James Pickett

Investigators say they were definitely going to rob him – possibly even kill him. But an 80-year-old North Texan wasn’t about to let that happen, so he took action.

One of the suspects is in the hospital and both are facing charges. Two men obviously thought James Pickett, 80, was an easy target when they showed up at his home on Saturday with a knife. “He just came through that door, stabbing and beating,” said Pickett. Captain Clint Pullin said it looked as though the men wanted to kill him.

But before you worry too much about Pickett, learn a bit more about him. He’s a WWII veteran, former firefighter and lifelong John Wayne devotee. In short, even at 80, he is someone you just don’t mess with. What the men didn’t know is Picket had taken a pistol and put it in his pocket before opening the door. “He jumped and turned and I shot him,” Picket said. The two brothers, Paul and Holden Perry, ran but didn’t get far before calling an ambulance. A bullet just missed Paul Perry’s spine.

“The only problem was I run out of bullets,” Picket said. A neighbor describes Picket as a “hero.”

Since it looks like the gun control issue will heat up again, I thought I would post an opposing viewpoint.

  1. moss says:

    Why think this portrays an “opposing” view?

    I’m an occasional hunter. I own firearms designed for hunting. I own firearms designed for home and personal defense. I’m also in favor of a number of proposed regulations designed for gun control.

    I have as little reason to trust our government as anyone who’s ever challenged that authority. That makes me willing to assume the responsibility for pressing my elected representatives to produce useful legislation – and fight for equitable enforcement.

    Over the counter handguns in my state are sold without even recording the serial number of the gun. Or who made the purchase – other than federal approval of someone’s name at the time of sale.

    So much for responsible states’ rights.

  2. keane-o says:

    Uh, is there a link to the story?

  3. McCullough says:

    #2. Ooops, sorry.

  4. Mister Catshit says:

    As someone in favor of gun control I can honestly say that this is one of the few times that this is self defense. While I commend the man for defending himself, I don’t think he should be held up as an everyday, routine, common occurrence.

    Statistics show that weapons kept for self defense are much more likely to harm the owner or someone else in the house. When stolen they are much more likely to end up being used in a crime. When needed, they are seldom handy or loaded.

    What was glossed over in the story is that he emptied his gun. So, if he had even a five shot revolver and only hit one intruder, once, then what happened to the bullets that missed?

    But, as they say, this specific case was a good shoot.

  5. jbenson2 says:

    #4 said: Statistics show that weapons kept for self defense are much more likely to harm the owner or someone else in the house.

    Much more likely? Cite your sources, sir.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – What? Again? Haven’t those stats been beat to death enough already?

    It’s long been proven that guns do not increase our safety and in fact may increase danger (for those who misuse or mishandle them). What I have been saying is that gun control will not increase our safety either. I say its a wash, so let gun nuts have guns and let anti-gun nuts not have guns.

    But my thing is, why is this guy a hero? He shot some guys, who were attacking him, so he defended himself as he had every right to. But that isn’t what I think makes a hero. That’s just a guy taking care of himself and/or his family.

  7. natefrog says:

    #0, McCullough;

    As posted in the other thread, there are mitigating factors:

    He’s a WWII veteran, former firefighter…

    This guy is much different than the average citizen. He’s likely cooler under pressure and better trained in firearms.

  8. McCullough says:

    #6. I will agree with you, if you stop using the term gun-nuts, or anti-gun nuts. Neither one is particularly accurate. Although, sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I dont?

  9. Phillep says:

    Moss, I used to work in a gun store. Any store that sells guns without recording the serial number on the paperwork is in violation of a number of laws and regulations. You might not see the make, model, and serial number get recorded, but it certainly does.

    Keller admitted that his studies were flawed, that his survey was suffered a sampling bias.

    “When needed, they are seldom handy or loaded”?

    Well, that’s why I’ve long argued that hand guns should be carried in the home, and that relying on long guns for home defense was idiotic.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    Yeah, everyone should have easy access to guns.

  11. Lou Minatti says:

    Good for Mr. Pickett.

    Here’s my take: I like background checks. I like mandatory firearms training. I am a big fan of the concealed handgun permit system we have in Texas. I think that if you are a law-abiding citizen, you should be able to own a handgun. Period. With certain conditions to make it at least more difficult for society’s douches to acquire one.

  12. Seth says:

    According to the following URL


    80% of guns used in crimes come from family, friends, a street buy, or an illegal source.

    This seems kinda vague. How can the lump friends and family together? Couldn’t find a better source for this data though.

    Outlawing guns is stupidity. They are weapons and can hurt you but only if used in that way. The same can be said for knives, gasoline, poison, a brick, and so on.

    People who want to get rid of guns are just looking for an easy answer. You get rid of guns, you start seeing knife violence increase. The real solution is to stop people from wanting to kill each other in the first place.

