James Pickett

Investigators say they were definitely going to rob him – possibly even kill him. But an 80-year-old North Texan wasn’t about to let that happen, so he took action.

One of the suspects is in the hospital and both are facing charges. Two men obviously thought James Pickett, 80, was an easy target when they showed up at his home on Saturday with a knife. “He just came through that door, stabbing and beating,” said Pickett. Captain Clint Pullin said it looked as though the men wanted to kill him.

But before you worry too much about Pickett, learn a bit more about him. He’s a WWII veteran, former firefighter and lifelong John Wayne devotee. In short, even at 80, he is someone you just don’t mess with. What the men didn’t know is Picket had taken a pistol and put it in his pocket before opening the door. “He jumped and turned and I shot him,” Picket said. The two brothers, Paul and Holden Perry, ran but didn’t get far before calling an ambulance. A bullet just missed Paul Perry’s spine.

“The only problem was I run out of bullets,” Picket said. A neighbor describes Picket as a “hero.”

Since it looks like the gun control issue will heat up again, I thought I would post an opposing viewpoint.

  1. NappyHeadedHo says:

    If he had better “gun control” he wouldn’t have run out of bullets.

  2. DBR says:

    “An armed society is a polite society.”

    Stupid Heinlein drivel. What does that guy back there say to every post? “Prove it”? Prove it. Plenty of guns in Bosnia,
    Lebanon, our border drug towns. Are they particularly polite? A lot of politesse in the African warlord villages?

    The only thing you can rationally say is that an armed society has lots of guns.

  3. Angus says:

    My only comment is that law abiding citizens have every right to defend themselves inside their own house with a gun, baseball bat, or their own bare hands. Anything law that would change that is morally wrong.

    Why do gun control laws target law abiding citizens? it’s because they are the only ones that will follow the laws. Criminals already have made that moral decision, what is one more crime?

  4. BdgBill says:

    I am disapointed in Mr. Pickett. You would think a veteran would have gotten two head shots.

  5. bobbo says:

    I’d like to take issue with the OP’s position that this story is “an opposing viewpoint.” Perhaps it only highlights what “the issue” is?

    If the question is do guns ever save lives? Then the answer is of course they do, which is why that question is never asked.

    should America institute greater gun controls? I would say yes because over time people will be safer in their homes, on the streets, in their schools==all as most comparisons to other western societies show. For THAT question, this story is irrelevant and does not provide an opposing view.

    But because it is valid for a different question, it is often trotted out, as done here.

  6. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    If proper gun training were a required part of the education system, beginning in grade school, you wouldn’t see the accidents.

  7. Mister Catshit says:

    #35, bobbo,

    Well put.

    I don’t favor banning all guns. That would be silly. There is nothing wrong with firearms used for hunting. Certain weapons though are designed solely to kill. Those are the ones that should be banned from civilian use.

    Given the choice of meeting someone with criminal intent, I would much rather try to outrun a baseball bat than a handgun.

  8. savantish says:

    Legal gun ownership directly leads to decreased crime. A number of large studies back that point up.



  9. bobbo says:

    #38–yes, but only in an environment where guns are generally available. That makes the GOUSA the very worst control group.

    Compare death by guns in GOUSA with societies where guns are not available then you are making the sane choice.

  10. savantish says:

    #39 – Have you experienced the relative peace and tranquility of Liverpool?

  11. Phillep says:

    Heheh, no one spotted my goof about Keller and Kellerman? Though CS would be all over that one. Does anyone have a link to his two studies?

    Nate, you have some proving to do about guns increasing violence. That’s a numbers thing, dig them out and show them.

    However, you are partially right, most men do not need guns to inflate their manhood. The only ones that seem to are trying to get them banned. (That’s the sort of thing that makes me glad I don’t know your sexual fantasies, boy.)

  12. bobbo says:

    #40–savatish==I have spent 24hrs in Liverpool. Had a good time throwing darts. And the actual facts, whatever they might be, good or bad, of one town means what?

  13. Phillep says:

    The bit about him being a WWII vet, an ex fireman, and a John Wayne fan was supposed to draw sneers. “John Wane fan”? LOL

    Why are criminals and cops the only ones who are supposed to be able to keep their cool under pressure?

  14. patrick says:

    “You just know that the two robbers are going to sue Mr. Pickett for assault and attempted murder… and more than likely win their case. This is the litigious USA, remember.”

    Luckily, in Texas you can defend your home without worrying too much about this..

  15. natefrog says:

    #38, savantish;

    Stop trotting Lott about as your savior of gun stats. His work has been roundly discredited in academic circles.

  16. Steve S says:

    Heck in Texas, you can even defend someone else’s home, with deadly force, after the crime has taken place, and still not worry too much about it. Just ask Joe Horn.

