The Archbishop of Canterbury drew criticism from across the political spectrum after he backed the introduction of sharia law in Britain and argued that adopting some aspects of it seemed “unavoidable”.

Rowan Williams, the most senior figure in the Church of England, said that giving Islamic law official status in the UK would help to achieve social cohesion because some Muslims did not relate to the British legal system.

His comments, in a lecture on civil and religious law given at the Royal Courts of Justice, were swiftly rebutted by the prime minister’s spokesman, who insisted British law would be based on British values and that sharia law would be no justification for acting against national law.

The archbishop’s political correctness hardly deserves a civil response.

Individuals have to resolve differences between their belief systems and national law all the time – no matter where they live. Trying to reverse that relationship is absurd – though no surprise among theocrats.

  1. TIHZ_HO says:

    Malaysian Model maybe?

    That’s gone full circle – UK >>> Malaysia >>> UK


  2. hemm says:

    Archbishop Williams ARE YOU ON DRUGS?

  3. TIHZ_HO says:

    No, he is British.


  4. Improbus says:

    Are you sure he isn’t French? What a surrender monkey.

  5. Griffy says:

    Hmm, but separate Orthodox Jewish courts exist in the UK already, how is this different? (Better lobbyists?)

  6. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Great photo! I’ve been looking everywhere for one of those costumes for Halloween. I bet the Archbishop gets a lot of cool candy.

  7. TIHZ_HO says:

    #4 Improbus – Even more reason! 😆


  8. Dallas says:

    Why is it that anybody dressed up as a conehead gets a following?

    It is one of those unsolved mysteries of the human kind. Yet, if you dress up as a conehead at a bar, you get a funny look? Wierd.

  9. lperdue says:

    Well, it does sort of go along with his stand on gays which has certainly helped split the Episcopal church in America.

    Plus, shariah varies according to the interpretation of the Quran.

    In some places, there are those who interpret (and act on) it as requiring death for homosexuals, adulters, and infidels.

    The latter would certainly include the Archbishop himself … thus offering what one might consider a logical conclusion to the step he is advocating.

  10. bobbo says:

    Completely vague and ambiguous and contradictory what this confused fellow in a dress is saying. Why don’t the British authorities extend to him common human decency and get him the food, shelter, and medical care he so obviously needs?

  11. Esteban says:

    It’s interesting that this man, in the name of religious tolerance, is advocating religious extremism.

  12. #5 – Griffy,

    Really??!!? That isn’t different. It’s fucking pathetic. And, pathetic is not enjoying it.

    It’s time to get rid of n,000 year old laws that do not meet today’s moral zeitgeist, not go back to them. Yecch!!

  13. Cinaedh says:

    What do we do with witches?

  14. random heathen says:

    That’s it! I want a separate Atheist court too!

  15. Mister Catshit says:

    In the back of my mind is Lou Reed singing “Take a Walk on the Wild Side”.

    Where all the cone heads go
    Doot de doo
    Doot de doo …

  16. Eric says:

    What a load of hogwash. How does it make sense to have 2 parallel legal systems, one for Muslims, and one for everyone else?

    No sooner than its adoption, we’d see people adopting the “born again Muslim” defense.

    “Yes, I killed my wife by stoning her to death. But I’m a newly converted Muslim and its allowed under Sharia. It was an honor killing. We were watching Faulty Towers, and she was so enamored of John Cleese I thought she wanted to sleep with him…”

    “I cannot stand trial for the serial killing of 200 women. They refused to wear the Hijab! They were prostitutes! They wore miniskirts and painted their faces. They deserved it…”


    I personally have no problems with Muslims; or Budhists, Animists, Taoists, Athiests, or any other religion (pun intended). but to claim that their religious believes require them to ignore the laws of the host nation in lieu of their own is unacceptable.

    They come to Western countries from places like Saudi Arabia to “escape persecution” and then expect the host country to behave, well, like Saudi Arabia. you want to be a Wahabbi, fine. Go back to Saudi Arabia and be with your brethren.

    I say those that want Sharia law should go back home where it IS the law of the land, and the Archbisop should have his public speaking license revoked.

  17. ethanol says:

    Griffy and Misanthropic Scott,

    Just to clarify the point, in the case of the separate Jewish Court (Beth Din) it is only for civil cases, NOT criminal cases, not that I agree with having separate courts.
    This fool is talking about all-encompassing Sharia Law.

  18. #13 – Cinaedh,

    She turned me into a newt!!

    (burn her! burn her!)

    Besides, she does weigh less than a duck.

  19. Cinaedh says:

    #18 Misanthropic Scott

    “(burn her! burn her!)”

    I just love it when religions mellow out.

  20. Maleman says:

    We used to shoot or hang traitors….

