1. BigJoe says:

    Was I the only one who noticed that this was a lip-synched performance?

  2. johnhattan says:

    IIRC national anthems are almost always lip-synched because of the acoustics of stadiums. It’s nigh-impossible to sing in a stadium because you hear your own voice bounce back at you a fraction of a second later.

  3. Miguel says:

    Frakin’ awesome!

    God Bless America, and greetings from Portugal!

    Now go back to recovering those liberties you’ve been losing these past few years…

  4. Cinaedh says:

    If only people like George Bush and Dick Cheney could live up to it, what a wonderful world this might be.

  5. TatooYou says:

    She has a great voice! I had never heard of her before now.

  6. Chainring says:

    #4 – what a shame that you think any two people can ruin the entire world. Maybe it’s time to turn off the news and have a walk outside. Meet some other humans. There’s lots of nice folks around… try meeting a few.

  7. brian t says:

    I wish some of these singers would try holding a note, instead of going all over the place with vocal histrionics. When I hear Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera & co, I find myself thinking that they don’t hold notes because they can’t.

  8. Brian says:


    Someone’s jealous….so what if they sing differently than what YOU would like, they still have infinitely more talent than 99.9% of the population.

  9. Jeff says:

    No, its probably just younger women trying to be like Mariah and get some($$$).

  10. Pmitchell says:

    I agree true talent is holding a note not the up and down that the current singers do ( because it is very difficult )

  11. Steve says:

    Jose Feliciano still gets my vote for the best rendition (after Jimi of course).

  12. Mick Hamblen says:

    Wikipedia says her full name is Jordin Brianna Sparks. That’s Jordin with an ‘i’

    [You are correct sir. Thanks. – ed.]


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