• The Microsoft-Yahoo deal taking up most of the news and analysis. Now there is a story that AOL may be getting into the act. It is to laugh.
  • Starbucks dumps T-mobile.
  • Blu-ray gets two more companies on its side.
  • Microsoft buys the Danger phone company.
  • Early flying dinosaurs discovered.
  • Advertising on the Internet hits $25.5 billion in 2007. Yoikes!

click ► to listen:

Please leave a comment telling us which audio player you like best, the old one or the new one with a volume control.

  1. Glenn E. says:

    Nice weather in S.F.? At least John didn’t blame it on G.W. as most of the media tools do. BTW John, I heard a train whistle in the distance. Which side of the tracks are you on?

    There hasn’t been any significant “anti-trust” heat in the last 7 years, or more. Wonder why?

    BluRay is getting the support for to reasons. Sony is behind it. And it’s easier brand recognition. “HD-DVD” hasn’t got the neat logo going for it that BluRay has. And the mud brown cases don’t stand out the way the blue ones do.

    Ancient bird the same size as today’s? Proving that everything from that time didn’t have to be gigantic, to survive.

    BTW, can’t say I love this new player you’ve choosen. But I did like that last sound byte. Think I’ll use it in place of Windows’.

  2. Matt says:

    I like this player better, but can you normalize it so the beginning isn’t so loud compared to the rest.

  3. tjc says:

    The shut down sound effect is from the great linux live cd distribution Knoppix.

    Check it out !!

  4. John S says:

    I prefer the current audio player.

    John S

  5. madtruckman says:

    i like the old one for really only one reason. this current audio player does not work on the Wii browser (opera). i like surfing the web on my nice 37in flat panel listening to my maaiiinn man dvorak ranting, but cant with this player.

  6. solacetech says:

    The sidekick on windows??? That’s Hottt

  7. Glenn E. says:

    #3 – The “shutdown” wave can also be found at the following site. Along with a “startup” wave of the same voice and echo effect.


    I’m betting this is were John D. secretly gets most of his sound bytes. At least there, they’re not all blended together.

  8. Eric says:

    I prefer the new one with the volume control. The old one was just too damn loud at startup.

  9. Eric says:

    P.S. – #5, I’m running this in Opera myself. The only issue I had with the player was the player stayed the same size if zoomed in or out. Try zooming in a little and see if that doesn’t solve your issue.

  10. GRtak says:

    I want the volume control!
    Thanks great stuff

  11. xman_charl says:

    fearless leader likes this new player

  12. Jim says:

    I liked the old one better. It had a cleaner interface. I have volume adjust on my keyboard anyways.

    The new one is kinda Windows 3.1. Blech.

  13. jasmoran66 says:

    Thumbs up for the new player…

  14. HiFromBoston says:

    I prefered the old one.
    It worked.
    I tried firefox and safari neither would play your sound file.

    Just went to iTunes. Can’t download it either.

    You seem to be having problems. A very wise man once said: If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

    [The new player has been tested in FireFox, Opera, Safari, IE6 and IE7. Click the Tech5 logo at the top to go to Podshow and get the mp3 file. – ed.]
  15. Tom says:

    Re: Audio players: I can’t get any of your audio or video to work until I upgrade hardware. With my c1999 equipment I used to be able to get buffered HiFi audio and streaming internet radio without pauses. Friends email me mustseeTV clips as I can’t do realtime Youtube. I wish you had a good download option. Simple WindowsMedia .wmd files would serve. microSHIT no longers supports Win98. I don’t like being forced to upgrade. The net has been a downhill slide from a source of good info to a big hard sell commercial.

  16. spaceghost says:


    The Volume Control is great!

    How about 2 more controls while you are at it:

    One to fast forward past silly opening.

    One to filter out the bubbles. (What are you you, like 12 years old?? Who wants to listen to that crap?)

  17. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    I prefer then new one (well, that should be obvious, since I was one of the first to complain about the old one).

    re: “I have a volume control on my keyboard/mouse/forehead”:
    I have a volume control on my monitor, and of course Windows taskbar tray has one too. The problem is that it seems like almost every website with Flash audio has a different idea of what is a decent volume level, and I get tired of having to turn the volume up and down on either my monitor or Windows taskbar, since I have them set to where most of the things I listen to will sound just right. All Flash-based audio players should get LifeAlert!, er, have a built-in volume control.

    BTW: internet advertising is the next subprime mortgage. Listen now or cry later.

  18. wlh says:

    I definitely prefer the new one with volume control.

  19. wiscados says:

    THE OLD ONE!!!


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