This is at the edge of Victoria Falls in Africa in what’s called Devil’s Pool.

Wanna see more pics and vids?

  1. illybob says:

    In the US you would probably be arrested and have your children taken away for child endangerment. Looks like fun.

  2. Cinaedh says:

    Along the same lines as drinking whatever came out of a cow’s udder, the bravest person was the very first person to attempt this activity – although I can’t imagine it was anything but an accident.

  3. TomB says:

    This article should be renamed:

    Darwin Award Winner Qualification Location

  4. Greg Allen says:

    I might do this with some sort of tether or safety line. It does seem pretty cool.

    Life is weird that way — when I was younger and had my whole life to lose, I’d do more dangerous stuff.

    Now that I’m middle age with far less life left to lose, I’m much more more cautious.

    Go figure.


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