The Archbishop of Canterbury drew criticism from across the political spectrum after he backed the introduction of sharia law in Britain and argued that adopting some aspects of it seemed “unavoidable”.

Rowan Williams, the most senior figure in the Church of England, said that giving Islamic law official status in the UK would help to achieve social cohesion because some Muslims did not relate to the British legal system.

His comments, in a lecture on civil and religious law given at the Royal Courts of Justice, were swiftly rebutted by the prime minister’s spokesman, who insisted British law would be based on British values and that sharia law would be no justification for acting against national law.

The archbishop’s political correctness hardly deserves a civil response.

Individuals have to resolve differences between their belief systems and national law all the time – no matter where they live. Trying to reverse that relationship is absurd – though no surprise among theocrats.

  1. chuck says:

    “some Muslims did not relate to the British legal system.”

    If they can’t relate to the British legal system, they should move to a country (like Saudi) which has a legal system they can relate to.

    In the same way I will never visit Saudi, because I like to drink coffee at Starbucks with my girlfriend.

  2. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    FSM save us all if fundamentalist freaks of any stripe attain a solid enough majority to shape laws according to their religious beliefs and customs.

    As an infidel, I’m feeling especially vulnerable.

  3. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    PC in Old Blighty has reached such virulence and epidemic scale that it needs to be renamed Mad Englishmen’s Disease.

    You simply cannot get the Politically Correct to grasp the fact that tolerance has limits. It is suicidal – as well as totally idiotic – to tolerate those who will not tolerate you.

    “If we show them how tolerant, open-minded and virtuous we are, they’ll see that our way is better, and they’ll drop their intolerant ways and embrace our vision of an open, multicultural society.”

    No they will not. Their unchanging goal is a monocultural society – their culture, to be precise.

    • • • •

    BTW, that was a very nice one there, bobbo… Poor chap has probably been waiting to see a (ironically, very likely Muslim) NH shrink for years now. Gone ’round the bend, he has. 🙂

  4. Jack Flanders says:

    “Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.” — Denis Diderot

  5. TIHZ_HO says:

    #31 chuck

    doesn’t Sharia Law forbid women from driving? So they don’t need a driver’s license. Problem solved.

    If only… 🙂

    1400 years ago not only were there no cars…but, no drivers licenses either.

    Perhaps the line of thought is that no man shall see another man’s woman as they can’t keep their dicks in their sheets – or something to that effect. So if the women can’t leave the house then they can’t drive…oh…unless they have the ninja sheet… damn!

    Ok, this then.

    Why are Muslim women required to NOT be seen by what I would assume to be, other good Muslim men? Being good Muslim men, they would keep their dicks in their sheets so then there would be no need for the women to wear the ninja sheets. If, however, the “good” Muslim men cannot keep their dicks in their sheets whenever they see non ninja covered women this is a statement which proves that Islam is not at all working…at least for the men.

    Sounds like a circular argument doesn’t it?

    Just be nice to everything and everyone! 🙂 Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!

    – Stimpy


  6. GodHelpUs says:

    [edit: see comments guide]

  7. TIHZ_HO says:

    #27 jbenson2

    I can see why you think this!

    However 90% is just because this is the US 10% religious convictions! 😆 Its just that in the US there are lawyers who give them the power to do shit like this. Beleive me if you have the power you use it baby! hahaha!

    I am a foreigner in China, and that gives me some power over the locals – its a drug this power thing, you have to watch yourself so you don’t become an ass or a bigger one!

    Do they do all these things in Islamic counties? Some sure, but not all. Hell in Indonesia they love Christmas time – decorations, songs, Santas, Christmas trees and people, Muslim people mind you wishing you a Merry Christmas in shops!

    Can you do that in the US? Oh no! I got the power BABY and I love using it to fuck with these Americans!

    I have a trade show in Dubai coming up my first visit to a real Arab country. My wife asked the consular office what she should wear. The answer, dress the way that is considered normal in China.

    I will report back to DU on our Dubai adventure.

    We are also being asked to visit a company in Tehran. We were told my wife would need to wear a scarf on her head but as she is Chinese if she didn’t or she forgot more than likely its ok. I am very curious about visiting there. I have been assured that Iranians suffer from the same thing Americans have – an idiot president! 😆


  8. #34 – Cat heads, cat heads, rolly polly cat heads,

    Must you attribute everything to political correctness? This is not about that.

    This is a power struggle by a minority to impose its rules on everyone else, as religion is wont to do. It is no different than the anti-choice movement, anti-stem cell research movement here in the U.S.

    It is no different than people who want to kill their children allow their children to die rather than give them medical care. This is not political correctness. It is the religiose asserting their muscle.

    Religion kills folks dead.

  9. the answer says:

    who cares about he says, he’s a bishop. A BISHOP. he has no say in parliament nor will he ever. keep dreaming buddy, and I don’t mean about little choir boys.

  10. BTW, would someone please post a link to the comments guide? I’ve never found it for either this blog or Cagematch. And, what does uncensored mean? 🙂

    [ Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    #32 chuck “If they can’t relate to the British legal system, they should move to a country (like Saudi) which has a legal system they can relate to.”

