ABCNews – Feb 10, 2008:

Patti Solis Doyle announced that she is stepping down as the campaign manager for the presidential campaign of Sen. Hilary (sic) Clinton, D-N.Y., ABC News has learned that this afternoon.

The announcement came one day after Clinton’s opponent, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., swept four primary contests — Nebraska, Washington state, Louisiana and the U.S. Virgin Islands — and two days before the so-called “Potomac Primary” of Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., where Clinton’s campaign says they do not expect her to fare well.

Paul Hogarth over at BeyondChron raises this interest point:

Obama is positioned to win tomorrow’s Beltway Primary – Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C. – putting him well in the lead among pledged delegates for the National Convention. But if Clinton were on a similar streak, wouldn’t the media be pressuring Obama to drop out?

Reclusive Yuppie Campaign Manager is Out

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  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #22 – She is a cold, calculating, elitist politician that has the morals and emotions of a crocodile.

    And since all you folks posting here who propagate that point of view happen to know her personally and be privy to lots of cold hard data and factual information to back it up… …I have no choice but to believe that its true. There is simply no way in hell she could possibly just believe that she has the right vision to lead the country. After all, what possible motive could anyone have to serve unless it were self serving?

    Power and money? Sure. I suppose if that were the motivation, giving up lucrative careers in the private sector would make a lot of sense.

    I’m not supporting Hillary Clinton. I plan to vote differently in the primary. While there are key issues (key to me, anyway) that I do not agree with Hillary on, the reality is she’s smart and competent and no less suited than anyone else on the ballot. But I believe that, if elected, 1/21/09 will be the day that Republicans open up ever festering would, perceived infraction, and start every kind of gridlocking hearing and investigation and demands for special prosecutors and it will be 4 to 8 years of the Ken Starr Show all over again.

    We just don’t need that. (and she isn’t the best person for the job even though she’d be good – not that being good after Bush is that mean a feat)


    On this and other blogs, politicians of all stripes are lambasted for being out of touch, beholden to special interests, and every other thing. But Hillary Clinton is singled out for special ridicule for being… well, just like all the others. Leaving me to conclude that in reality, the only thing wrong with Hillary Clinton is that she’s a woman. Misogyny seems to be a default state in Intertubeland.

    None of this really matters. Voters from the brain trust state of Iowa already knocked out the most credible candidates (Biden, Richardson), and we are just voting for personality now. (or just against Huckabee)

  2. Noam Sane says:

    Oh, panic my ass. This is how things work in politics, just as they work in business. You work to keep the ship upright.

    You dislike her, so any time something doesn’t go exactly as she planned, you jump up and down and scream like a chimpanzee.

    This post is moronic. I could give a flying leap whether she or Obama wins, but this idiotic knee-jerk anti-Clinton crap makes you look like the horse’s ass you obviously are.

  3. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #32 – “if elected, 1/21/09 will be the day that Republicans open up ever festering would, perceived infraction, and start every kind of gridlocking hearing and investigation and demands for special prosecutors and it will be 4 to 8 years of the Ken Starr Show all over again.”

    Hmmm….. you make a good case for voting for her, inferring she could do less damage than Obama. Unlike Obama, though, due to gridlock, she may not be able to make enough of a mess to wake people up. I’m still leaning toward Obama (but thinking about it…)

  4. Improbus says:

    the only thing wrong with Hillary Clinton is that she’s a woman.

    No, she has the same problem as Mitt Romney. She is a douche bag.

  5. GregA says:


    One of my favorite (most ironic???) lies the Reich Wing/Republican party is telling right now is the idea that they go back to 90’s and will just make crap up about Hillary ad nauseum like they did to Bill, and that they won’t do that to Obama.

    I know here in two solid blue states, Michigan and Ohio the whisper campaign about Obama is fierce. Quite frankly, it is the power of their deceit and lies is why I am rooting for Hillary. Most everything they say will have already been said when she is president, while Obama will have to put up with their endless slander and bullshit from the beginning again…

  6. Hmeyers says:

    I know here in two solid blue states, Michigan and Ohio

    Errr … GregA, you don’t seem to know very much since Ohio voted for Bush both in 2000 and 2004.

    Since you think Ohio is a “solid blue state”, should I bother to read the rest of your comments?

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #35 – No, she has the same problem as Mitt Romney. She is a douche bag.

    Since the only thing her critics will throw out is emotional attacks like “she’s a bitch – she’s a douche bag – she’s a baby eating communist” I can only assume that there is no rational reason for that criticism.

    I don’t disagree that she’s not the best choice. In fact, out of the three real contenders, she may actually be my third choice.

