from his own Republican Party officials for his resignation since a federal judge mistakenly released the e-mails as part of a lawsuit against the Harris County Sheriff’s Office.
On Friday, the lawyer who brought the lawsuit, Lloyd Kelley, sued to have Rosenthal removed from office on grounds of misconduct, incompetence and drinking on the job.
The Texas Republican Party is so embarrassed by Rosenthal they forced him out of the GOP primary, next month. But, he refused, then, to resign saying “stupidity” isn’t a good enough reason.
How many more stories like these need to be published until the cons FINALLY stop claiming they are morally superior to we libs.
Rosenthal’s stupidity, incompetence, hypocrisy and corruption got to be too much for even Repuglican Owned-&-Operated Harris County. Now, that’s saying something!
I think it’s becoming clear the neocon-artists used the Texas Republican Party to prototype the Congressional delegation – and practices.
It takes real planning to institute such thoroughgoing bigotry and corruption.
Oh, moss. That’s not the half of it. Harris Co. was the prototype for the Repug takeover of the state, which in turn was the model for what Monkey-Boy & Co. have subjected the entire country to.
I live in Houston and yes this man is a degenerate but unlike the democrats we republicans clean up our own messes and remove perverts and degenerates from office instead of standing behind them. I remember one in Washington running a gay escort service from his house( who is still in office and had the entire democratic party circle the wagons for him ) and right now there is the debacle in San Fransisco about the radio host and ex boxer aid Bernie Ward in a child molestation sex scandal and Mrs boxer tried to quash it until public outrage became to loud.
Hmm Mr Dvorak where are the hit pieces about these scumbags. I never see any thing about liberal scandals on here WHY NOT?
“pornographic, racist and political e-mails on his office computer.”
This makes him a religious republican.
Heck of job Chucky!
#5 That is nonsense. There are plenty of Republican perverts in office and they turn up about as often as the Democratic perverts. There is no difference between the parties, they are both organizations dedicated to taking over the United States of America and fools and suckers believe their party is superior morally and intellectually. Patent nonsense, but good enough to fool the average Joe so well he is rabidly loyal to his party and he doesn’t want to think about the ideas behind the politics. Simple labels like: neo con, liberal, or conservative, are all he wants or is capable of dealing with and they define the limits of thinking for the average American.
To the piece under discussion; I think he can’t admit stupidity is reason for resignation as that would be a mandate for Bush’s resignation.
Luckily his position was not where a clear judgment was needed to perform his public duties. Surely must have a spot for him over at the DOJ.
What ever happened to the Dems mantra that “it’s just a sex thing…his private life. Leave him alone!”
When I used to “travel” West Texas – as usual – I checked out the law governing carrying a handgun in your vehicle.
All you had to know to say was that you were “traveling” from one county to another.
West Texas sounds like a good place to be.
…as long as Chuck and his ilk are in SE Texas, yes.
# 5 Pmitchell said, I live in Houston and yes this man is a degenerate but unlike the democrats we republicans clean up our own messes and remove perverts and degenerates from office instead of standing behind them.
You conservatives have really perfected real-time history revisionism.
We no know that REPUBLICAN Mark Foley’s hustling of young pages was widely-known and covered-up by the GOP leadership.
As for Bernie Ward, I certainly don’t support him if he is guilty. And I was a big fan. But there is some legitimate question of his guilt and — BIG POINT HERE — he wasn’t an elected leader.
Make no mistake everyone, the excuse “the drugs made me do it” is just setting up his legal defense against perjury charges that will be filed shortly.
He flat out perjured himself on the stand and had no other way out.
#5, Paul,
Once again you apparently don’t know your asshole from a hole in the ground. There is no “Mrs. Boxer” trying to quash any investigation or prosecution. But hey, if the right wing nuts want to make shit up, go for it.
Maybe you could enlighten us WHO ran an escort service from his house and is still in office. I have a feeling you are going to run fast and loose with the facts on this one.
Liberal scandals? They are so infrequent and mild that the right wing nuts have to keep referring to incidents from 25 years ago and longer.
The only response that comes to mind isn’t mine.
“Truth, Justice, and the American Way”.
Mr catshit here is your scandal ohh what a short memory you have
I seem to remember a presidential candidates husband who was getting blow job in the oval office but that was just “sex ” and we should just ignore that because he is a democrat and as all liberals know only republicans have sex scandals
#19, Paul,
I guess you never read what you offer as proof.
…Steve Gobie, a male escort whom Frank had befriended after hiring him through a personal advertisement, claimed to have conducted an escort service from Frank’s apartment when he was not at home. Frank had dismissed Gobie earlier that year and reported the incident to the House Ethics Committee after learning of Gobie’s activities. After an investigation, the House Ethics Committee found no evidence that Frank had known of or been involved in the alleged illegal activity
So where is this person still in office who ran an escort service? Remember? In #5 you wrote:
I remember one in Washington running a gay escort service from his house( who is still in office and had the entire democratic party circle the wagons for him ) Now who is this guy? By your own evidence it isn’t Frank.
Further to my post in #20,
Did you know that it was Representative Larry Craig that pushed to have Frank expelled. My, my, how the Republicans have the superior stance on everything. See Pmitchell’s link in #19.
Pmitchell==when are the repugs going to clean up Bushieboy and his nest of neo-con thugs?
Yes–sex between consenting adults is an issue only for the repuglican party to whip up its brain dead religicon base. Sad that substantive matters can be pushed off the table for such tawdry affairs.
I say we should issue Fleshlights to every member of Congress. Maybe that would limit the mindless issues that congress debates==after they take care of steroids in baseball that is.