    Exactly! Too much time and energy is spent trying to make this a perfect world. Well it isn’t and if some of you don’t like the food where you are then don’t eat there.

    Its all attitude isn’t it? I would rather have someone leave than sit around tolerating things because one day they might not want to tolerate any more and then its postal time!

    We raise our children to be a mirror of ourselves.



  12. Cursor_ says:

    # 3, 4 & 30

    There are MAYBE 12 british people living in the UK.

    Everyone else is smeggin Dane, Frenchie or Kraut.

    The royals are germans not brits. Haven’t had a brit on the throne for over
    a thousand years. I’m sure you look at The Archbishop he probably a bloody norman.


    No PEOPLE kill people dead. And PEOPLE use religion as a scapegoat to ease
    their HUMAN homocidal minds.

    Overall about the Archbishop

    “Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?”


  13. GetSmart says:

    The whole “strength through diversity” concept seems to have an abysmal track record. Xenophobia must have serious survival value or it wouldn’t persist as a behavior. There’s just WAY too many recent and historical examples of folks killing one another over differences that an outside observer would need a freaking scorecard to discern. “Diversity” seems to mean little more in the long run than the ability to identify who the enemy is when it’s time to rumble.
    In this life there are Good Guys(TM) and Bad Guys(TM), and it’s the job of the Good Guys(TM) to kill the Bad Guys(TM).
    Trouble is, until the smoke clears and you see who’s left standing, you don’t know who the Good Guys(TM) are.

  14. #45 – Cursor_,

    No PEOPLE kill people dead.

    True enough. But, religion is one of the great ways to increase xenophobic homicidal tendencies. So, I think we’re splitting hairs.

  15. Cursor_ says:

    Again you put the horse before the cart Scott.

    Humans are not MOTIVATED by religion. They are motivated by their own desire to control and dominate others and their surrounding.

    If they aren’t hacking each other up, they are hacking animals up or plants or even going digital and knocking off some pixels. Its part of being human.

    Most humans have such a hate for personal responsibility that they will foist their wrongdoings to ANYTHING but themselves.

    The devil made me do it
    voices in my head
    he was asking for it
    he needed killing
    It was a mercy killing

    ANYTHING to deflect the desire to harm, kill, but overall CONTROL something or one.

    And that is REALLY the issue, control. Its is why humans rape, kill and steal. Who controls what and to what extent.

    So drop the religion crap. That is YOUR excuse for not being personally responsible enough to address killing amongst humans.

    Oh well theyv’d always done it, so they always will, what can I do about it???

    Tired old excuses. So its all religion’s fault, even though that is an inanimate object or a verb. Yep that’s right ideas and action parts of your language kill people.



  16. Ah_Yea says:

    Let’s not forget that Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot, (all Atheist), who liberated from life more people than all the crusades and world wars put together!

    So when we talk about religion being the root of all evil, we better forget that historically Atheist have been even more brutal and intolerant.

  17. Jess Hurchist says:

    What I heard him say is that religious law is above national law.
    Sorry No
    Henry VIII had it right – no organisation should be above the law.
    Charles I found out the hard way that we (the people meant it)
    That said, there may be a place for elements of Sharia under the law.

  18. Rory Lem says:

    Hey my aunt is married in Jordan to a moslem from way back when . Under Sharia law she can dump him anytime she wants no questions asked. Pretty advanced I’d say .

  19. bill says:

    I wonder how long it will be before we cleanse the planet of islam…

    and the other ‘religions; as well..

    except for the FSM folks!

  20. brian t says:

    Well, if the reactions are any guide, England & Wales are still safe. Just about everyone, from the Prime Minister on down, dumped on Rowan from varying altitudes. As for Scotland… I’d want to watch the action from a safe distance – say, Ireland.

  21. OMG says:

    This is going to be very entertaining. There’s already documented case of a mom bringing her young daughter into a bookstore, selecting a christian childs book for the kid. They get to the checkout, and the muslim women cashier tells them they are unclean and walks away.

    Imagine this in a few years. Muslim man and muslim women marry. So far, so good. Then things, as they sometimes do, go downhill. Now it’s a race! Can the husband tell his wife “i divorce you! I divorce you! I divorce you!” before she wises up, switches to an indian yogi cult where women! are in control of the family finances, gives all the money away to the scientologists (good luck taking them on) and moves to india to be with her new culture/religion.

    Go Jerry Springer that!

  22. bobbo says:

    #49–Cursor==you say “Humans are not MOTIVATED by religion. They are motivated by their own desire to control and dominate others and their surrounding.”

    I think you are trapped in the “only one way to think” paradigm–very religious thinking on your part, are you trying to control me?

    I could, like you, simply disagree with your mirror opposite and say “Yes, religion does motivate people.”

    But let me take the germ of your idea and work with it. People are motivated by whatever subconscious desires there are and this primal force then gets shaped and directed by externalities like religion, patriotism, ecoism, etc.

    Scott may over-emphasize religion but you do the same in the opposite direction.

