
The “Mouth of the South” might be mellowing, at least in terms of his appetite for ranchland in Nebraska. CNN founder Ted Turner, the largest private landowner in Nebraska and the United States and the nation’s largest bison rancher, said Wednesday that he is about done buying new ranches.

He said he would like to reach 2 million acres nationwide before he dies — about 40,000 acres more than he currently owns. In a half-hour interview, Turner answered questions on a broad range of subjects — his political preferences, the profitability of bison, his shrinking fortune and conspiracy theories that he is buying Nebraska land to corral the best chunks of the Ogallala Aquifer.

“I’m almost done. I’ve got enough,” said Turner, who was visiting Omaha for the reopening and renaming of one of his 54 bison restaurants, now called Ted’s Nebraska Grill.

The 69-year-old billionaire, philanthropist and conservationist said he isn’t interested in free-standing ranches anymore, only “reasonably priced” parcels adjacent to his current operations, which include five ranches in Nebraska near Gordon, Oshkosh and Mullen. The ranches cover 425,221 acres, an area larger than Douglas and Sarpy Counties combined.

“You know what 2 million acres is?” Turner asked over a plate of bison miniburgers and transfat-free onion rings. “If my land was all connected, in one long straight line, a mile deep, it would stretch from New York to San Francisco.” Then he joked: “I’ve been thinking about doing some swaps. I’d be able to cut the United States in half and charge people from going from the north to the south.”

Ha-Ha, (he laughs nervously).

  1. hwo says:

    Who will inherit when he dies?

  2. edwinrogers says:

    #1. Me!

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    He also owns land adjacent to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. There’s a chance they will inherit it when he goes, doubling the its size.

  4. Hunter says:

    U have to be ignorant to call such a precious human obscenely loaded liberal.
    Land is something that won’t be made again

  5. the answer says:

    it looks like he is aging like Imus.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #3 – I don’t know what’s worse: A bible belt, hardcore republican or an obscenely loaded liberal

    It’s the Republican. That’s an easy one.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – He also owns land adjacent to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. There’s a chance they will inherit it when he goes, doubling the its size.

    That’s awesome. Philmont is amazing.

  8. tcc3 says:

    “its like letting the air our of a balloon!!! Muahaahaahaahaahaahaahahahaa!!!”

    {clears throat}

    Kidding. Of course thats not my evil plan.

  9. Phillep says:

    I wonder if he is one of those who owns the blocks of land where hunting is prohibited on the east coast? The deer over populate and head out to the neighboring farms for a midnight meal and go back to where it’s safe to stay all day.

    No one but the hunters hired by the government can legally shoot the deer at night. (Pretty stupid to pay some one to do what others would pay to do, but that’s politics for you.)

    Anyhow, the deer can wipe out certain crops and the farmer either grows stuff that sells for less or goes broke, and people like Turner buy up their farms.

  10. Josh Jellel says:

    Ted’s Montana Grill: best burger I’ve ever eaten, which pains me to say, considering it’s proprietor.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I can’t understand the anti-Turner sentiment that people have. The only bad thing he ever did was colorize movies… and he quit doing that.

  12. McCullough says:

    #12. Well, he is an advocate of population reduction, to ridiculous levels. Which is a tad nutty. Heres a quote from Audubon Magazine.

    “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”

    Theres only one way to do that.

  13. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #12 – well he did marry Jane Fonda who should have been shot for treason.

    On the other hand, it’s not possible to be obscenely wealthy – no amount of wealth is too much.

  14. moss says:

    #13 – how to do it? Elect neocon nutballs for a couple more terms. They’ll get it done.

    #14 – another chickenhawk heard from who’d rather shoot people opposed to colonial war – than stop the war.

    Never could figure out why cowards like to be called patriots.

    #10 – just about ignorant as ever. The hunting and fishing on Turner’s land next next to Philmont is as good or better than it ever was.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – He’s a proponent of zero growth. So am I. That he thinks a 95% reduction represents an ideal number is a different thing from advocating genocide. Only TheGlobalWarmingNemesis advocates genocide.

