This is ridiculous. A number of things immediately come to mind. First of all is this a cop or a meter maid? Look at his car and outfit. Also did he not notice the guy recording all this? What kind of a cop is so unaware?

found by Eddie

  1. ECA says:

    Peace officer?

    1 gets pissed the OTHER avoids what causes the problem.

    EVER WONDER the difference?

    If you DONT bother/pay attention to it….AND something happens….YOU AINT LIABLE.
    Peace officer finds a SOLUTION, insted of MAKING THE PROBLEM

  2. Grimbo says:

    “This is one of the reasons why some people in the UK are ok about CCTV”

    Absolutely – I am in the UK and I have nothing to hide and nothing to fear from CCTV.

    If however, it catches one villain or deters one crime then it has served me well.

  3. Rick says:

    Bad example of what happens when kids behaving like kids interact with an adult acting like a kid. This will leave a scar and a bad taste in these kids’ mouths for a long time.

    Unfortunately this is not unique, I’ve personally witnessed the Philadelphia, PA police behaving just as badly towards a recreational bicyclist (not me, fortunately) on the Kelly Drive. I was stunned.

    It’s easy to shrug off something like this, thinking the smart-ass kids had it coming to them, until you witness it first hand and see how easily professional policemen can fly into an unprovoked rage. It’s scary.

    Yes, cops are human, too. But if you can’t control your emotions, you need to look for another line of work.

  4. Miguel says:

    The bro didn’t have a Taser!

  5. Ranger007 says:

    He has a future at Homeland Security – making Americans feel “safer”

  6. TatooYou says:

    Looks like Officer Rivieri is gonna end up living in a van, down by the river!

  7. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    I think it’d be nice if Ossifer Rivieri could be persuaded to give a blood sample. His behavior is, as they say in legal circles, ‘consistent with’ ‘roid rage.

  8. DarthVCDr says:

    I have a couple of reactions to this video.
    First, obviously we didn’t see the lead in to this incident, but judging by what the “officer” is saying before jumping into his own daddy issues and threatening time in “juvey”, it’s as simple as kids skateboarding where they’re not supposed to, kid with headphones on doesn’t hear “officer” or friends tell him to stop.

    From what I’ve read, an assault is not only the wrestling to the ground as he did to the kid for the skateboard, but also that finger wagging he was doing in a very threatening manner.

    I propose a scenario. Let’s say the kid was trained in martial arts. The kid feels he’s done no wrong and force is not justified. Here comes a guy at least 2 or 3 times his size. The martial arts training just kicks in, and when the “officer” comes at him, grabbing his board/arm and then throat, the kid puts him in a joint lock in self defense.

    The only downside to doing something like that, is that he’d loose all the “helpless kid” status that he has by letting himself be thrown to the ground.

    Are there any actual law enforcement officers that can comment on the repercussions of the scenario I lay out of actually protecting yourself from these kinds of bullies? I personally have had some martial arts training, and I’m not sure I could stop myself from reacting in a similar situation.

    I’m also wondering if the increase in these videos signals things are getting worse, that people just have more cameras, or if the new “sport” for kids is to see if they can get an authority figure to snap on camera.

  9. Fun Guy says:

    I see, just how many of you are from Baltimore? This teenager found out real quick that he needs to listen. The world is not his oyster just yet.

    ps. They cop is still there.

  10. Madtownmoxie says:

    # 8 JPV said, on February 12th, 2008 at 9:20 pm

    Pfffttt… Skateboarders are all punk assholes that deserve to get beat down.

    Perhaps you’re a bigger douchebag than
    Dude Rivieri. ^#@%#$@ Troll

  11. sttevo says:

    I bet this dude had a hard time at school from someone this kid reminded him of.

  12. joe average says:

    Dear Fun Guy,

    The cop is suspended. Read the news idiot. You are a moron. I hope the cop is fired and he kills himself over the shame.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    IMO the cop clearly over-reacted, but that kid is a whiner who probably never had anyone tell him how to act or respond to people in authority. A couple ‘yes sirs’ would have ended this before it even started.

    I’ve seen teachers have this same conversation with the same kind of kid, but with less emotion, no physical contact, and a lot more empathy.

