1. Judge Jewdy says:

    #30 – Catshit, after reading your response – hell, I kinda like Al!

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Catshit, (the name fits..)

    You have some serious anger issues!

  3. Mister Catshit says:

    #32, T-P,

    You think that affirmative action doesn’t have consequences? Look at the results of giving jobs to unqualified candidates has done to the most vulnerable people in our society!

    No unqualified person should ever be “given” a job. By the same token, qualified candidates should not be disqualified simply because they aren’t part of the majority. All people should be given the same opportunity to be hired. They should also be given the same opportunity to do Government work.

    How does one prove hiring discrimination? Do we need the employer to write it down that the person wasn’t hired because they were the wrong color/sex/religion? Or may statistics be used to demonstrate that systemic hiring patterns discriminate against minorities?

    How about when tests have been done where equally qualified blacks and whites are interviewed? Or even when a less qualified white is hired before a black?

    Hiring an unqualified person and affirmative action are not mutually inclusive. As I pointed out before, her three WHITE supervisors seemed to approve of the incident. Most of the Police Brutality cases involve white cops on black citizens. Maybe a lot of blacks would like to see more affirmative action.

    So please, Oh Enlightened One, explain how this Deputy, who we don’t even know if she was qualified or not or how or under what circumstances she was hired, and is only ¼ of the Deputies under suspension, becomes your showcase for Affirmative Action gone wrong.

    Now, please explain what affirmative action has done to the most vulnerable in society. I expect some nonsensical ramblings from a bigot all about being “PC”, BUT I will hold an open mind that you may actually post something intelligent.

  4. preppyboyofIL says:

    If those cops were white and the man in the wheel chair was black, then both the cops would have already been fired, Jesse would be down there organizing marches, there would be rioting in the streets, but since the officers are black, they get a little vacation. TOTALLY UNFAIR!

  5. Mister Catshit says:

    #35, preppy,

    If those cops were white and the man in the wheel chair was black

    IF can be a big word. Such as IF you had any intelligence. Or IF you had any testicles. Or IF you didn’t wear frilly undies. Or IF your mother had any kids that lived. Ooooppps, so your sister is an only child.

    Well, the end result is the deputy that tipped the wheel chair is black and the supervisors were all white. Now, make that fit into your bigoted little whine. That isn’t an IF.

    Geeze, where do all these illiterate morans come from.

  6. I too believe affirmative action speaks volumes about the aitidudes of the officials in Hillsboro County. More importantly is the mere fact anyone, police officier or public member, who feels the use of any dangerous conduct can be a beneficial tool in controlling any human. I was always taught to not only show respect to ANY officier, but THEY were here to Protect and Serve, not to inflict injury or abuse on us, THE PUBLIC. (Innocent, until proven guilty . . . THE LAST I HEARD)


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