• Newspapers forming a consortium to sell advertising. Sounds like anti-trust if you ask me. My take on this sort of thing including thoughts on the JOA.
  • Wal-Mart chooses Blu-ray.
  • More anti-XBOX 360 news. Where is this negative PR coming from?
  • Lenovo machine getting a lot of ink too.
  • Microsoft to use worm to install software patches? Har.
  • My Marketwatch column is up.
  • ZDNet says SaaS folks should use their own stuff.

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  1. John says:


    You need to get out into those “fly-over” states a bit more. Your comment about the impact of Walmart chosing Blu-ray is way off base. Here on Cape Cod, and maybe in SFO, it means nothing, but in most of the country it is a huge benchmark. Lots of people with money, who wouldn’t think of buying clothing, food, or furniture at Walmart, happily save money buying standardized stuff like shampoo, motor oil, SD cards, printer paper and, yes, DVDs at the Bentonville Bazaar.

    I enjoy your podcast and generally overlook your foolishness, but really, if you are going to be a pundit worth listening to you need to understand the marketplace. You have the contacts–ask them what fraction of DVDs Walmart sells in the 90 days after release. I don’t know what it is, but I’ll bet you a lobster it will be more than 20% of the total. And those customers may not have Armani suits, but a lot of them have large screen HD TVs.

    (I moved from the heartland to the elbow a couple of years ago. Before that I worked for a Fortune 25 manufacturer. Trust me, Walmart’s decisions move a ton of merchandise. This certainly means more than Amazon, Best Buy, or Circuit City making a move. Probably this is more important than any decision other than by a major studio.)

  2. MacBandit says:

    Walmart matters because they sell 40% of all DVDs in the US.

  3. JPV says:

    Anti-trust? Pfffftttt…

    If you haven’t noticed, the government long ago stop caring about upholding anti-trust laws.

  4. Mister Mac says:

    The only problem with Lenovo is that it won’t run OS X.

    Xbox failure rate is atrocious.

  5. keane-o says:

    #4 +1

  6. Rick Cain says:

    Why can’t Microsoft just fix the XBox design and be done with it?


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