    I think 3 billion is a good number. But what do I know?

    #12 – well he did marry Jane Fonda who should have been shot for treason.


    She was sexy.

    Politically she wasn’t actually wrong so much as naive and daft.

  16. Phillep says:

    Moss, I was asking for information on Turner.

    Viet Nam? Yeah, the French wanted their colony back and used Japanese troops. Ike sent observers (a type of spy), Walt Cronkite pushed for invasion and John Kennedy (D) sent troops in. LBJ (D) sent more troops in. Nixon (R) forced a treaty on North Viet Nam, then got impeached. North Viet Nam broke the treaty and invaded. Democrats in DC voted down helping South Viet Nam. The famous helicopter photo was shot after that, although it is still being used as a “US Defeated” photo.

    China tried to invade North Viet Nam toward the end of that mess and got their butts kicked. The Russians tried some economic imperialism, and the Vietnamese decided they were jerks and not to deal with them.


  17. MikeN says:

    Ted Turner is a hypocrite. He has all this private land and ranches growing bison, while he supports some of the most extreme environmental groups who would just as soon kick people out of public parks, hate private land ownership, and hate hunting and ranching.

  18. Lou Minatti says:

    Turd Turner is a moron who inherited his wealth from his dad. The Great Plains are emptying out anyway. The population in huge swaths of the central US is collapsing and former farm land is reverting to a natural state. Turner is simply on an ego trip and that money he’s wasting on his ego trip could be better spent on more productive things.

  19. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #20 – It’s his money, he can spend it however he wants.

    #16 – When have I advocated genocide?

  20. old waterman says:

    Who else can say they personally lost six billion dollars.

  21. Mister Catshit says:

    #10, Philleep,

    I wonder if he is one of those who owns the blocks of land where hunting is prohibited on the east coast? The deer over populate and head out to the neighboring farms for a midnight meal and go back to where it’s safe to stay all day.

    No one but the hunters hired by the government can legally shoot the deer at night. (Pretty stupid to pay some one to do what others would pay to do, but that’s politics for you.) …
    blah blah blah

    What an effen moran. I guess you don’t hunt. You don’t know eff about deer either. Trolling, now that is a different matter.

    Night hunting is illegal, period. Often called “jacking” or “light jacking”, it is not a very “sporting” method. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I am unaware of ANY North American jurisdiction that allows it let alone a government actually doing it.

    NOTE: Government controlled hunting in State Parks is a totally different thing. Around here, they are usually bow or black powder.

    However, in most jurisdictions, if the neighboring land has wildlife that injures the farmer, the farmer is allowed to seek compensation from the neighbor. Farmers can usually ask that a restraining fence be built. Regardless, hunting will be allowed on the farmer’s land during hunting season. Deer will feed from a little before dusk until a little after sunrise.

    Unless you are referring to a State owned Park. Those rules are a little different. But that would have nothing to do with Turner.

  22. Mister Catshit says:

    #12, OFTLO,

    Why was that such a bad thing?

    #14, iHotAirNuts

    You sound jealous. I am totally unaware where not marrying a dipshit like you could be considered treasonous.

    #17, Philleep,

    Your knowledge of history looks a little weak. Try this

    #18, Mental Midget MikeN

    Call Turner a hypocrite all you want. It doesn’t change the fact you’re a troll and just plain wrong. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. Put your brain in gear before engaging your mouth.

    #19, Lou,

    Say what? Turner took the modest inheritance and turned it into an empire. He not only kept his senses doing it, he has contributed far more to sustaining this planet then you ever will.

    #20, iHotAirNut

    Re #16, (ahem) have you tried Scope lately?

  23. Steven James Beto says:

    If Mr. Turner sells bison meat on a mail-order basis to individual families, please provide him with my e-mail address. I’d love to support his efforts by becoming a customer.


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