1. Ben says:

    I thought a quadriplegic did not have use of their arms? Isn’t he paraplegic?

  2. TIHZ_HO says:

    He’s a Bi-cyclops!


  3. sam says:

    The black should be in prison it is a felony to assault someone who is disabled! The white guy laughing should be Fired!

  4. TatooYou says:

    Funny as a rubber crutch!

    Affirmative action in all it’s glory.

  5. Race Card says:

    If it were a white cop and a black victim,
    then there be a riot…

    There are no good cops.

  6. god says:

    #5 – white cop and black victim – would be accepted as “normal”.

    Fortunately, there are plenty of good cops. They just never get to be in charge.

  7. Pierre Larsen says:

    That is one very disturbing video. These people are not only walking around free but they are police officers? Unbelievable!

    To recruiters looking for guards for SS death camps: You have your pick in that police department…

  8. Calin says:

    I watched an interview with this guy this morning. He referred to himself as a quadriplegic. He said he has no feeling from his chest down. My wife (a nurse) tells me that’s right. The medical definitions of quadriplegic vs paraplegic has to do with where the injury or blockage occurs on the spine, not necessarily which limbs can be controlled.

    I was thinking quadra- vs para- was a function of number of limbs. However, it seems I’m wrong.

  9. rectagon says:

    He does have limited use of his arms… thusly… quad.

  10. Mister Catshit says:

    #8, Calin,

    My wife, also a nurse, explained that it is the degree of use that determines the disability. In this case the victim might have had minor use of his hands but little use of his arms. That would qualify as a quadriplegic. If he had full use of his arms and hands, then he would be a paraplegic. Apparently he has sufficient use of his hands to drive a hand control vehicle, but not enough to propel a wheel chair.

    All that aside, the man is confined to a wheelchair. To just dump him on the ground with no regard to any injury is reckless at a minimum and rising to aggravated assault because of the indifference shown. The way she moved the body would only aggravate any injury. Why this woman has not been charged with felony is beyond me. The supervisors should also be charged as willing conspirators since they did nothing to halt the incident.

    As for the Sheriff not knowing what happened, that does not surprise me. The lower supervisors apparently made no report on the incident but must be held accountable. These deputies have just cost the Hillsboro Sheriff’s Department several deputies salaries for a year. Hopefully their’s.

  11. Al says:

    I guess it’s back to McD’s or welfare for that b.

  12. Calin says:


    By no means is my statement to imply that I’m supporting the cops in this incident. I was merely providing clarification on the use of the word quadriplegic. I don’t care if the guy has a broke leg and in a wheelchair…that officer had no reason to dump him in the floor like that.

    This guy’s lawyer is calling for felony assault charges. I hope they throw the book at this cop.

    I also agree with some of the above posters. If you reverse the races, we would have riots in the streets.

  13. Ic Dead ppl says:

    #6 Fortunately, there are plenty of good cops.”

    oh, the dead ones?-)

  14. Ic Dead ppl says:

    [Duplicate comment. – Deleted. – ed.]

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    It sure looks to me that if you want to be a police officer, Florida is the place! Not much in the way of screening and no need for an IQ above 60!

    I has to sound racist, I’m really not. But the answer to #10 is because this she is black and he is white. If her police department brought charges, well just watch for Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton on CNN defending her actions because “she is an oppressed minority acting out against her oppressor! She could not continue to suppress her rage! Etc..” and other crapola like that.

    Not to get on my high horse, but I see one of the primary reasons America is going to hell in a handbasket is because people like Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and all other apologist -white, black, red, and otherwise- preach the gospel of blame and irresponsibility.

    No it’s not your fault you robbed that liquor store, it’s big business’s fault because they wouldn’t hire your illiterate ass! No, it’s not your fault that you didn’t take advantage of the excellent education opportunities available to all of us, it’s because you are oppressed! We all know the drill…

    I prefer to live my life with the realization that I am the result of what actions I have taken. Yes, inequality does exist, and yes, people do bad things to other people. But no! I do not have to pity myself and I can become who I want to be!

    Now if we can get the apologist to preach this positive message, we would all live in a much better world. I also believe they will never preach this positive message because they would all be out of a job.

  16. Ah_Yea says:

    I meant to say that I hate to sound racist. I’m not.

    Also, there are plenty of good cops and I am happy to say I know a few. Most of these cops do their jobs because they know they are doing something important. I know I couldn’t be a cop. How many of us could? I also know that when a cop gets busted for being a crook or a bully, that most other cops feel the same way we do about them and are happy to see them go.

