What germs? We don’t see any germs.

Muslim medical students are refusing to obey hygiene rules brought in to stop the spread of deadly superbugs, because they say it is against their religion.

Women training in several hospitals in England have raised objections to removing their arm coverings in theatre and to rolling up their sleeves when washing their hands, because it is regarded as immodest in Islam.

Universities and NHS trusts fear many more will refuse to co-operate with new Department of Health guidance, introduced this month, which stipulates that all doctors must be “bare below the elbow”.

The measure is deemed necessary to stop the spread of infections such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile, which have killed hundreds.

Perhaps they should make a different career choice. Perhaps their patients would prefer that, as well.

Thanks, Mr. Justin

  1. o'really says:


  2. Big A says:

    They should just stick to suicide bombing–don’t have to worry about germs there. Leave the life saving to people that don’t live in the dark ages any longer.

  3. McCullough says:

    Fine, then let them treat only Muslim patients.

  4. jbenson2 says:

    Ah, socialized medicine at its best.

    And remember back in July 2007, the immigrant doctors in Britain who were involved with the car bombings at the Birmingham airport.

    Don’t think it can’t happen here in the USA.

    Further reports confirmed that two immigrant doctors were arrested [in connection with the car bombings] had taken steps to apply for a graduate medical education in the United States, the FBI confirmed.

  5. apeguero says:

    Okay now. There’s so much I can say on this one but I’ll just try and keep it smart. Don’t Jehova’s Witnesses have a more radical stance on medicine? I think their religion rejects any medical treatment what-so-ever, right? Now, I’m not condoning these two women’s actions. I would hope that the medical board that has jurisdiction there would ban these two characters from practicing medicine but, I don’t think this case is unique. These damned Burkas are nothing but trouble in our day and age. I’d rather see that type of clothing banned all together. At least here in the states. Place it in the same category as gang-related clothing and ban it!

  6. JPV says:

    How is this any different than the loony Christian Scientist’s belief?

    And why is this site always so anti-Muslim?

  7. Calin says:

    The difference with Jehovah’s Witnesses is that their denial will only kill themselves. If they refuse medical treatment, it eliminates them from the gene pool.

    In the case of these two women, how many people could their religion kill from cross-contamination? And trust me, if they are denied the right to practice, there will be a law suit claiming they are discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. Medicine be damned.

  8. Kevin says:

    All the scholorly clerics who know how to read the Koran and interpret the word of Islam know that this is NOT TRUE. Send these unbelievers back to their home countries and tell them they need to study more before they are allowed to go to other countries and try to preach what Islam is about.

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    they are discriminated against because of their religious beliefs.

    As they should be, in this case. Their religious beliefs and the science of health are contradictory. In this case, they are not “in Islam” they are in an English med school operating on real people. Did they forget this simple fact? Where’s House when we need him?

  10. DaveW says:

    Where’s Basil Fawlty when you need him?

    Basil in a hospital bed, to the nurse:
    “Don’t touch me I don’t know where you’ve been.” Followed by: “God you’re ugly, aren’t you?”

    Seriously, why aren’t they simply fired? If they sue, ban them from the courtroom as “unsanitary”.

    Freedom of religion is like freedom of speech. It stops when it becomes physical and harmful to others.

    Oh, and I don’t know think Christian Scientist become doctors or nurses. Orderlies, maybe……

  11. the answer says:

    Then kick them out of school. You think when i went to art school if I drew something that I didn’t approve of I would pass? It isn’t a sense of religion, it’s a sense of hygiene. Who cares what the reason is for the ladies not doing what they are told. If they don’t then they are not to standard. Simple as that.

  12. TatooYou says:

    “Don’t Jehova’s Witnesses have a more radical stance on medicine”

    Jehovah’s Witnesses won’t take a blood transfusion, other than that they do all modern medicine.

  13. edwinrogers says:

    Reconciling religious belief with science. Hasn’t that been done?

  14. Milo says:

    JPV# This site is anti-Muslim because they deserve it!

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – Don’t Jehova’s Witnesses have a more radical stance on medicine? I think their religion rejects any medical treatment what-so-ever, right?

    Incorrect. Witness’s reject blood transfusions, but are not generally opposed to most routine medical procedures or medications.

    #8 – The difference with Jehovah’s Witnesses is that their denial will only kill themselves. If they refuse medical treatment, it eliminates them from the gene pool.

    You (and #6) are thinking of Christian Scientists and no, it doesn’t only kill themselves… It kills their children.

    A sick child with CS parents is likely to become a murder victim.

  16. bobbo says:

    If all these students are asking for is a private wash area–or seperation of sexes while washing their forearms, AND extra long gloves to cover their forearms, in other words, a reasonable accommodation to their religious tenets, I say they aren’t qualified to be doctors. Whats wrong with UK they would spend money on these throwbacks? If they don’t understand germs, give them infected blankets to take home. That will solve quite a few problems, and save money too.

  17. framitz says:

    Medicine; Play by the rules or play a different game. PERIOD

    Who wants someone who just cleaned their ass and refused to scrub even touching them? let alone opening you up and . . . .

  18. Jack Flanders says:

    All religions must be destroyed. I’m tired of ALL of you telling me what your god thinks and why I must follow your rules. Gays can’t get married, that makes the baby Jesus cry. Muslims can’t be forced to wash up before surgery, because it’s immodest. Jews won’t settle a decades long dispute because they think god himself gave them specific real estate. I’m tired of all of your religious lunatics. It’s all made up. There aren’t magical invisible people floating in the sky with rule books. KNOCK IT OFF!

