ABCNews – Feb 10, 2008:

Patti Solis Doyle announced that she is stepping down as the campaign manager for the presidential campaign of Sen. Hilary (sic) Clinton, D-N.Y., ABC News has learned that this afternoon.

The announcement came one day after Clinton’s opponent, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., swept four primary contests — Nebraska, Washington state, Louisiana and the U.S. Virgin Islands — and two days before the so-called “Potomac Primary” of Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., where Clinton’s campaign says they do not expect her to fare well.

Paul Hogarth over at BeyondChron raises this interest point:

Obama is positioned to win tomorrow’s Beltway Primary – Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C. – putting him well in the lead among pledged delegates for the National Convention. But if Clinton were on a similar streak, wouldn’t the media be pressuring Obama to drop out?

Reclusive Yuppie Campaign Manager is Out

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  1. ArianeB says:

    Obama is likely to sweep “Potomac Tuesday” as well and Wisconsin and Hawaii next tuesday.

    On March 4th, Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island and Connecticut all hold primaries. All four states either demographically or geographically favor Clinton.

    If Obama rides his momentum to pick up a state or two on March 4th, then yes the race is over. If Clinton sweeps and pulls close to Obama delegate wise, the race continues … possibly all the way to June, and the DNC had better start working on the Michigan and Florida problem.

  2. ArianeB says:

    oops not Connecticut, should be Vermont.

  3. bobbo says:

    Even the idiots that voted for Bush the first time around should have learned by round two that he was not a republican and not a good president.

    Now, the Clintons I think are Democrats, but they have shown themselves to be corrupt establishment politicians. Its round 3 for them, and all but the idiots should know that anyone but is the better vote.

  4. brucemlloyd says:

    Is it me or does that girl have some kind of Borg implant in her head?

  5. Cinaedh says:

    This is getting kind of gruesome, don’t you think? The media keeps burying this woman and yet she keeps coming back to life.

    I wonder if she eats brains?

  6. SN says:

    5. “I wonder if she eats brains?”

    Well, I think it’s pretty clear she doesn’t eat head.

  7. Dallas says:

    Obama has made an incredible impact on many , including me and absolutely has the halo effect with voters.

    I am delighted and can only dream of a Hillary/Obama ticket versus McCain/Huckabee

    It will be the showdown of old versus new ; young versus old ; open versus closed. I hope this election will bury the republican party and banish the religious right into obscurity.

  8. Ranger007 says:

    “It will be the showdown of old versus new ; young versus old ; open versus closed.”

    She brags of 35 years of public service – so is she new or young? When was anything she did open?

    Wonder how dirty it can get?

  9. Lycurgus says:

    I am delighted and can only dream of a Hillary/Obama ticket versus McCain/Huckabee

    You and every Republican in the US. There’s a reason Republicans in Virginia are going to cross and vote for Hillary. Getting her nominated puts the McCain half-eay to victory.

  10. Lycurgus says:


  11. Mr Bill says:

    Drop kick Hilary and go for the :
    Obama / Bill ticket ;-)))

  12. Dallas says:

    An Obama nomination is the GOP’s worst nightmare. They will have a tough time sliming this black guy. There is an army of GOP slime bags trying to figure this one out.

    I would just love Huckabee as the VP running mate and can’t wait to see MCCain tp kiss Pat Robertson’s ass. I’m up for the battle of wits on this one.

  13. dlbeard says:

    I love the photo. It speaks volumes.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – An Obama nomination is the GOP’s worst nightmare.

    A national moment of sobriety is the GOP’s worst nightmare.

  15. Thomas says:

    > I am delighted and can only dream of a
    > Hillary/Obama ticket versus McCain/Huckabee

    So, let me get this straight. Because the Vice-President on one ticket is six years younger than the Vice-President on the other ticket, that makes the whole ticket “young”? Or is throwing up a 60 year old bag who spent half her life in politics make it a young ticket?

    If it is Hillary and McCain, regardless of Vice-President, it is old v. old. The only way you get young v. old is if Obama actually wins the nomination. Let’s just hope that if Obama wins he chooses anyone other than Hillary as his VP. I would think that an Obama/ ticket should win the Presidency handily.

  16. Thomas says:

    Hm…filter grabbed that one. Should read:
    “I would think that an Obama/(anyone other than Hillary) ticket should win the Presidency handily.”

  17. gquaglia says:

    An Obama/Hillary Presidency would produce one thing, a Presidential assassination. I wouldn’t put it past Clinton and her scum bag cronies to have Obama knocked off, just so she could realize her ultimate political ambition.

  18. kaeryn says:

    So you all want another dick in the whitehouse.

    What you all seem to forget is that he’s not American of African descent he’s AFRICAN American so you all enjoy sending your pathetic, dumb as fuck children over to Kenya this time next year.

  19. GregA says:


    I don’t know if you noticed, but over the last 40 years the only ones engaging in assassination have been disturbed lone gunmen with weird ties to the CIA and Republican financiers.

    OIC, you were just hedging your bets and you agree with me that some lone gunman with weird ties to the CIA and the Republican party will assassinate Obama, probably hours after Hillary drops out of the race for maximum political damage.

  20. Phillep says:

    “Wot dis Honky ho’ want? Why she gots her han’ /dere/?”

  21. Improbus says:

    That little girl in the picture knows the score yet some grown “adults” can’t seem see through her reality distortion field (tech borrowed from Steve Jobs). She is a cold, calculating, elitist politician that has the morals and emotions of a crocodile.

  22. bobbo says:

    I think Hilliary is pimping out that poor young black child.

    Some reporter somewhere should get suspended.

  23. Thomas says:

    So, Hinkley was working for Republican financiers to assassinate a Republican? Do I need to be wearing a tin foil hat to understand that one?

  24. Jeff says:

    The real question is to whom the super delegates cast their votes. They likely will be the ones that will be deciding this race. I think the best that Senator Obama can hope for is enough momentum that it becomes almost impossible for Senator Clinton to be chosen at the convention or for her to force the convention to seat the delegates from Michigan and Florida.

  25. Jeff says:

    Kaeryn, be a dear and take your penis envy and racial undertones someplace else.

  26. MikeN says:

    The Texas primary will be open, so expect Republicans to crossover and vote for Obama, unless he is breaking away in which case they might vote for Hillary just to have the Dems fighting each other.

  27. MikeN says:

    What’s the matter with you people? Don’t you know she’s entitled to the presidency? How dare you make her fight in a primary!

  28. MikeN says:

    That said, the Obama guys are kind of crazy. So many of them really think he will change things, and that they are part of a revolution.

  29. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #18 – I fully expect the Clintons to assassinate Obama before their convention. If, somehow, they don’t, I’m looking forward to President Obama so his 4 years of disaster can usher in a new era of conservatism just as Carter’s disaster did.

    In the mean time I’m loving watching Hillary’s discomfort. This contest just has to be giving her indigestion in the worst way:

    #5 – I wouldn’t put anything past her. Eating brains would be minor on the list of Hillary Evil-Undeadness.

  30. GregA says:


    Lol, you are an idiot. You need to look no further than George Bush to find your CIA and Republican financier ties to that one.


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