  17. bobbo says:

    Ah-Yea==how can anyone tell how honest the cops are==whether as a whole, or those you have met?

    Please respond back if you have anything either way?

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    I don’t believe there is any real good independent way to tell the difference. I only know a few of them personally and find them to be decent people.

    They do relate that where they work the bad apples are few and far in between, and usually get ousted from the force when they receive numerous complaints.

    This is the best way to weed out the bad cops. Complain (or even better, video). Ultimately those cops who get the most complaints get busted down or thrown out.

    It’s not so much that the police departments care about what we think, it’s a liability issue. If a cop has received 10 complaints without appropriate disciplinary action, and gets sued on his 11th, then the whole department is on the hook. Destroying or hiding his history from the judge is also a huge no-no. Lawyers have their ways of finding out and that would result in big jail time for the cop and a huge shakeup in the department.

  19. bobbo says:

    18–Ah Yea==you claim the few you have met are decent people. I say again, how do you know? Did you do ride alongs? Did you question them closely on hypotheticals? Did you review their jackets? No, NO, and No.

    Anybody can be pleasing when required in a non-threatening environment.

    If you agree there is no real way to know, don’t go ahead and think, post, feel just the opposite. “Just sayin.”

  20. Mister Catshit says:

    #12, Calin,

    Understood and I apologize if I left any other impression. I was passing on my wife’s interpretation of quadriplegic.

  21. Mister Catshit says:

    #15, Ah Yea,

    For someone that doesn’t want to sound racist, you sure the hell do. A cop dumped him on the floor. Her supervisors were white and are also suspended. There is no need to get off on some tangent about what “AL” or some other person would do and how that makes them part of the problem.

    I don’t give a rat’s ass what color any of them are. It is the people like YOU that still deny people may have a job without their skin color being a factor that are the problem. Go ahead, use you white sheet to add a little more “whiteness” to your color.

    Ass wipe.

  22. Ballenger says:

    Along with the video in this posting, I happened to also see this one earlier.

    Warning, turn down your audio volume.


    It looks like in both cases those involved were aware that the events were being recorded. These were all people that may or may not be Mensa meeting regulars, but there is no question they would have some clue that, if say Mike Wallace, was standing in the room, they might have a problem. Still, they went about their business as if they believed there was no need to operate within reasonable guidelines. It’s hard to conclude anything other than they expected to get away with their actions.

  23. Cursor_ says:

    And once more I say:

    Police are all sociopaths. It is required to get the job.


  24. DeLeMa says:

    Don’t know if my experiences are representative of all police, everywhere..but..I thought I saw someone ask for my opinion ?
    I worked in and with a small town poice dept. for a couple of years (not as an officer) and my OBSERVATIONS seemd to indicate those officers with more than 5 (or so, I’ll never let you pin me down !!)
    years of experience had gained a mixture of arrogance and fear towards the general populace. I did not ever OBSERVE these attitudes affecting their job performance…when they stayed within dept. rules and regs. kwim ???

  25. Ah_Yea says:

    So according to you, bobbo, all cops are bad. What world do you live in? Prove your assertion. Prove that all cops are bad, and if they are then show me.

    Can’t you understand that most policemen can be regular people too, or are you too broken to see the obvious that if all cops are as you allude, that our society would already be shattered?

    Grow up.

    Ok now for you Catshit, defend your assertions. The essence of my commentary was -since you apparently missed it- that a climate of irresponsibility has been created by the likes of Al Sharpton.

    “Sharpton’s critics describe him as “a political radical who is to blame, in part, for the deterioration of race relations”. Conservative David Horowitz has called Sharpton an “anti-Semitic racist”, sociologist Orlando Patterson has referred to him as a racial arsonist, and liberal newspaper columnist Derrick Z. Jackson has called him the black equivalent of Richard Nixon and Pat Robertson.[Taylor, Clarence (2002). Black Religious Intellectuals: The Fight for Equality from Jim Crow to the 21st Century. New York: Routledge]

    How about the Crown Heights Riot or Freddie’s Fashion Mart protest or Duke lacrosse or when “Sharpton, who arranged a rally in Crown Heights after Cato’s death, has been seen by some commentators as inflaming tensions by making remarks that included “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house” and referring to Jews as “diamond merchants.” or “Sharpton, Maddox, and Mason accused the Dutchess County prosecutor, Steven Pagones, of racism and of being one of the perpetrators of the alleged abduction and rape. The three were successfully sued for slander and ordered to pay $345,000 in damages, the jury finding Sharpton liable for making seven defamatory statements about Pagones, Maddox for two, and Mason for one.”

