This is how much more money I am going to spend.

His team is using the term “suspending the campaign.” It will hit the papers in a few minutes.

  1. Judge Jewdy says:

    Hillary’s next!

  2. bobbo says:

    #29–OFTL===I think you are corrupting the notion of right/wrong with the power/ability to correct the same?

    Iraq was not glue–it may have been a counterbalance to Iran, but that is not glue.

    Iraq was not stable. No country held in the grip of a psychotic dictator (lets include Sadam’s two sons)is stable–it is cowed into submissiveness.

    It is totally correct to invade a country like Irag, Iran, Korea, China, just about every non-democratic state. The only wrong thing about it is to think we can do it. We can’t. Not being able to do the right thing doesn’t make it the wrong thing.

  3. MikeN says:

    OFTLO, I think Howard Dean said about the same thing in one of the 2003 debates. I think he would have won had he gotten the nomination over the ‘electable’ John Kerry, who later lectured that it would be irresponsible in the extreme to vote against the $87 billion

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #32 – it is cowed into submissiveness.

    aka: Stable

    Stable enough for government work…

    #33 – OFTLO, I think Howard Dean said about the same thing in one of the 2003 debates.

    I think you are right. But then, to be fair, I can’t remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday 🙂

  5. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #32 bobbo wrote, “It is totally correct to invade a country like Irag, Iran, Korea, China, just about every non-democratic state. The only wrong thing about it is to think we can do it. We can’t. Not being able to do the right thing doesn’t make it the wrong thing.”

    When did democracy achieve such high moral status that no other form of government can be considered right or correct? Not even the world’s primary religions, with their inherent insanity, support any such claim for democracy. However, you’ve certainly hit upon a great recipe for world war. All it would take to set it off is a few leaders who are batshit crazy enough to make a different determination than you regarding whether the forcible spread of democracy is doable. You seem ready enough to sign off on the ethical questions involved.

  6. Hmeyers says:


    Gary …

    Name some democracies that are a threat to it’s neighbors or a threat to their own people?

    Democracy cause people to look internally for the solution to their problems (their leaders, their laws).

    Dictatorship causes people to look externally for the solution to their problems (their enemies) because the dictator will not tolerate internal dissent.

    It is no surprise that a large number of dictatorships threaten their neighbors and very few democracies ever do.

    Due to this, it is perfectly justified for democracies to desire or facilitate the end of dictatorships.

    The same way that a nonsmoker wants his environment smoke free, democracies want their interests to be free of dangerous theatrics by dictators.

    /This is only one reason. Another reason is that the human desire for justice is strong and injustice is almost without exception widespread in dictatorships. “All it takes for evil to win is for a good men to do nothing.” is a good example of this.

  7. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #36 Hmeyers writes, “Name some democracies that are a threat to it’s neighbors or a threat to their own people?”

    That bill is easily filled by any democracy of the type bobbo envisions, such as America, that he says can rightfully invade a non-democracy. Any such democracy constitutes a threat to peace by mere definition.

    We can only hope the world doesn’t widely adopt the model of preemptive war, where such a democracy that merely contemplates such an invasion could be rightfully attacked first, as a “defense” against the invasion that’s being considered.

    Once you unilaterally relax the rules governing the sovereignty of nations, you set the stage for your own violent end, as others begin viewing you as their greatest threat.

  8. Hmeyers says:

    I agree with your concept of peace. War sucks.

    But democracies have been invading dictatorships for a very long time now.

    War sucks like change sucks.

    It’s human to hate change, but change is inevitable. It’s human to hate war, but as long as their are “bad guys” in the world, there will be wars.

    There don’t tend to be many wars without a bad guy. The “bad guy” is usually a dictator because a democracy will either remove an asshole or make him a lot less relevant.

    [For example, the public made Bush a lot less relevant with dismal approval #’s and booting his party from Congress. He became a lame duck president long ago now, because he does not have public support or a “mandate” that a president with high poll numbers has.]

    I’d like a permanent peace like the one we all thought we had in the 1990’s. Turns out it was a nice lull and probably not how the world works.

    I agree with what you want. I think everyone wants what you want.

  9. OmarTheAlien says:

    He’s not running, his campaign is “suspended”, which means he can still accept contributions, he just isn’t running. Who would donate to that “cause”? That milk ain’t clean.

  10. Dallas says:

    That leaves McCain with the difficult task of uniting Republican conservatives.

    On the one hand, he has to show bipartisanship, fairness and fiscal responsible CHANGE.

    On the OTHER hand, he needs to suck up to the bible thumpers, show gay hatred and send tax dollars to church’s under the guise of “faith based services”. OH MY, this will be tough.

  11. Mister Catshit says:

    #36, Hmeyers,

    Name some democracies that are a threat to it’s neighbors or a threat to their own people?

    Try Egypt(people), Israel(people and neighbors), Kenya(people), Thailand(people), Turkey(people and neighbors), and Zimbabwe(people) for a few examples. Of coarse, pedro would also want to include Venezuela(everyone).

    But generally, I agree that democracies will not invade neighbors. Also, democracies will generally prevail against less democratic invaders. Once democracies start to be a threat to their own people, they quickly become even more authoritarian and devolve to dictatorships.

    Good point though.

  12. Rick Cain says:

    Unfortunately the corporate media has won. Ron Paul is now scaling back his campaign. I guess he finally realized how much power the press and the GOP elite have.
    They first criticized him, then they went one better and stopped reporting on him entirely. Agents crossed him off ballots even though he was still actively campaigning, other ballots were mysteriously lost or shredded, and GOP delegates even conspired together to keep Ron from winning, such as what they did in West Virginia.

    America sucks, we don’t care about honesty, truth, integrity. All we care about is objectives.


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