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Oh, and Mr Cat…that thing in South Bend isn’t what the article portrays. That guy is an a$$hole of epic proportions, has been in the news for years for disrupting city council meetings and pissing off everyone over nothing. Even though this cop took it a bit far, the idiot deserved what he got, and deserved a lot more, too.

  15. Mister Catshit says:

    #44, Olo,

    If a cop can not control himself then he is in the wrong job. He is there to serve and protect the public, not to get out his frustrations. If a teacher reacted the same way, you may bet the farm he would be fired as well.

    Public servants are expected to be able to contain their anger.

  16. Fun Guy says:

    Hey Joe Average!

    Get out much? Wanna go a couple rounds? Sounds like you need the same sensitivity training that Officer Rivereri could benefit from.

  17. Gern Blanston says:

    I’m going to go with Meter Maid… with a small peter and a huge problem.

  18. McCullough says:

    Like THC said, it looks like ‘roid rage to me too.
    Although it looks like that guy should spend a little more time at the gym, a little less at Krispy Kreme.

  19. Herman says:

    You are all a bunch of liberal excuse makers. Is this cop over the top? Maybe a little but these kids have no concept of respect or authority. I’m sure their parents have done a great job of making excuses for everything in their lives. Dude? How about, Total Bullshit? This is where our society is going and why we have to outsource to India.

  20. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    #44 – Olo

    “IMO the cop clearly over-reacted, but that kid is a whiner who probably never had anyone tell him how to act or respond to people in authority. A couple ‘yes sirs’ would have ended this before it even started.”

    Yes, and it also would’ve resulted in this asswipe getting away with what he did.

    Lack of respect for authority is hardly the serious danger to society that abuse of authority is.

  21. Thinker says:

    The Cop may have been over the top, but I’ll go with # 50, the kids knew what they were doing and disrespected the cop.
    I’d have taken away the skateboard from my child for a week or two if that was one of them.

    If the behaviour of the Officer is to be considered unacceptable, so was that of the kid in question. (You’ll notice his two buddies had some sense.)

  22. bobbo says:


    Few here would want to be labeled “sexist” and even fewer “racits” but quite a few dolts are proud of being “ageist.”

    Dude is very respectful, if you are of a certain age. And if you think cowtowing to the “authoratay” of a parking meter maid is the appropriate sign of respect, you really are a jackboot.

  23. natefrog says:

    #50: You’re a moran.

    #52: You’re an idiot.

    With arguments that are nothing more than simple-minded bootlicking of authority, you deserve nothing more than an ad-hominen attack.

  24. Joey B says:

    Dont let this give you a bad impression of BALTIMORE. because BALTIMORE is quite nice. except for the MURDER A DAY, HEROIN, and SKATEBOARDERS in BALTIMORE. i live in BALTIMORE and i LOVE IT!

  25. Herman says:

    # 54 – Have your parents stopped wiping your ass yet? Or how many drugs are you on for different diorders? What excuses do you use on a daily basis. Disrepect is Disrepect. Those kids had no respect. Obviously, by your post, you do not know the meaning of the word.

  26. natefrog says:

    #56, bootlicker;

    Do, prey tell, explain how these kids were showing such repugnant disrespect.

    And I know enough about respect that it has to be earned. Authority figures do not, repeat, do not automatically deserve anybody’s respect.

  27. natefrog says:

    My apologies, it should be “pray tell”.

  28. leechri8 says:

    LOL…wow, talk about a rent-a-cop on a power trip. DUDE!

  29. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    And I know enough about respect that it has to be earned.

    What you don’t know enough about yet is that you can play that “me first” game, or you can pretend to give respect first, whether it is earned first or not. You might be surprised how much further you get in life and love with the latter approach.

  30. Thinker says:

    Natefrog, I’m truly puzzled by your response.

    How old/young are you, do you have children? Have you spent time with teenagers? I don’t get it. Maybe you are the type to sneer, and mouth off to the Police. I don’t know.

    Its the very attitude that you displayed in #57 that got this kid in trouble. A little respect in the face of a hot headed cop would have gone a long way, and he’d still have his board…and when the video was put on YouTube the cop would look like a complete A$$, and perhaps still get suspended.


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