  21. #17 – ethanol,

    Thanks. That does make it a little better. Kind of like submitting to binding arbitration. If you choose a rabbi for your arbiter and both sides agree, that’s fine.

    If it were for criminal court, I would not be fine with that at all.

    #16 – Eric,

    You bring up some excellent points, especially regarding conversion. Let’s see though. I think the person would have to already be Muslim at the time of the crime. So, one who is not happy with one’s wife could convert, then kill her.

    Yup. Interesting loophole being created there.

    Besides, the whole thing is so horrific it is really surprising that anyone wants this in this day and age. The Old Testament has laws just as or nearly as horrific as Sharia Law. The difference is that no one (AFAIK) is advocating bringing back such laws.

    If they did, we’d have stupid shit like this:

    Woman: I was raped by him. (pointing)
    Judge: Was this inside city limits?
    Woman: Of course not. Had it been inside, when I screamed, people would have run to my aid!!
    Judge: OK then. Turns to rapist. You are found guilty. Tomorrow the two of you will be married and you will pay the full brideprice of a virgin to her family. Next case.

    In short, all laws written n,000 years ago are likely to seem quite ridiculous today. Can’t we move on already?

  22. TIHZ_HO says:

    Here is something which relates to all this interpretation shit that every religion goes on and on about.

    In China a contract between parties can be translated from Official Standard Chinese to any language or even other Chinese dialects. However, if there is a dispute between the parties, only the Official Standard Chinese version is legal in court – period.


    Now what do we always hear from the bible thumpers, especially those TV Christian Evangelicals? All we get are their interpretation of the scriptures! Hold on! God entered into a contract with us – an agreement that if we live how he told us to do, as spelled out in his divine contract, then we have happy happy for all time. The only version that is legal is in one written in the original language!

    Oh Shit!!

    There is can be no room for splitting hairs on word meanings with the English translation, that came from the Latin, that came from the Greek, that came from the…god only knows how many Aramaic and Jewish dialects versions.

    Uh-Oh is right…we are all screwed!

    We really don’t have a fricken clue what god wants us to do! Therefore a safe bet would be from the gist of all the things having to do with god is be nice to everyone and everything.

    Hell, you don’t want to float upstairs to some guy in a beard who looks at you and shakes his head saying – You didn’t read the fine print…just be nice to everyone and everything…bye bye! 😉


  23. TIHZ_HO says:

    # 17 ethanol – Same as Malaysia…its not so bad unless you are a Muslim and don’t want to be anymore. Its a one way street – so be careful going down that road.


  24. TIHZ_HO says:

    #13 Cinaedh



  25. Ah_Yea says:

    Although the Archbishop’s ideas are only half baked, I do see that at least he is offering the fig leaf to help address real Muslim concerns in England.

    This isn’t a bad thing.

    Obviously this would only work in civil cases under binding arbitration. Since it would be under binding arbitration, as long as the participants agree it could be under the laws of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! Who cares?

    So the issue of Sharia Law in this case is a non-issue.


    How many Muslim religious leaders in Muslim countries would even begin to suggest the same thing? The Archbishop can say this because he has the freedom to do so, in any Muslim country I can think of, his counterpart would be a target for a suicide bomber.

  26. jbenson2 says:

    Unfortunately, some of the effects of Sharia Law are already showing up in the USA.

    * Here in Minneapolis, the Muslim taxi drivers refuse to pick-up any returning airline passenger who is carrying duty-free wine.
    * The local Target Superstores have Muslim cashiers who refuse to bar-code pepperoni pizzas, bacon or sausage.
    * The Dept of Motor Vehicles is in an fight with Muslims who insist on wearing their burqua for their driver’s license photo
    * Minnesota schools installing foot washers to allow Muslims to pray (what happened to separation of church and state?)
    * Public state colleges building meditation rooms that are restricted to Muslims only
    * The Imans who tried to sue Minnesotan airline passengers who warned the authorities about their strange behavior

  27. triplight says:

    Improbus, have you ever been outside the U.S.?

    Israelis, as an example, suffer bombings on a regular basis, but they go on living their lives while we cower like pussies, electing incompetent leaders and allowing them to spy on us and take away fundamental rights because we’re afraid we might be attacked again. We’re the ones who’ve surrendered, asswipe.

  28. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #8 et. al., I have one of those costumes for events like the partners meeting at the firm when I want things to go my way. Seems to inspire awe and confusion. Other events are: court appearances, job interviews, and Laker’s Basketball games.

  29. Lord Crimson says:

    The British like many western nations are in danger of losing their culture. To stand by and watch it happen is bad enough, but to actually encourage it is a disgrace.

  30. chuck says:

    “* The Dept of Motor Vehicles is in an fight with Muslims who insist on wearing their burqua for their driver’s license photo”

    – doesn’t Sharia Law forbid women from driving? So they don’t need a driver’s license. Problem solved.


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