
If foreign nationals were permitted to select US presidential candidates, the senator from Illinois would be assured of the votes of the people of Obama, a fishing town on the Japan Sea coast that has taken its namesake to its heart.

Residents in Obama – small port in Japanese – have formed a support group whose members are monitoring every twist and turn in his bid to become the Democratic candidate…

Residents started taking a close interest in Obama’s political career in 2006 after a customs official claimed on TV that the senator had joked about his “Japanese origins” on arrival at Narita airport…

His opponent for the Democratic nomination, meanwhile, has won a small but ardent following among workers at a factory in southern Japan that makes construction equipment.

The elections are giving the firm’s “Hillary” transportation machines unprecedented media coverage. Launched after Bill Clinton became president in 1992, the machines are said by builders to be robust, yet easy to manoeuvre.

Is there a village somewhere named “McCain”.

  1. moss says:


  2. TIHZ_HO says:

    There is one Japanese town named USA in the Oita Prefecture on Kyushu Island.

    Made in USA…? :0


  3. JIM G says:

    A village named McCain? Why yes there is. But they spell it HIROSHIMA.
    Or it’s alternate spelling of Nagasaki also acceptable….

  4. Mark Derail says:

    McCain makes French Fries…not freedom fries.

  5. jbellies says:

    #4 … in Canada. That’s where we have McCain frozen french-fried potatoes.

    I’ll vote for Obama mac-Latke

    since my vote for Voldemort Poutine didn’t count.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    Is there anyplace or anything, anywhere called Huckabee? Could anyone say Prez Huckabee with a straight face for four years? I couldn’t. But apparently, the major corporate entities that are behind him can. They back a candidate named Dill Pickle, if Pickle kissed up to their existance. And Huckabee has already announced his undying support of the Space Program. Which is his way of saying that all the aerospace and defence corporations can expect a ride on the federal gravytrain, under his reign. Promising money to the super wealthy, long before announcing how he’ll fix the economy for the rest of us. Better plan on saying Huckabee a lot, in the next five years.

  7. MikeN says:

    Surely there’s a Huckabee in Japan? And there must be a Gravel somewhere.


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