    But aside from the dumbfuck conspiracy theories about Vince Foster and Whitewater… aside from lame ass Filegate BS or they 1800’s mentality BS about her “hysterical outbursts” of crying… WHY is she evil?…*

    Just the facts…

    (oh… and yes, Mitt is a douche bag… But I know why he is. Why is she? Aside from not being liked by a lot of male voters.)

    *Global… You are exempt from answering. I already know that you want a cross between Gengis Khan and Ted Nugent. 🙂

  8. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    I don’t know where Ted stands on economics but he does strike me as someone with a generally correct worldview. 😉

  9. bobbo says:

    OFTLO–I think you’ve painted yourself into a bit of a corner? It is often stated that the (3) main democratic candidates for Pres had nearly identical positions on most issues. Yet YOU make her your third choice—now why is that?

    In the main, those reasons are what you are asking others to provide.

    Is she evil? No, that takes it too far. Is she dishonest and coniving? Yes==moreso than most although I think Bushieboy may have given her a run for other peoples money, the only sad thing being he may not be two faced in his posturing?

    I too would have voted for Edwards. He was a proven anti-corporation guy. An attitude that is sorely needed among everyone else running on both sides.

    Other candidates may be nut bags or highly biased, but Hillary will look you in the eyes and lie when she has no need to other than being poll driven. She is shit.

  10. MikeN says:

    The Obama campaign strikes me as fascist, while Hillary just governs that way.

    That whole Yes We Can ad with the Hollywood actors is just annoying.
    I’m trying to remember who recently linked Obama’s speeches to Mussolini.

  11. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #40 – Anti-corporation, hmmmm. Aren’t the two major employers in our economy corporations and gov’t entities?

  12. bobbo says:

    #42–Yes, now whats your point? I’ll wait while you find a few dots and then connect them.

  13. GregA says:


    You seem to have missed the total crushing defeat of the Republican party in Ohio in ’06. The Republicans lost all of the state seats, and most of the city and county governments.

    It may have been red in 00 and 04, but it ain’t red anymore…

  14. Thomas says:

    Riiight. Hinkley could not have possibly shot Reagan because he was crazy. That would make way too much sense. There must be a conspiracy. I think its time you upped your meds.

  15. GregA says:


    Here look at this wiki article…,_Jr.

    Now suck on it.

  16. bobbo says:

    #46–GregA===that link very firmly establishes that Hinckly had a love- Jones for whats her name. That link shows he knew the Bush family. That link shows no conspiracy link at all.

    At the very best, the link shows the possible extenuated circumstances of a conspiracy with only about 25 missing links.

    Its kinda like scientific proof. I can show you it was mental illness but I cannot disprove it was a conspiracy. With that logical prohibition, you can link anybody to anybody and everything is a conspiracy.

    Get Real.

  17. Thomas says:

    So, let me see if I got this straight since I don’t have a tin foil hat handy and its hard to type while laughing. Because Hinkely’s dad happened to support Bush, that somehow implies that Bush plotted to have Reagan killed? Let me add what a clever deception it was to use the insane son of someone who worked for your campaign. *That* is what you are calling a “ties to Republican financiers”? Yep, up your meds m’friend.

  18. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #42 – If you get rid of corporations, essentially the only jobs will be Gov’t jobs. When everyone works for the state, you have communism. If you’re point is that Edwards, like any other pure lib is a communist at heart, then I agree with you.

  19. bobbo says:

    #49–I see you have thought this thru just as well as GreqA thought his position thru. ==== NO!!!!
    Sorry—to call what either of you have posted “thinking” is a gross misuse of the word.

    I am actually only curious now as to how people as mentally defective as you are still able to function in society. It is only an excess of liberalism that you are allowed to vote.

    In short, neither Edwards nor any poster here, has ever said “lets get rid of corporations.” The fact that you would take any statement to that position shows you are a dolt.

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #40 – Yet YOU make her your third choice—now why is that?

    I thought I was clear… I touch on it in #32, and I think I’ve talked about it in other threads. I trust the regulars to know what other regulars think, and if not, I trust them to ask. (assuming they care) But in a nutshell, she can’t govern if she’s just going to be the target of witchhunts for her whole term…

    But the candidates are not the same on the issues. I’ll admit that I have no idea where Obama is on this issue, but Hillary has demonstrated by attacking Rock Star in the flap over video game sex scenes that she is a) no friend of the First Amendment, and b) all too willing to get mired in the muck of pointless trivial bullshit.

    I’d ask Obama and McCain where they stand, but I’d hate to waste their valuable time with what seems like so trivial an issue.