  17. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    #40 – savantish

    “Have you experienced the relative peace and tranquility of Liverpool?”

    That is truly rich; I wish I had said it… 🙂

  18. Phillep says:

    Nate, cite on Lott being discredited. The actual work, not the second hand stuff.

  19. Mister Catshit says:

    #38, Savantish,

    Where are these studies? Your links point to two opinion pieces. If I wanted opinion, I can just listen to all the ill informed wing nuts here.

  20. Mister Catshit says:

    #48, Philleep,

    Here we go again.

    Instead of backing up an untenable position, you scream for your opponent to produce evidence. Lott is a hack who published poorly researched, bad statistics, and preconcieved answers as a way to gain favor with his pre-stated position.

    You don’t like that? Too bad. Prove it wrong for once. No, don’t cite some opinion piece. Cite some facts that demonstrate that Lott’s gun statistics are correct. If he was so right, that shouldn’t be difficult.

  21. Savantish says:

    #49, Mr. Catshit,

    I don’t waste too much time trying to prove the obvious. If you’re truly interested in taking an objective look, the book in the first link provides all the citations you need. Otherwise, just believe whatever you want.

  22. marti says:

    From my personal observation I feel that the Press nor the Media should not have made Public THEIR OPINIONS regarding these two young men… Incidently… Wasn’t one of the brothers shot in the back IN AN ATTEMPT TO GET AWAY FROM HIS ATTAKER! Unfortunately Mr. Pickett does not know that “John Wayne” never did shoot ANYONE IN THEIR BACK!

    My Father was a WWII Veteran, as well as he fought in the Korean War, but despite the disposition he maintained, I never, under any circumstances saw him resort to guns being in our home.

    I simply do not understand why the News Media and the arresting Officer Rose has continued to Pre-judge and condemn these two young men to Hell without knowing the truth from their perspective! How will they ever get a fair trial in Hood County or in fact anywhere in Texas since their purported crimes have been condoned by the ivestigators of the case, as well as the News Media?


    Curious Lady

  23. Did John Wayne shoot anyone in their back as Mr. Pickett did? Two Major Wars never did create in my Dad nor any other Veteran of the United States Armed Forces that I have known throughout my lifetime, a desire to shoot anyone… How could anyone in his position shoot a young man in the back?

    The news Media needs to learn ALL of the FACTS before condemning these two young men to Hell.
    How will they ever get a fair trial anywhere in the State of Texas.

    Curious Lady

  24. cancan18 says:

    You know those boys are not bad boys if you looked into more in there life you would know they where under some stuff that they stole from there mother an that old man il a lier.

  25. waffles says:

    I’m just gonna say I’m 16 and iv shot plenty of shotgun and rifle its only a good idea if you know what your doing iv never missed with a rifle EVER and my granny said when she was a student in highschool they had gun racks for students in the class there wasn’t any crazy school shootings or.heavy crime rate then now look more control more crime I know a guy who’s sons car was heavaly searched looking for a bomb cause his dad left a few EMPTY shotgun rounds in the bed of the truck again 16 never missed my mark I’m from texas

  26. waffles says:

    Ohh and in texas tresspasing is reson enuff to pull out a gun think gran torino with clint eastwood (another great actor) now don’t get me wrong
    We don’t shoot girl scout selling cookies or boy scout selling popcorn………….. Mabey cock the gun to get rid of the door to door guy(just joking by the way) be sides we have chuck norris any way you don’t hear on the news “another count of 15 people were killed for walking on some guys lawn ” no cause. Its texas and. If you post study texas law first please I’m reading post from californicators and new yorkers and I’m cracken up

  27. waffle says:

    Also he was a ww2 vet that enuff to make him a hero (expecaly in texas)but a fire fighter to!!! Wow I solute him so lay off once uve fought a war and fire lived to be 80 and are about to be robed then u can bitch all you want. But in texas we suport ower forces expecoly world war
    In a single battle 600 young men stormed a beach 12 made it alive I remember that story not cause I know one of the 12 but because a ex spec ops told me that he fought desert sheld and for those of you fucktards that don’t know what that is that was the start of iraq 1000s of troops were deployed he was already there watch the movie jar head he foght that war and was already experienced
    Whene that happend. So i urge you to watch that movie only cause whene he watches that movie then steps out for a smoke I go out with him not to smoke but to hear him tell me a story that would make you so shocked that that you arnt shure if u got struck by lightning
    Or …. I think every time of that freind of mine walking down memory lane from hell and telling me those storysthat tv can’t show you or the enternet I didn’t believe it mostly cause I wanted to supress the truth then these story kept coming and coming and I wanted to wish that they wernt true now I’m no wimp I can gut any thing from a fish to a deer without a problem and so can my freind


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