I’ve been following this gory tale of greed for days – waiting for the capture of the man Indians are calling “Doctor Horror”.

An Indian doctor suspected of being behind an illegal kidney transplant racket was arrested in Nepal today and paraded before journalists in the Himalayan country’s capital, Kathmandu.

Amit Kumar is accused of running a private hospital, just outside Delhi, which allegedly lured or forced hundreds of poor people into giving up their kidneys and made millions by selling their organs…

Hotel staff said Kumar kept a low profile, wearing a hat and sunglasses, but he aroused suspicions by cutting out stories about the kidney scam from local newspapers…

Investigators said that, despite his public protestations of innocence, Kumar confessed to carrying out hundreds of kidney transplants in India, where a commercial trade in such organs is illegal.

Busted for currency violations in Nepal, the good doctor had a quarter-million dollars walking-around money with him.

I hope India has laws against profiting from crimes after the fact. There will be movies made about this medical urban legend.

  1. Froggmann says:

    So that’s how Kumar will end up in jail, now what did Harrold do?

  2. edwinrogers says:

    How is this different from the Chinese selling body parts from executed prisoners?

  3. moss says:

    Didn’t read the story, eh?

    These were neither leftovers from executions nor willing participants. BBC-TV showed one poor bugger who was hired as a painter. Drugged and came to a few pounds lighter.

  4. RichO says:

    This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.

    I donated one of my kidneys to my wife 10 years ago. It was the greatest and easiest thing I have ever done.

    I hope they hang this guy by his toes and let nature take its course.

  5. moss says:

    Sorry #2 – shouldn’t have been so grumpy. I saw coverage of this on the telly – very graphic stuff.

    Here’s a link with more details:


  6. edwinrogers says:

    #5. I guess I should have expressed myself clearly. This guy is a monster and a crook, but not an extraordinary one. Harvesting humans for profit is widespread internationally, and is more common than states want to admit. It is a growing industry, often with state support.

  7. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I heard they were going to part him out. Keep your eyes open for eBay offers.


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