How to melt glass inside a microwave oven.

  1. nlnnet says:

    Some people have way too much time on their hands.

  2. tcc3 says:

    Or too many microwaves.

  3. Miguel Correia says:

    ahhh… the blisses of retired life… lolol… only a few more decades before that… lolol

  4. Mister Catshit says:

    Not only do some people have too much time on their hands, they do so irresponsibly. Forget the “Don’t try this at home kids”. This experiment was poorly done and dangerous as well. A serious accident waiting to happen.

    Hint. When there is a danger of exploding glass, use a face shield and vest. When handling hot items, wear insulated gloves. That these steps were not taken are evidence that the experimenter is NOT a professional. Not only is he playing at the limit of his intelligence, he is playing beyond his knowledge of science experimentation.

    I think I’ve seen this guy before try breaking boards which he lit with lighter fluid. That was a little worse than this though.

  5. Awake says:

    Candidates for the Darwin Award should perform this kind of experiments regularly.

  6. Esteban says:

    He cheated.

    If he’s going to claim that he can melt glass in the microwave, he should do it without a blowtorch.

  7. Miguel says:

    Well, the scientific explanation for microwaves being able to melt glass if a point was previously heated was kinda nice bit of trivia, but as #4 said, he didn’t protect himself well. Those protection goggles are not adequate for glass, and his whole face and upper body/hands were exposed to the possibility of a glass explosion. The guy could spend quite a few hours in a hospital getting all that molten/red hot glass off him. Dumb!

  8. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    #4 – There’s a limit to how fun something can be if it’s not dangerous. 😉

  9. Mister Catshit says:

    #8, MrButthead,

    Go jump off a bridge. All the other kids are doing it.

  10. KwazyKanuck says:

    Gasparrini that was a cool vid and educational in spite of the losers’ posts crying about safety and other bullshit…it IS called “unadvisable”! Jesus, what do you people need…a goofy warning label type caution?!? Cut the guy some slack for Christ’s sake…The danger level is obvious!

    Now, back to what this was intended for…

    Hey, Gasparrini…have you tried making your own glass from scratch in there? I saw it on TV…ingredients are something like borax, silica sand and a couple of other readily available ingredients…all done inside a small terra cotta planter. The effect was awesome, all crystally on the bottom.

    Anyway, cool vid!


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