    “Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.” — Denis Diderot

  19. wbskeet37 says:

    This religious doctrine pre-dates hygene–and probably surgery! So, if you want to follow that, you probably shouldn’t take a job that didn’t exist before then either.

  20. MikeN says:

    Doesn’t their religion forbid them from being doctors too?

  21. geofgibson says:

    These throwbacks to the Seventh Century will bring back the Black Plague and the Inquisition all at the same time.
    But don’t say or do anything they might find offensive!

  22. Miguel Correia says:

    The one thing that disgusts me most about being European is all this political correctness crap… Sick and tired of it. How dare they not comply with our rules because of their religion? If they don’t like our rules or find it conflicts with their religion, the solution is very simple: Get out!!!

  23. Chrispy says:

    Religion or not, this is a serious health issue. Here is the US (land of ligitation), a doctor like that would be sued at a moment’s notice.
    Not washing goes against the principles of practicing medicine IMHO. You’re supposed to be helping people get better, not worse.
    If an islamic woman really wants to be a doc, she can practice medicine on just female patients but still wash in private. If you can hack washing, you’ve no business practicing medicine.

  24. woodbutt says:


    WTF does socialized medicine have to do with it?

    These women are from the dark ages and should make a career change to something more compatible with their religion such as water carrying, food preparation and/or hiding.

    The health care delivery system has nothing to with it, ya dumbass yank.

    BTW, I’m from the US.


  25. uzam says:

    First of all: My last post about a petition to remove someone’s picture from Wikipedia didn’t show up, didn’t get the approval on Dv. UNCENSORED, I guess.

    #3. Mainly they will treat muslims, I believe that’s why they are in it, bcaz there isn’t enough muslim female doctors in communities. That in no way means they are going to be ONLY for muslims. I know most will find this hard to believe but there is a great reward to help any human- muslim or non-muslim according to islamic teachings. I know, the teachings you would not bother looking for in these days while there are plenty other to post about.
    #4. No, you don’t know Pedro. You have to go read something other than this blog “to know”.
    #5. Do you even know how many muslim doctors functioning in all the public AND private practices all over the US and Canada and Europe? In one small mosque/community I know of at least 7 doctors and I am new to this southern state. And at least 5 university teachers and nuclear physicists engineers working for state etc. You may have dealt with muslim professionals before but you didn’t recognize them as such, because they do not feel they have to mention they are muslim everytime someone benefits from them.
    #6. They are working on it. You guys always complain how the most respectable politicians of your country are so wishy-washy, but as you can see our sisters can stand their ground firmly, teaching the ‘flip-floppers’ something. Just 100 years ago you would not think to be this intolerant to a nun’s clothing. Some people forget too quick.
    #7. They were not always anti-muslim. They used to be anti-soviet, anti-hippie, anti-communist,anti-french, anti-black, anti-spanish/mexican, anti-jew, anti-native american, anti-england/queen, etc(not in this order). But hey go with the flow, right? Its always easy. Don’t forget to call the CNNBCBSFOX watching people “sheeple”, sheeple.
    #10. “Their religious beliefs and the science of health are NOT contradictory” What belief did Avicenna (Canons) hold then? Abu Ali Ibn Cina is his real name. May be you should read some real history. At least catch PBS “islam-empire of faith”.
    Search on youtube for American, Czech German, Hindu, Japanese Doctors accepting islam, check out Smith “chip” clay on google.
    #19. Muslims usually wash their hands, hands with elbows, their face, their ears, their feet at least 3 times each, 5 different times a day! This is more than some surgeons. You eat at drive thru fast food and complain that a lady does not want to show her elbows? That does not nean they don’t or can’t wash and keep clean.
    #23. Neither Black plague nor Inquisition is a muslim/Islamic product. Fact check!
    #24. Or else what? Are you gonna use more exclamation signs? Just kidding!!!! ; )
    Take a vacation and visit some mosques, eat and drink with people in them. Best time is after Friday prayer and week ends usually there is a feast in the mosques, no invitation required or checked.
    #25. Yep.
    #26. Yepp.

  26. Lou Bix says:

    Comply or goodbye.
    Fire them.
    If they take legal action, see ya in court.

  27. Glenn E. says:

    Strict Muslims seeking to learn modern medicine, makes even less sense than say Quakers becoming doctors (which as far as I know, they haven’t). They’re not very realistic if they insist on all medical and hygenic procedures taking a backseat to their religious hangup about bodily exposure. Before attempting to join the 21th century of medical technology, maybe they should start be questioning some of these 18th century rules of theirs.

  28. Rick Cain says:

    Its bad enough that we can’t get regular doctors to wash their hands or sanitize their ties, we now have to deal with a bunch of wooden box worshippers that think elbows are too sexy to show in public.

    Even the guy at my local greasy spoon exhibits good handwashing procedures and all he does is make the the cheeseburger special.

  29. jasmoran66 says:

    I’m with the Don’t Comply…Say Goodbye crowd. Why are these people always pandered to? Actually, I think I know the answer…

  30. DeLeMa says:

    Sheesh !! Talk about much ado and don’t..crapola dudes and dudettes !! You really believe these folks will spread superbugs ? I suppose that’s possible, kinda like it’s possible me an’ JCD are going to hook up ?
    (not gay but if he tickles just so..)
    I just can’t handle someone intelligent enough to actually suffer the rigors of becoming a doctor not understanding contagion and vectors and all the rest of that there schtuff.
    #27 – WTF is wrong with “dumbass”…wooodbutt ??
    Proud to have voted for Bushie ! And hereby self-nominated BIG dumbass !!


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