Via The Disciplined Investor

I believe this video and the mention on the blog above is the actual source of the rumor that AOL and Yahoo are getting together.

  1. jasmoran66 says:

    It’s nothing new that their homepages are now quite similar. But in light of recent developments it is kinda interesting, isn’t it?

  2. Cursor_ says:

    Most pages are similar, especially if they use CSS.

    People keep using templates (ie lazy designers) and so almost everything looks like newletters from the mid 90’s or newspapers since the friggin 19th century!

    And no rounded corners doesn’t make it modern. Those have been out since QuarkXPress! Watch some VH-1 pop up video reruns from the 1990’s!

    Oooh! They’re all rounded corners with sans serifed fonts! Oh Web 2.0! BS.

    Cookie-cutter web. Imitate everyone else.

    JCD doesn’t have ALL the rights to cranky!


  3. Daniel says:

    I’ll stick with Google. Simple yet powerful, and gets the job done.

  4. Brian says:

    heh. when I first read the headline, I thought it said “Weird Al – Yahoo Coincidence”.
    Now, THAT would be interesting!

  5. AdmFubar says:

    #4 me too, maybe weird al is gonna do the new m$-Yahoo, voice over for their ads?? (Yaaahhooooaoooo!!)along with a accordian for a little background ambience…….


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