The Archbishop of Canterbury drew criticism from across the political spectrum after he backed the introduction of sharia law in Britain and argued that adopting some aspects of it seemed “unavoidable”.

Rowan Williams, the most senior figure in the Church of England, said that giving Islamic law official status in the UK would help to achieve social cohesion because some Muslims did not relate to the British legal system.

His comments, in a lecture on civil and religious law given at the Royal Courts of Justice, were swiftly rebutted by the prime minister’s spokesman, who insisted British law would be based on British values and that sharia law would be no justification for acting against national law.

The archbishop’s political correctness hardly deserves a civil response.

Individuals have to resolve differences between their belief systems and national law all the time – no matter where they live. Trying to reverse that relationship is absurd – though no surprise among theocrats.

  1. Mister Catshit says:

    #63, THC,

    Once, people UNFAIRLY, for NO LEGITIMATE REASON, discriminated against other people.

    And they still do. Discrimination CAN be a legal and accepted thing*. Not when it is an excuse for trivial crap that becomes a slur against a whole group of people.

    Discrimination by sex for washrooms or age for drinking.

    But PC, being a simplistic propaganda instrument, dumbs that down to DISCRIMINATION IS BAD.

    Are you back on the PC v Mac crap again? And no. All discrimination is NOT bad. For another example, the Harvard Law School discriminates against granting seats to stupid people.

    No one has to, or should ever, tolerate those who do not reciprocate.

    Ha ha ha, I guess you never played hockey. Not only is it a tough game physically, there are quite often a lot of infractions. The point to remember in hockey is that it is the retaliation that usually gets caught, not the instigation.

    “We have no right to say our ways are better” is their moronic “reasoning.” Our ways, in this case, ARE better and we have every right to say so. To reject a violent, primitive, suppressive culture and deny it equal footing with a nonviolent, modern, progressive and freedom-cultivating culture IS discrimination, and it is also completely fair and just.

    Yes, our right to believe OUR “god” is bigger than your “god” is supreme. The part where you fail is your painting of an entire culture and religion with the same brush. Have you forgotten the words of ”Onwards Christian Soldiers”? Have you forgotten about our fighting military that swore the Pledge of Allegiance including the phrase “One Nation under god”?

    Our “non-violent” culture? Ya right. You are one of the most irrationally vocal pro death penalty advocates in one of the highest murder rate countries in the western world in one of the most religious countries. Freedom loving? Ya right, we lock people up for minor things for extraordinary lengths of time, we confiscate water bottles before people can board a plane, we arrest Muslim kids playing Paintball, but not the white kids.

    PC is the evil leftist-extremist spawn of the morally-bankrupt concept of “value relativism,” which see.

    Yup. I think you’ve had at least one too many drinks. You have made very little sense in this entire post.

    When someone tries to justify their bigotry by using phrases such as “PC” and “extremist spawn”, it just shows they don’t have any argument. Bigotry can not be rationalized. Go sober up before responding.

  2. Rick Cain says:

    Whatever happened to the good olde days when the effiete British would order the execution of 1000 dark skinned people then have a nice pot of tea?

    Now they’re surrendering to a bunch of 12th century loons who think handwashing is bad, they wipe their butts with their hand, and they think satan lives in your nasal passages at night.


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