    Also interesting, 66% of murders are from firearms

    source: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/weapons.htm

  13. jbenson2 says:

    #6 said: It’s long been proven that guns do not increase our safety and in fact may increase danger

    No, you are wrong. They tried to say they same thing here in Minnesota when we implemented the conceal and carry law.

    Guess what? One year after the law wss in place, the number of deaths and injuries due to guns went down.

  14. Seth says:

    Crap, I meant how can they lump illegal sources and friends/family together.

  15. natefrog says:


    Got proof?

    …Which doesn’t necessarily mean anything, anyway. If the crime rate was falling before concealed carry, that doesn’t mean concealed carry helped.

  16. jbenson2 says:

    #12 – Interesting charts.

    “Gun-involved incidents increased sharply in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s before falling to a low in 1999.”

  17. jbenson2 says:

    #15 – Proof?

    The proof is easy. I am saying the anti-gun folks were flat out wrong when they were screaming about the rampant increased crime in the streets before the law was put in place. What they said was a lie.

    The actual results were (and continue to be) safer living conditions.

  18. B. Dog says:

    If you join the NRA, they’ll send you the American Rifleman magazine if you want it. Every issue has several of these self defense stories. It’s good reading.

  19. natefrog says:


    Proof. Not your word. Proof. Got statistics? Anything?


    I’d wager next month’s salary that far more people have successfully defended themselves with knowledge of martial arts than guns.

  20. tchamp2 says:

    #19 — as to proof — the fact that the Brady gun-banners have said in Florida and countless other states that concealed carry would lead to, quoting here “shootouts in the street like at the ok corral” – I only need proof that it hasn’t happened.

    Also — notice here http://licgweb.doacs.state.fl.us/stats/cw_monthly.html

    How although 1.3 Million permits have been issued in Florida since the late 80’s, only 3, 416 have ever been revoked for crimes committed. That’s a 0.2% rate. Seems pretty safe to let law abiders carry a gun.

    As to your inane statement — although I like Chuck Norris, even he’ll tell you that a gun prevents a lot more attacks than some kung-fu.

  21. Colonel Panic says:

    #19. Martial Arts? Thats a joke, right? I am laughing my ass off.

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 – #6. I will agree with you, if you stop using the term gun-nuts, or anti-gun nuts. Neither one is particularly accurate. Although, sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I dont?

    I know a helluva lot of people who own guns. Many are military or ex-military or cops, and many more are just private citizens. I also know a lot of non-gun owners too.

    I know some people who own guns and don’t make an issue of it. I know plenty who don’t own and it never comes up.

    I know a few who are rabid “gun-nuts” who prattle on and on about how guns are the last hope of salvation, and I know a few “anti-gun nuts” whose irrational fear of guns leads them to blame guns for every societal tragedy.

    In the venn diagram of all these people, the very vocal ones on either side are actually a pretty small group, and that is who I mean when I say “nut.”

    I believe that most of us are just people with varying views on guns.

    So please, forgive me for sounding like I’m painting with such broad strokes. I’m really not.

  23. OvenMaster says:

    You just know that the two robbers are going to sue Mr. Pickett for assault and attempted murder… and more than likely win their case. This is the litigious USA, remember.

  24. McCullough says:

    #22. Forgiven. Its just too easy with an explosive topic like this, to use generalities, which I believe harms the discussion. Certainly, not a black/white issue. And I do believe in responsible gun ownership as any sane person would. Which means gun control in some form.

  25. Les says:

    #1 said: Over the counter handguns in my state are sold without even recording the serial number of the gun. Or who made the purchase – other than federal approval of someone’s name at the time of sale.

    Yeah, I think the BATF would dissagre with you on that one. ATF Form 4473 Section D (A Federal form) requires the serial number to be recorded for each gun sold by a gun dealer. In addition, the BATF requires the dealer to keep a bound book of all transactions.

  26. Tech_1 says:

    23.000 gun laws, none work.

    Guns, as well as politics, only take on the personality of the beholder.

  27. natefrog says:


    That’s a bs statistic. How many guns overall are ever involved in crimes? How many cars are ever in wrecks? Hell, how many bats hit home runs?

    Show some stats or shut up.


    Not a joke. Prove me wrong. Many people don’t need a gun to inflate their manhood.

  28. Mister Catshit says:

    #27, Nate,

    Not a joke. Prove me wrong. Many people don’t need a gun to inflate their manhood. Very true. Some, like Colonel Panic’s sister, Major Disaster, can inflate his manhood without a gun.


    So I’m still wondering. What ever happened to the other bullets? If one of those bullets had accidentally injured or even killed another person across the street, what would we be discussing?

  29. OmarTheAlien says:

    I don’t allow guns in my home, as I know the damage they can do (it’s a Vietnam thing), but I do keep a ball bat under the bed and the carving knives stay handy.

  30. TimW077 says:

    Gun control means using two hands. If people didn’t have irrational fear of guns, and gun safety and handling in schools, then there would probably be fewer accidental shootings.

    An armed society is a polite society. 😉

    Dead home invaders don’t invade others homes.

    Way to go James.


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