• I just flew in from Las Vegas and boy are my arms tired.
  • Polaroid to stop making Polaroid film.
  • An abandoned anchor seems to be cutting cables by itself.
  • Notes of the EU and Microsoft.
  • PLUS a slew of Microsoft headlines and the Yahoo deal. Agh!

click to listen:

  1. moss says:

    When did Henny Youngman start writing material for John?

  2. RickHap says:

    Summerlin is named after Howard Hughes’ grandmother, Jean Amelia Summerlin.

    Hubert Sumlin

  3. dg says:

    Duh, the fool anchor obviously got abandoned *because* it got stuck on the cables.

  4. Nadrew says:

    Why did you black hole my comment? Same as # 3 said. Plus of a reference to Hubert Sumlin.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    Neal Stephenson had a fascinating (somewhat long) piece in the December ’96 Wired (4.12) about communications cables. Recommended reading for anyone interested.

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    Oops! Forgot to include the URL to the Wired article by Stephenson. You can read it in one long go (about 15k) at


  7. Rick Cain says:

    The cables are being cut for a reason.

    It gives the USA time to attach data gathering taps to them.

    Its not the first time we did this. During the cold war we tapped a Soviet undersea cable.
    Modern cables are optical so you can’t just tap them with a ring that picks up the magnetism of the wire, you must cut it first and install the bridge between the fiber bundles.

  8. ECA says:

    WOW, you smart.


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