    I’d ask Huckabee but he’s an asshat and I don’t care what he thinks.

    Is she dishonest and coniving?

    I think many men think women are dishonest and conniving. It’s a mental shorthand “some” men use to write off women who, in the man’s experience, won’t put up with their personal (not male, but personal) bullshit.

    It’s a gender issue… Or rather, its not a gender issue but it is perceived as one, and forgive me my smug sense of self-righteousness, but I’m well above that primal thinking.

    I too would have voted for Edwards. He was a proven anti-corporation guy. An attitude that is sorely needed among everyone else running on both sides.

    I don’t want an “anti” corporate guy… I want a pro-citizen guy. Corporations need to be regulated in a way to benefit citizens without burdening business. As far as I am concerned, business exists to employ people and keep the economy going… and not to generate profit for the sole benefit of a few rich guys… But whatever… I don’t think Edwards was anti-corporate per se. But he isn’t Ralph Nader, and Ralph Nader is the right guy for that.

    I could support Edwards if nominated, but I don’t have to worry about that now.

    As I’ve said before… Biden and Richardson were the guys. Biden has real experience with foreign policy, military subcommittees, and domestic issues. Richardson has real diplomatic credentials and domestic experience. Both proven, results oriented leaders. But we aren’t going to get that now.

    My only hope is that Obama is not just popular, but also effective. We’ll see if he can be if he wins.

    Other candidates may be nut bags or highly biased, but Hillary will look you in the eyes and lie when she has no need to other than being poll driven.

    I’m not sure why you or anyone else thinks shes a liar about anything. I think she panders to popular non-issues about “dangerous sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll” issues in pop culture, like Tipper Gore used to do, and its a shame because if she wants to prove she’s for kids all she has to do is point to her work for health care and education. But I have no idea what you guys are talking about when you say she is a liar. Just don’t vote for her. I’m not in the primary, but I will in the general if she wins the nomination.

  21. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #49 – If you’re point is that Edwards, like any other pure lib is a communist at heart, then I agree with you.

    There are NO liberals in America. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

    If you want to know what a liberal candidate is like you have to look at Europe. They know how to make liberals over there.

    We just have various flavors of conservatives and moderates.

    Nader was a liberal. And it’s a shame that a few hundred Naders don’t occupy the federal government.

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #50 – Wow…

    You are so easily fished in…

    Relax dude. It’s GlobalWarmer. He’s like a blog posting variation of a performance artist.

  23. bobbo says:

    OFTLO—are you sedated? (smile!)

    Well, I just took mine so we are on a mellow par. I have no desire to convince anyone that Hillary is more a liar than your standard issue politician.

    Am I being sexist because I dislike her so? Gee, I’m not conscious of disrespecting women as women, as politicians, as airline pilots, as doctors. But who can know what is subconscious?

    No–it was on full display about 5 times in one week starting with her flip-floppin in one sentence about drivers licenses for illegals to pimping Bill out for the anti-black vote and then stating that Black guy in South Carolina was talking about something other than Obama’s drug use.

    Most politicians go to washington poor but ALL politicians leave rich. Clintons have made more than most–a direct measure of their worthiness.

    Here’s a factoid–I think Hillary was right to authorize all measures against Iraq==it is what a Congress that won’t declare war should do if it want to empower the President. Bush is responsible for that fiasco, not Hillary. Most news sources I hear say it was a vote for war, I don’t think that is true. Who could really have guessed Bush would have been so extremely incompetent?

    Re the Warmer—I agree, who cares.

  24. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #52 – Nothing but conservative and moderates?!? More like mostly liberals and ultra-liberals. Good thing I wasn’t drinking a beer – it’s be in my sinuses.

    I would agree that Eurinal is more liberal, hence inferior and a generally poopy place except for the nude beaches.

    Some folks are so far gone they don’t recognize a balanced worldview for what it is.

    PS – Edwards is far more dangerous than either Obama or even Hillary. That elitist turd can go back to huge energy sucking mansion that he wants to make sure only he has.

  25. MikeN says:

    I didn’t work on Whitewater at the Rose Law Firm.
    I have no idea how those billing records got to my quarters.

    I have no idea how those FBI files on Republicans got there.

    I’ve always been a Yankees fan.
    I was named for Edmund Hillary.

  26. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    If we weren’t in such a dire situation in this nation with such a clear and present need for real, responsible, liberal leadership, I’d vote for Hillary just to be entertained by all your bitching for the next 4 to 8 years.

  27. Mister Catshit says:

    Relax dude. It’s GlobalWarmer. He’s like a blog posting variation of a performance artist.

    My impression would be more like a toilet overflowing.


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