- Latest thread in Yahoo-Microsoft news is to stir up lawsuits over Yahoo not doing the deal.
- Yahoo doing something called One-Connect.
- Symbian sales way up, not down.
- Apple may do a Game Boy type product.
- The UK may ban users from using the net if they are caught downloading music.
- NEC backing out of the display business. What happened?
- Intel raided in Europe by EU regulators.
- Super Smash Brothers number one in Japan.
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Apple isn’t going to do a gaming handheld console. There is no way they can compete with the DS and the PSP. What does Apple even know about gaming? Do they have any developers lined up? Bogus story.
GOD, this is a slow week for ANY news.
Do you think it will help or hurt apples stock when the stock holders learn that Apple is going to spend 20-30 billion dollars on the game industry over the next decade and lose on the order of 5-10 billion dollars before they actualize a profit and are looking at 10-12 years before they see a return?
I donno, I look at massively succesful software companies and see a peggy ratio of 18-20 and I look at Apples 30+ peggy ratio and their lack of growth over the last year and I think their stock is still over valued.
But what do I know, I just spent the last year suggesting that the iPhone was going to be a failure (so far it has been) and that Apples stock was wildly over valued (it was and still is) and the Apple fan boys constantly attacked me for it.
On the other hand the Mac Air could turn out to be a huge sucess like the iPod and finally convice people to abandon their decades long investment in Microsoft techniques, Vista SP1 will cause the year of Linux on the desktop, and … fire will shoot out of my ass?
You know its funny, there was a Slashdot frontpage article the other day about IT and ethics and in the whole thread no one managed to talk about dishonest reviews about Microsoft products. I wonder if that has something to do with the Tech blog’o’spheres new found status of zero credibility?
Dvorak excepted of course, he is the only one who seems to manage a honest (if not correct…) assement of the industry. On the other hand, all the other notable tech bloggers seem off in la la land…
Dvorak, just so you know the Nintendo DS has had a touch screen for over three years.
The problem I SEE”’
Is that the CORP isnt going to PAY for it.
It will end up as added price in products.
Apple iTouch Boys?
I don’t know if you have noticed but I havent been around much lately. Big things happening in my professional life, which is basically avoiding all things not Microsoft. When I slow down a bit I will post pictures;)
Apple is the worst major Electronics company with respect to the environment. Bigger story than their next device.
They pretend to be the hip company, the cool alternative but they are only interested in making money.