Ken Ham
United Press International – 2-8-08:

The founder of a Kentucky Christian museum that shuns evolution said in a book Darwin’s theory fosters racism and genocide.

Ken Ham, who opened the Creation Museum in Louisville last year, and co-author Charles Ware, president of Crossroads Bible College in Indianapolis, wrote “Darwin’s Plantation: Evolution’s Racist Roots,” The Louisville Courier-Journal reported Friday. They argue the theory inspired the Nazi belief of racial superiority and the basis for the ruthless policies of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.

“What Darwinian evolution did I would say is provide what people thought was a scientific justification for separation of races,” Ham told the newspaper.

In his book, Ham said Darwin’s theory about natural selection puts some races “higher on the evolutionary scale” than others.

“Although racism did not begin with Darwinism, Darwin did more than any person to popularize it,” Ham wrote.

  1. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I find it ironic that Ham points out the occasional misuse of evolutionary theory as an thin excuse for genocide in modern times, yet he is remarkably silent on the teachings of his own religion that a race exists that is favored by God himself. He seems to have no problem worshiping a God who encouraged and supported that chosen race in a campaign to ethnically cleanse the “Promised Land” of the unclean people who inhabited it at the time of their arrival.

    Ahhh, there’s nothing like the smell of fresh hypocrisy in the morning 😉

  2. Thomas says:

    I will say this about Ham. His museum is probably one of the greatest sources of comedic material ever created (eh hem). I read a photographic walk-through of the museum by a skeptic some months ago and I laughed so hard my side hurt the rest of day.

  3. bobbo says:

    #30–RHastings==nice post but you let the issue slip from your grasp.

    You say: “I think it’s healthy that we’re reminded of a time when elitist white folk thought they knew what was best for the species.”

    That is the water in which we social creatures continue to swim. Elitist folks have now made the decision that having genetically deficient children is the best social/genetic policy. Other elitist might say just the opposite.

    I say==atleast we ought to let individual families make that type of decision for themselves? Why anybody’s personal preferences should be made the law for others to follow is beyond me. Must be some kind of group think we humans are prone to?

    Tihz==don’t mix more than two metaphors at once. Just focus your linguistic skills and break that table!

  4. TIHZ_HO says:

    Bobbo OK! Here goes!!! 🙂

    Think though the table!…(BONK!!)…through the table…(BONK!)…throoo…table…(bonk)… …….taah able….(thud)…

  5. BubbaRay says:

    Reminds me of that Star Trek episode with the half-black half-white bigots. (Let This Be Your Last Battlefield?)

    “Yes, but my people are black on the left side!”

  6. MaxMars says:

    Something to chew on…,

    1) Religions/Political notions aside – the true scientists knows – we are ONE species, the rest is all crap used to keep otherwise like-minded people divided (divide and conquer – get it?)

    2) For those of you who seem to recall a quaint time when rich white elitists thought they knew what was best for everyone … WAKE UP – THEY ARE STILL DOING IT NOW!

    3) Evolutionary science would logically have to be ‘ignored’ by eugenicists because the very act of ‘selective’ breeding destroys the evolutionary paradigm. Creature MUST fit into their environment – you cant engineer the environment try though you might, so eugenically altering mankind would be a colossal waste of time.

  7. Peter iNova says:

    Dumbicide. It often happens to people who stop thinking and substitute Belief for the process of Inevitable Conclusionism.

    After all, Belief is so much easier. You don’t have to wrestle an issue in your own brain—you let someone else do it, then follow that dream.

    Nazis were DARWINISTS? Let’s just draw that one out of thin air and stop thinking it through right now!

  8. bobbo says:

    #37–Max==Man has altered the enviornment and environmental factors so that babies born too weak/malformed to survive in “natural environments” do so today with massive technological support.

    The role of eugenics is to wind up in the same spot as if the environment was in control by the active termination of defective embryo’s and today by selecting out the bad genes before we even get to embryos.

