ARM Ltd. will demonstrate Google Inc.’s Android on an early prototype device at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week, one of several demonstrations of the mobile platform that will occur at the conference…

“ARM will be demonstrating Android on an early prototype device to show how the platform works on their processor,” Google spokesman Barry Schnitt said in an e-mail. “There are a number of other companies that will be demonstrating Android on their hardware in various forms at Mobile World Congress.” He would not name the others, however.

It is logical for ARM to be developing in the Android area, since it designs Linux-based CPUs for mobile phones, as well as CPUs based on other types of operating systems. ARM is the predominant CPU platform for mobile phones globally.

Ready to buy one?

  1. TIHZ_HO says:

    Well nobody commented so far…

    I’ll get one, but only if it looks like the that communicator.

    Seems Star Trek TOS came pretty close on some things…


  2. BubbaRay says:

    #1, Darned right! I’ve always wanted a cool moirĂ© display on my phone.

    On topic, why is Google getting into the phone biz?

  3. James Hill says:

    I’ll look in to the device if the UI has a clean appearance. I’m becoming convinced that the draw of the iPhone is that the interface doesn’t include jagged graphics, which all other phones (including Blackberries) have.

    As for ARM, the move makes sense: Intel is about to get into this space.

  4. nrgdemon says:

    “…i am reaching your Mom. While you wait enjoy this ad for proflowers…”

    Can see it coming on my google phone. Can you?

  5. nature girl says:

    Bubba Ray –
    I think Google’s getting into the phone business because it is and will be the platform for most Internet access. If Google can provide a good platform (which it undoubtedly will), with some unobtrusive revenue stream attached, phone makers will flock to it. Then when all devices allow for open applications, google will have it’s host of Web apps ready to parlay into phone apps on Android.

  6. BubbaRay says:

    #5, nature girl, makes sense to me. Maybe they’ll be smarter than Apple and release it G3 without being locked to a single cell provider.

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    Dude, that is an AWESOME Star Trek TOS communicator! Is that an actual, available model? (I think I’ve found the PERFECT Valentine’s Day present for my wife!)


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