
Glen or Glenda?

HIGHLANDS RANCH – The issue of being transgender usually pops up with students in high school. However, a 3rd grade boy wants to dress as a girl and wants teachers and students to address him with a girl’s name. “As a public school system, our calling is to educate all kids no matter where they come from, what their background is, beliefs, values, it doesn’t matter,” said Whei Wong, Douglas County Schools spokesperson.

Wong says the staff at one of Douglas County’s schools is preparing to accommodate the student and answer questions other students might have. “I see this as being a very difficult situation to explain to my daughter to explain why someone would not want to be the gender they were born with,” said Dave M. The student had attended this same school in years prior, but had left to go to classes in another district for about two years. The transgender student will be returning to what is the child’s home school. Dave M. thinks classmates will recognize the change. Wong says teachers are planning to address the student by name instead of using he or she. The child will not use the regular boys or girls bathroom. Instead, two unisex bathrooms in the building will be made available. The school is handing out packets to parents who have questions. The packets contain information about people who are transgender. Pearson says children as young as 5 years old are realizing their true gender identity and her group wants to help parents who may be resisting the acceptance of this.

The fact that the schools will be building unisex bathrooms is a stupid idea and will just make matters worse for the kid. This is a tough call and I see no easy answers. I wonder how this is handled in the more “enlightened” parts of the world? After all, this is Colorado.

  1. Seth says:

    Wow, that’s just ridiculous. I feel that I have an open mind on things like this but I almost feel this is child abuse on the part of the parents.

    Can’t they just tell him no? It isn’t just a transgender issue. The distraction will be rough on both him and his classmates. Not to mention that he’s probably going to lose some friends.

    We need to figure out how to stop this politically correct plague in this country. Kids can’t go to school with a hat and baggy jeans but if they choose to look like the opposite sex, new bathrooms are created just for them.

  2. lmj3325 says:

    Does anyone want to make a prediction on how long it takes the third graders to start fornicating in the unisex restroom?

  3. Colorado says:

    Like you said, tough call. Just a point though, I don’t think they are “building unisex bathrooms”. There are probably faculty bathrooms that can be used.

  4. Dallas says:

    Good for him.

    My fear and hesitation is that he/she still needs to confront the “not like me” prejudices that are already baked into the minds of American 3rd graders.

    In other news…
    A rare and endangered dolphin was beaten to death for looking “weird” by Bangladesh fishermen.


    [Please use TinyUrl.com for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  5. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Thank you, Dallas. A perfect example of the caveman mentality, still with us.

  6. amodedoma says:

    They indoctrinate the kids young, saw in the news how they’re explaining ‘alternative lifestyles’ to 5 yearolds and a ‘fairy’-tale with two princes in it, required reading for 8 yearolds – and they lived happily ever after, indeed. Don’t know what happend to the America I grew up in, I guess that’s been the old timers lament for a long time. I’ve got nothing against alternative lifestyles, but I sure as heck don’t want my kids indoctrinated – I want them to discover things for themselves the older the better. I don’t see the need for looking into alternatives until the ‘normal’ is explored.

  7. Sea Lawyer says:

    No one complains about tom-boys

    At least not until they grow up and turn into full blown dykes.

  8. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #5 3HC, perfect perspective!

    So much of this crapola would be unnecessary if parents could be counted upon to raise their children, from the start, to be tolerant. It’s pitiful when teaching tolerance becomes a special “accommodation,” like treating the tires of a car as optional at extra cost. Welcome to a world where everyone isn’t like you. Get used to it.

  9. Sea Lawyer says:


    The bigger point is that nobody is just like anybody else. Which is why this whole diversity as measured through easy to categorize groups (skin color, sex, ethnic culture) is such nonsense.

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    P.S. to my #10, I should perhaps have pointed out that my kudos to 3HC was completely non-ironic, though careful readers would easily reach the same conclusion on their own 😉

  11. TatooYou says:

    Come on, this a joke right? the spokespersons name is “Whei Wong”? and what’s the little queens name? likes Wee Wong?

  12. framitz says:

    Mental illness need not be accomodated, it needs to be treated. The parents need HELP.

  13. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Sea Lawyer –

    Yep. When you browbeat kids into “don’t discriminate against this group” and “don’t discriminate against this other group”, there is an implicit message, which a kids brain absorbs unconsciously; “Anybody who’s different who doesn’t belong to one of those groups is fair game.”

  14. the answer says:

    i’m all for the GLBT society, but a kid in third grade wants to dress as the other sex? has he even hit puberty yet? Something smells fishy, and it ain’t the draws…

  15. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    #14 – framitz

    “Mental illness need not be accomodated, it needs to be treated.”

    Yes, anyone who doesn’t attack those who are different from themselves and teaches their child to be him/herself is mentally ill, by your unbiased, skilled psychiatric diagnosis. Thanks. Doctor.

    “The parents need HELP.”

    The parents are saner than you. Shouldn’t you be getting back to the cave?

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    Right or wrong, that kid has balls.

  17. TatooYou says:

    #18 Angel
    “Right or wrong, that kid has balls”

    Maybe you didn’t read the story, that seems to be the kids problem…

  18. Angus says:

    I’m all for inclusion and acceptance. But, in third grade, I also wanted to Godzilla.

  19. framitz says:

    Thank you,

    For taking the bait.

  20. RBG says:

    This is the same kind of artificially-induced “enlighted” BS as the ’60s notion that girls and boys should be raised socially identical. Until someone noticed evolution had other ideas about boy & girl behavior.