    We engineer the environment all the time–its one of our biggest problems right now, not the least of which is man made global warming?

    Eugenically altering mankind is a goal that will come. Who of us will let our children die of a genetic disease if we can stop it?

  9. MURDERER says:

    Someone please have this nutball site the war started by asatanists please. It’s obvious followup. So do it. Compare to christians?

    Wouldn’t this programmed idiot be shocked to find that reality knowers have more to offer than any gawd does! Gawed, all gawed out?

    Yes, get evangelically atheist at once.

    Start handing out the dark bible found at nobiefs dot com.

    Here’s why ya shud! I love my spelling.


    What if death is no worse than growing up?

    True, dying may hurt, but dying is part
    of life, not death.

    A song says, “I don’t mind dying, it’s
    the thought of being dead I can’t stand!”

    Well, maybe it doesn’t have to be that way.

    Do you remember how innocent you were at
    four years old? Would you really want to
    go back to that age. To put it another way
    you would also have to put up with all that
    out dated technology.

    It’s like that little town you may have gone
    to school in. You can’t picture yourself living
    there now, now can you?

    You know, you keep moving to the bigger better
    city, and can’t see putting up with some -itty
    little place without all that you now take for

    Well, what if death is that better place, and
    you would never want to come back here, to put
    up with gravity, and hunger and poverty and
    greed, etc.? And be a need machine all over?

    Well, guess what!

    The good news is, you are not going to heaven!

    Who would want to play harp, it’s so hard on
    the ears anyway?

    The bad news is, you aren’t going to hell either!

    Nope, you are going someplace better than any
    god or dayvul can offer!

    Yes by pure default, you shall be greater than
    the gods, every last one of you, even Hitler!

    How could one be greater than a god?

    Well, dare, go to nobeliefs, or evilbible, or
    the church of reality.

    You’ll soon reallize you wouldn’t want to be
    fallable like god!

    But you will be even more advanced than any god.


    It is a simple question, and thus only a simple
    answer solves the greatest question of all.

    What happens to you after death?

    There are only two possiblities, one your “spirit”
    if there is such a thing, can’t die, only physical
    things can die.

    Or, two, far better!

    What is far better than even a god?

    Well, how about perfection!

    “Wait a darn minute!” say you? “Isn’t god perfect?”

    Not by a long shot!

    What is just one thing that disproves god’s alleged

    Well the list is long, but if you must have just one?

    Fine, perfection is that which requires nothing to
    improve it. What god have you ever met that like
    a woman didn’t have needs?

    You see, if you have needs, such as the need to

    Rye-ite ! ! !

    Welcome to the godfree truth!

    Perfection is freedom, the only revenge you will
    ever have.

    Still think you won’t be able to stand being dead?

    Just like you would never move back to the
    farm you grew up on, you would never give up
    perfection to come back to this halhole.

    No, you won’t have trainloads of diamonds, you
    won’t need them, in any way, not physically, or

    And perfection is something, not even a god can
    take away from you, because perfection includes
    all, including security!

    No religion can offer you better, and it’s yours
    by pure default, no tithings required. Perfection
    can’t use your money! All yours to enjoy by
    pure default, and you don’t even have to enjoy it.

  10. MaxMars says:


    I understand the goal of eugenics, but like most things, the goal is NOT the journey…, and at least from my perspective, it is the journey that is untenable.

    Naturally occurring diseases do not come into being to ‘thwart’ mankind. Labeling something as a genetic deficiency is an arrogant assumption – we still have no real clue of the long term effects of genetic manipulation. I believe in the science – not the scientists. Especially in a world where progress is valued for its commercial potential almost exclusively.

    The religious approach is just as flawed (in some ways even worse).

    By the way, we have not engineered our environment, we have constructed technological bubbles which – as you so correctly point out – have prompted severe unintended (or at least unforeseen) consequences.

    Humanity is an event in the scheme of things, whether we endure depends only on us. Human kind can achieve anything to which it puts its mind. We will not perish but by our own hands.