    #50–Ah Yea===similarly, yes atheism and religion are not the same but they share a motivating spirit==they think an “ism” is above individual freedom. That is what makes them both so evil.

  23. OvenMaster says:

    “While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within”, by Bruce Bawer forecast the very probability of this happening in the UK a couple of years ago. Perhaps the bishop has read Mr. Bawer’s book and decided that the time was right to bring this about.

    This is one scary book, people, in the same vein as “Londonistan”.

  24. Mister Catshit says:

    #27, jbenson,

    Here in Minneapolis, the Muslim taxi drivers refuse to pick-up any returning airline passenger who is carrying duty-free wine.

    Any taxi driver may refuse a fare if they have any reason. A Christian driver may refuse to pick up a group of Muslims wearing burkas as well. What is illegal is to refuse a seeing eye dog.

    The local Target Superstores have Muslim cashiers who refuse to bar-code pepperoni pizzas, bacon or sausage.

    There was ONE cashier and last I heard she was transfered to another department and quit.

    The Dept of Motor Vehicles is in an fight with Muslims who insist on wearing their burqua for their driver’s license photo

    She lost in court and had to remove the veil for the photo. Since you use the plural, could you please cite some other examples?

    Minnesota schools installing foot washers to allow Muslims to pray

    This is what is called an “accommodation”. Since an aspect of their religion requires they wash their feet, they were using the sinks. At least one student slipped and hurt her self this way.

    Public state colleges building meditation rooms that are restricted to Muslims only

    So does that mean the frat boys have to move their parties down the hall to the chapels?

    The Imans who tried to sue Minnesotan airline passengers who warned the authorities about their strange behavior

    So what is wrong in asking a court to redress a wrong. The Imans were discriminated against because of their religion. They were held by authorities, handcuffed, treated rudely, and denied a later flight. In case you were unaware, it is illegal to discriminate on religious grounds in public.

  25. bobbo says:

    Well Catshit, you’re on quite a tear tonight, but no takers. Is there a game on tonight?

    I’d love to disagree with any of your various posts, but you haven’t left any room.

    Instead I can only ask: “How tolerant of the Muslim religion should the west be? Can you identify any given tripping point that would recommend any given action?

    I’ve asked the question, and I’ll think about my own answer as I haven’t given it any specific thought, but the question does seem to be rising more and more.

  26. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    #40 – M Scott

    “#34 – Cat heads, cat heads, rolly polly cat heads,

    Must you attribute everything to political correctness? This is not about that.”

    Yes, sorry.

    Not only is it about PC – tolerance, TAKEN TO AN IRRATIONAL AND COUNTERPRODUCTIVE EXTREME, is one of the very defining tenets of PC.

    And that’s PC in a nutshell. Once good, well-intended liberal thoughts and principles, twisted and warped until they have nothing to do with their original reason for being. Oversimplified, childish black-and-white absolutist propaganda instead of intelligent recognition of the shades of gray that represent reality.

    Once, people UNFAIRLY, for NO LEGITIMATE REASON, discriminated against other people.

    Rational thought and sensible balance say that discrimination should only be fair and for valid, substantive reasons.

    But PC, being a simplistic propaganda instrument, dumbs that down to DISCRIMINATION IS BAD.

    Once, for thoroughly bogus and unjust reasons, people refused to tolerate others with different beliefs.

    Moderation and balance again prescribe being tolerant and accepting of others, as long as they honor their obligation to reciprocate.

    PC says, ALL RELIGIOUS BELIEFS MUST BE TOLERATED AND ACCEPTED AT ALL TIMES, which is idiotic bullshit. We do NOT have to, and SHOULD NOT tolerate injustice, unwarranted violence, abuse, victimization… No one has to, or should ever, tolerate those who do not reciprocate. But PCers say that that is unfair to the intolerant, whose right to hold destructive and dangerous beliefs is no less than our right to reject those things. More idiotic, politically-motivated shit that can never stand up to rational examination.

    “We have no right to say our ways are better” is their moronic “reasoning.” Our ways, in this case, ARE better and we have every right to say so. To reject a violent, primitive, suppressive culture and deny it equal footing with a nonviolent, modern, progressive and freedom-cultivating culture IS discrimination, and it is also completely fair and just.

    PC is rotting the social fabric of the UK and steadily destroying much of the Enlightenment thought and ideals which have immeasurably improved the lot of all humankind.

    PC is the evil leftist-extremist spawn of the morally-bankrupt concept of “value relativism,” which see.

  27. rivers red says:

    just goes to show how close xtianity and islam are to each other. May both slaughter each other so that rivers of blood run red and fill the gutters and sewers!

  28. god says:

    The best silliness is presuming (declaiming) PC to be a Liberal product. In the US, it starts most notably with the “Southern Strategy” in the Republican Party, decades ago.

    What it meant was “let’s take the racist vote away from Dixiecrats” – the Republican Party can be more bigoted, anytime.

    It carries on through with “pacification” and all the other crap beloved of Pentagon PR flacks.

  29. MikeN says:

    This guy should have been thrown out when he said that Prince Charles had to apologize before he could remarry.


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