    Sharpton, no matter how he started, has become an opportunist along with his mentor, Jessie Jackson.

    I believe all people are basically the same, whether they are in America, Britian, China, Iraq, or whatever universe you live in. What creates oppression and suffering is when one group demeans and subjegates another. What is worse is when individuals create and stoke the fires of racial hatred for their own self interest. Racism is learned. Sharpton and Jackson are teaching it. Sharpton and Jackson have become media clowns for their own self interest.

    Unlearn your racism and you will be a much better and less bitter person.

  26. NappyHeadedHo says:

    The other knee grow was putting on rubber gloves, were they going to do an anal probe on this guy? Good thing this wasn’t a white pushing a black out of the wheelchair, they would have been rioting and getting some new TVs.

  27. bobbo says:

    #25–Ah Yea===all I said was “How do you know.” YOU are bouncing around from they are good to I think they are all bad. Whats wrong with saying you don’t know? Its pretty obvious there is NO WAY you could know, so just admit it. Your ad hoc experiences are no more valid than anyone elses. They aren’t even “evidence.”

    I have been cheated by about 50% of any repair person I have dealt with for my car or my house. Do I have any idea what percentage of repair people are honest/dishonest? No. I’ve met some on both sides. Same with cops.

    Everything you post is false attribution to me. Read my post again and check what I say and stop putting words never said into my mouth. Sleepy?

  28. Ah_Yea says:

    bobbo, I apologize. I misread your statements and I am sorry for that. I need to get off my meds.

    I agree with your statement above.


  29. bobbo says:

    #28–Its the blue pill at night, and the red pill in the morning. Or was it the other way around? (White Rabbit playing in my head right now.”)

    Keep the good stuff coming.

  30. Mister Catshit says:

    #25, Ah Yea,

    Ok now for you Catshit, defend your assertions. The essence of my commentary was -since you apparently missed it- that a climate of irresponsibility has been created by the likes of Al Sharpton.

    Sharpton has nothing to do with this. To the best of my knowledge, he hasn’t even commented on it. So why drag him into it and turn this into a “black versus white” thing? Quoting a bunch of equally asshole types doesn’t matter. I could say that each one of them was just as much of the problem. And probably more so.

    You want to discuss the Duke Lacrosse case? 98% of the country pegged them as guilty once the accusation was made. Want to know something else? Anytime the police or DA say they have the (ahem) “accused” in custody, 95% of the people will automatically think they got the right person. They don’t need any stinking trial, the police don’t make fucking mistakes. When a person accuses the police of misconduct, especially around here, the assumption is the same. We like to take people at their word and they wouldn’t say something if it wasn’t true.

    Now, how about the Vice-President visiting a private shooting club which displays the Confederate Battle flag. Was that stirring the pot because Sharpton raised the issue?

    When Florida stopped blacks from voting, was Sharpton wrong to make that an issue?

    When black students were charged with “attempted murder” for fighting while whites who taunted the blacks were cheered, was Sharpton wrong to make that an issue?

    When the President says he doesn’t care how many people get killed in Iraq, is Sharpton wrong to make that an issue?

    When Sharpton calls for more stringent background checks before selling firearms, is he wrong to make that an issue?

    If a child is bitten by a rat because some slum landlord won’t fix the building, is Sharpton wrong to make that an issue?

    You want to call Sharpton an opportunist. That is fair. What isn’t fair, believe it or not, was allowing the Pagones matter to go to trial. Pagones is a public figure and thus beyond the right to complain. As the DA he can’t be sued, nor can he sue for damages. How that got past I don’t know and a 20 yr/old case isn’t worth the time.

    But then I guess all those “critics” you mentioned are also opportunists too. Hey, how many of those FOX boys ever apologize for ANYTHING? Has O’Reilly apologized for saying the homeless veterans are homeless by choice? Has Hannity apologized for blaming Clinton for 9/11? Has Ann Colture ever apologized for anything she has said to fan the flames? Has any FOX person ever apologized for laughing at Colture’s remarks?

    And Rush Limbaugh. What more needs to be said.

    You are just some effen low brow white sheeted bigot pretending that you’re so much better than others. Sorry ass wipe, you can’t hide those brown stains on your white sheets. Your pretending that whatever Sharpton says will be wrong is right off the map. I don’t know what he would say and I won’t try to guess. The facts remain as they are.


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