• Cripes, when will the Microsoft-Yahoo story ever end? Now it looks as if Fox/Murdoch is getting into the act.
  • Microsoft has a search engine better than Google? So what, they do not have enough bots!
  • Looks like fired Yahoo workers are blogging about it.
  • SCO does last ditch layoff.
  • Look out for malicious valentines.
  • Best add-ins for IE. Bad news for Motorola.

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  1. Lou Minatti says:

    I like that idea a lot more than Microsoft. Murdoch gets media. And he gets it pretty well for an old man. Bill Gates and Steve “Young Frankenstein” Ballmer don’t get it and they never will.

  2. Lou Bix says:

    If Yahoo thought the MS deal sucked.Wait until they get a load of Rupert M.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    The best add-in for IE…Firefox!

  4. GRtak says:

    Where is the volume control? It is really annoying to have to change my main volume.

    As always thanks for the info.

  5. DeLeMa says:

    SO, Apple’s gone and so goes Motorola ? Sad..

  6. JimD says:

    Yahoo can hardly be “Saved” from M$ by being bought by the Corp that promotes Dildo O’Liely !!!

    The thought makes me SHUDDER and resolve to not even TOUCH YAHOO if it is aquired by News Corp !!!

  7. Rick Cain says:

    Fox News on our desktop! Fox News Toolbar! Fox News branded browser! Fox News ads in your mail!
    Fox News targeted advertiser notifications!

    What a great idea, yahoo users will love this!


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