  21. Brian says:

    wow. Half of the answers here scare me. If any of y’all who answered “good for him” are parents, I fear that you’ve given birth to offspring, and, rather than raise them, you’re just letting their life flow freely wherever it may roam. That’s dangerous. Before your kids turn 18, you’re SUPPOSED to be in control of their life; you are legally and morally responsible for their well-being. And if you’d actually promote this kind of behavior in your own kids……

    God help us all.

    If my kids were exposed to this kind of “open thinking” I would yank him/her out immediately and sue the school district for exposing my child to sexually explicit material and concepts.

  22. DarthVCDr says:

    I remember seeing a story like this on the news up here (Canada) a while back.

    This happens a lot more than people think. The parents that think “it’s a phase” or “no kid of mine…” actually end up damaging the kid beyond whatever schoolyard taunts they may go through.

    One of the young people that the news story talked about was in a waiting period for gender reassignment surgery. The doctors are willing to do it, with parental consent, as young as 16, but the child has to undergo a waiting period to make sure it is truly how they feel.
    One couple was interviewed because their child had, from early as they could remember, identified as the opposite gender and they discouraged this. As that child grew up being forced into gender role, they became more and more depressed and withdrawn to the point they actually committed suicide, blaming the nonacceptances of their chosen role.

    Most of the other people interviewed about the subject of being transgendered (in either direction) were older of course, and had the sugary on their own. However most do remember feeling wrong as their born gender from a very early age.

    Just because you’re born with certain organs doesn’t mean that’s how your brain works.

    And the bathrooms could be faculty, or for the special needs children that need assistance.

  23. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Oh, horseshit, RBG. This is about raising or indoctrinating – it’s the kid’s call the he says he identifies with girls. Most people identify with their physical gender. Some don’t. All this is about is leaving him the fuck alone to figure it out for himself – something everyone has the right to do in any civilization worthy of the name, including kids who are in the midst of developing their identities.

    There’s no agenda behind “leave people who are different from you alone and mind your own affairs – and others’ll do the same for you.”

    • • • •

    #21 – framitz

    Thank you,

    For taking the bait.”

    It would’ve been bait had it contained a drop of irony. Unfortunately, that was not the case. 🙂

    • • • • •

    #16 – the answer

    “i’m all for the GLBT society, but a kid in third grade wants to dress as the other sex? has he even hit puberty yet? Something smells fishy, and it ain’t the draws…”

    You’re making the most common mistake in the book. The gender you identify with or present as doesn’t have anything to do with which gender you find sexually preferable – or even if you HAVE any sexual preferences. It’s who he (she) is – not who turns him (her) on.

    Gender ≠ sex.

  24. Seth says:

    I’m with you Brian. This is why there’s statutory rape. Children are not able to make these types of decisions.

    It’s not about gay bashing or having a caveman attitude. It’s about looking after your children.

    If kids in the third grade can change their sex, can they start having sex now? What if he declares he doesn’t want to go to school anymore. Do we have to respect his rights and let him loaf around?

    What the fuck is wrong with you people?

  25. njk says:

    So – would a TEACHER be allowed to dress like this? And, I suppose it’s OK for the kid to dress like this; but what if he/she/it brought an ASPRIN to school?

  26. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #22 RBG writes, “This is the same kind of artificially-induced “enlighted” BS as the ’60s notion that girls and boys should be raised socially identical. Until someone noticed evolution had other ideas about boy & girl behavior.”

    I don’t really see any contradiction with your point of view, as long as you’re willing to admit a distinction between physical gender and gender identity. The child in question seems to be one of those people more comfortable dressing and being treated as a “she” instead of a “he.” It appears that he and his parents are willingly embracing the very differences in boy/girl behavior you are referring to, instead of trying to ignore them.

    I still have questions about the young age at which this is happening, but without further knowledge, I can only say that the kid and his parents must feel very strongly that this is a correct assessment of his gender identity.

    The more important you consider those gender behavior differences to be, the more important it is to use the correct gender, don’t you agree?

  27. Sea Lawyer says:

    To me, the only thing worthwhile about being a girl is having multiple orgasms during sex. Everything else pretty much seems to be a drag.

  28. amodedoma says:

    I hate to burst your bubbles boys and girls but while all this chatter about the sexual identity of third graders is somewhat amusing, as the father of 3 boys 2 of which have passed 3rd grade I assure you at that age they have none; real, assumed, or imaginary. What they do seem to excell at is discovering how to manipulate and control their parents. This is just an exotic and creative try at getting attention, Take him to a cheap tailor and have a few kilts made – (who knows might even establish an infantile fashion trend).

  29. Jeff says:

    Well than I guess being a woman might be a bit of a drag given the overall stats on orgasm during intercourse. You could of course become a lesbian, but then you would probably have to deal with the whole lesbian death bed thing. Whatever…

    Second, statutory rape generally does not cover men being protected from women. To the best of my knowledge Michael M. established that sex between consenting teens was considered rape if the girl was underage. In other words, a boy sleeping with an older girl would be considered rape. (i.e. boys can make decisions, girls can’t)

    Third, I understand that the children go through phases (Mead), but this might be taking things a little too far. I am sorry but there is little evidence of true gender identity being established at the ages published in this story. Gender identity disorders manifesting at this age are likely related to another underlining issue.

  30. hp76b says:

    This is just SICK SICK SICK!!! This kid is obviously given access to too much tv programming. It has corrupted his mind. When I was a kid in school these kind of things were never even thought of. This kid must have somehow been exposed to some show about this garbage. Otherwise he would have no idea to even bring something like this up. Come on parents, supervise your children. There is no reason to be transgender, homosexual, or any other twisted sick thing. We were not made to be this way. It’s a disease.


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