  11. lynn says:

    Since no one else commented on this, I feel I must. Ham, of course, is the name of one of the sons of Noah. Noah cursed Ham. Christian apologists for American slavery pre-Civil War used the “curse of Ham” as an excuse – Black people were “descendants of Ham.”

    What a hoot!

  12. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #22 – You mean grammar errors…..

    (unless the word is “evolving”… buwhahahahah)

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #10 – Evolution has been used to justify genocide,

    When and by whom?

    #14 – If you *actually* listen to what he has to say about this topic, you will see that his opinion about this is actually well reasoned

    No opinion that supposes creationism to be a legitimate theory can be called “well reasoned”.


    As for the rest of this dumb-ass thread — races, species, Nazis, Marxists – Oh jumping Jesus in the desert riding the snake – How on Earth in the 21st Century do the goddamn Marxists get dragged into it? — the notion of there being multiple “species” of people is nothing more than bullshit propagated by people who want the rest of us to smile politely and nod while they use racial epitaphs in casual conversation.

    Intentionally or unintentionally, it’s an inherently racist ideology designed to create division.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #41 – Human kind can achieve anything to which it puts its mind. We will not perish but by our own hands.

    I’d add a “probably” after “Human kind can” (since reality occasionally stands between what we want to do and what we can do), but otherwise, that’s about as true a statement as we’ll see here all day.

  15. bobbo says:

    #41–Max==you say: “Labeling something as a genetic deficiency is an arrogant assumption.” – – No, its a value judgement. Values are not often right or wrong–just preferences. Once the sequence of genes is found that predisposes one to cancer, alzheimers, diabetes, and so forth==yes, I would opt to correct those in my kiddies if present ((both the kiddies and the genes!). Now–I’m NOT saying those conditions are present to thwart me–like a river they are in my way and I will build a bridge to make my journey more pleasant. As to journeys not being worth the effort, nice imagery but totally meaningless? My goal is certain genetic diseases not present in my kiddies==you tell me how the journey is not worth it?

    You seem to confuse engineering the environment which we do all the time–clean water, sewer systems, public health, cities, roads, subdivisions, etc—with removing nature completely from the equation? Very different things.

    Can you rephrase your last paragraph? It is circular and devoid of meaning.

  16. Jamie says:

    He ignores fossil records and archaeological research because it doesn’t fit with his faith-based world view. He also ignores historical evidence that tribal/ethnic/religious/race based bigotry and violence existed – and was more barbaric, if not worse – LONG before Darwin was even born, and in most ways was just as bad, if not worse. Human kind have always been willing to hurt or kill those who are different with little provocation. To say evolution “popularizes” racism (because it deals with genetic differences in response to environment/mutation) is like saying we should ban teaching math because it was used to develop the atomic bomb.

    He’s consistent in his blind sheepy commitment to historical revisionism, I’ll give him that.

  17. ECA says:

    Imaginary TREE, crazy dog.

    Can someone hit THIS GUY with a brick…
    Opps, they ALREADY did.

    Can SOMEONE point out to this person..
    That Evolution HASNT stopped.
    That 1 in 5 children BORN, has a Physical defect.
    That 1 in 10 has a mental defect.
    That 1 in 20 has a ….
    This is ALL part of adapting to environment.
    What LIVES, What Propagates, WHAT survives, continues until it decimates its food source, or CHANGES again, and AGAIN, and AGAIN.


    Stupidity has killed more people then Kindness.

  18. anon says:

    I think this comes down to the difference between a descriptive theory and a prescriptive ethic. Evolution is both descriptive and a theory. It is neither prescriptive nor an ethic.

  19. We like your style Ken; Punching godless racism in the gut with Godly authority. Awesome! So far your theory makes the most sense of any ideas on racism that have emerged.

    Unbiased research is obviously not high on the list of most that comment here. Sad really, cause much space has been wasted on hearsay instead of what God says!


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