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This Episode’s Topics:

  • Sell John a Mac? Good luck
  • Adam riles the Brits – wiretapping and protesting
  • Amsterdam! -or- Hookers and the non-tech news
  • John rants on Vegas
  • Water
  • Pimping out Chelsea and the news media
  • Amex black and blue
  • What do you want from a podcast?
  • Some delegates are just super

  1. Glenn E. says:

    I’m a novice at how this works. So forgive my intrusion here. Maybe there ought to be a “suggestion box” posting area for general topics not yet covered.

    John D. may not agree with Steve Gibson. But I agree with Steve about javascript use in browsers being potentially bad. Apparently Youtube has recently changed to requiring javascript for the flash vids to work. Bet this is about pushing adverts past filters and blockers. Or worse, some kind of tracking code in the future.

  2. BubbaRay says:

    YouTube bites your processor with scripts. If you want a demo, run Windows Task Manager and watch your CPU usage increase just by scrolling past their videos. On older machines I’ve seen CPU usage peg at 100%.


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