Sydney’s premier zoo is celebrating the news that its 9-year-old Asian elephant is pregnant, but animal rights groups are shocked that the zoo has let a juvenile elephant fall pregnant.

Allowing such a young elephant to fall pregnant was “the equivalent of allowing your 12-year-old daughter to become pregnant”, said Erica Martin, Asia Pacific Director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare…

Ultra sound images show the elephant Thong Dee is 5 months into her 22 month pregnancy. The images identify a 10cm fetus with the beginnings of a spine, front and hind legs. However it is too early to determine whether the fetus is male or female…

The zoo said the earliest Asian Elephant pregnancy in a European zoo was five and a half years.

I’m certain her dad in the wild would never have allowed this. Right?

  1. Janky-o says:

    As much as I’m an animal rights person, I think making moral judgments about elephants sex is beyond the pale (by the way, it’s not pail).

  2. GigG says:

    Animal rights groups filled with some idiots.

  3. wbskeet37 says:

    No #2 it sounds more like animal rights groups filled with conservatives.

    I never thought I would see that in a sentence.

  4. wbskeet37 says:

    No #2, it sounds more like animal rights groups filled with conservatives.

    I never thought I would see that in a sentence.

  5. v says:

    This is what happens when you give elephants abstinence-only sex education.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Reading the article really highlights how brain-dead these animal rights kooks are.

    Get this:

    A) The elephant is an endangered species, and so 8 were delivered for breeding from Thailand to Sidney to preserve the species.
    B) One Elephant, Thong Dee, gets pregnant thereby helping preserve the species.
    C) The elephant was evaluated by professionals and found eligible for breeding.
    D) Activist raise stink that the elephant is too young, based on illogical reasoning.
    E) Making the elephant wait would reduces the breeding lifespan of the elephant, thereby continuing it’s endangered status.

    What a bunch of Morons!!!

  7. TIHZ_HO says:

    As if in the wild it would be any different!


  8. Improbus says:

    Sometimes people are so stupid it makes me cross-eyed.

  9. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:


  10. WmDE says:

    “Ralph! Grab a bucket of water and a broom! Get in there and keep that bull elephant from mating with that underage female!”

    Talk about a bad day at the office.

  11. Gasbag says:

    God I wish some people would get their heads out of there asses. We had people like this protesting when the elephants came to the zoo. So what she an an endangered specie and this is the whole point of a breeding program.

  12. ECA says:

    1. Male elephants and females are NOT in mixed groups.. This was artificial.
    2. in nature, they wouldnt complain, as they WOULDNT KNOW or even care.
    3. i can see them NOW, handing out condoms in the wild.
    4. its interesting they complain about this, but not the decimation of ALL the wild animals.

    We need a NEW animal to hunt. One we can Make, and breed all we wish. We have domesticated the COW/BULL to death. The same with most of the goats and sheep. We have taken THEIR job away from them. WHICH could/would slow some of the fires around the states.
    We need to make a DOMESTIC WILD animal, that just wonders around and feeds off the Scrub and grasses in the BLM/WILD areas, to curtail Wild fires from spreading.. THEN reintroduce it BACK into the feed stock.

  13. Big A` says:

    I winder how soon before one of those wacko groups claims the elephant was raped.

    #3-4 If you think animal rights groups are filled with conservatives, then you need to get out more. Those people are WAY on the other end of the spectrum.

  14. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  15. wbskeet37 says:

    #16 I am just saying the comments sound more conservative in nature than liberal.

  16. richardbt71 says:

    # 18 – wbskeet37 – Most conservatives can care less that some elephant had sex at a ‘young’ age.

    Unlike liberals, conservatives don’t want population control. Conservatives just don’t want to have to pay for the raising of other people’s babies. I’m tired of a gun pointed to my head making me pay for a oprah watching baby machine.

  17. Angel H. Wong says:


    And the old man teaching it to the young elephants is caught giving the young male elephants a BJ.

  18. Judge Jewdy says:

    What if the baby is black?

  19. Aelfwyne says:

    My god, will she have to quit school now? Get a job?

    The real reasons why a 12 year old human shouldn’t have babies in today’s society have absolutely nothing to do with 9 year old elephants.

    Fact is, a mammal’s body knows when it reaches sexual age, and turns on the reproductive bits. That together with a medical examination (which I’m sure was done in this case) is all that really matters physically. The rest is social. A human at that young age wouldn’t be able to support a child, hasn’t finished her education, and isn’t cognitively able to make such a decision about the rest of her life. None of this applies to a bloody elephant.

    Get over it ya loons.

  20. Rider says:

    I pretty much had it with animal rights activists when I worked at a zoo. They do things like ask ice cream vendors detailed questions about the animals, they will flood the zoo asking every employee they see questions. They will then take all this information from people that have nothing to do with the animals compile it into a leaflet and present these as facts about what happens at the zoo. So literally next time you a re reading a Peta pamphlet presenting evidence about a zoo keep in mind the information maybe from the mentally challenged kid that the zoo took on to sweep up trash.

  21. Mister Cheez Whiz says:

    They should have practiced safe sex.

  22. ECA says:

    I want to see the SIZE of that condom..

  23. Mister Catshit says:

    #8, Ah-Yea,

    Well, let see what kind of “brain dead” reasoning you subscribed to.

    A) No argument,

    B) Half argument, she gets pregnant is true. Preserving the species is speculation. She has not birthed nor has she lived past the birthing process. If she or the calf die then there is no contribution to preserving the species.

    C) Insufficient evidence to support or argue this point.

    D) And what is your rational for claiming illogical reasoning? It has long been known that breeding animals at too young an age stresses the mother and often will result in a reduced lifespan and poor quality of life for the mother. If this is what the protesters are claiming then they do have a rational argument.

    E) Making the elephant wait would also allow the mother to continue to mature and thus increase the chance of survival for both herself and the calf. Those who place their faith in quantity over quality are more likely to face disappointment. The breeding program would be better served by the birth of healthy calves and strong healthy mothers.

    So these people are “kooks” because they have a different point of view. Geeze, your bigotry has now crossed over into elephant territory.

    Effan moran !!!


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