This is how much more money I am going to spend.

His team is using the term “suspending the campaign.” It will hit the papers in a few minutes.

  1. DaveW says:

    Let me be the first to say, Good Riddance!

  2. Steve S says:

    So, when will Huckabee drop out?

  3. Personality says:

    Thank Science!

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    This leaves McCain, and I’m not so sure this is a good thing.

    If we do get a McCain – Huckabee Republican ticket, well it’s just another sign of the apocalypse.

  5. moss says:

    Time for some great chuckles. The nutball neocons who try to differentiate themselves from Christian loonies – now, have nothing left but Hucklebeebeebrain to carry their banner.

    McCain will kiss as much butt among conservatives as there are waking hours between now and the Republikan convention. But, he also knows he really doesn’t have to have their support to carry the nomination.

    Then, he’ll roll out the “I’m a uniter not a divider” crappola just like Bush did.

  6. Rob says:

    Is this the same sort of “suspend” that Windows does on my laptop? So if he tries to wake up his campaign, parts of it just hang or crash?

    Oh yeah, all hail More Wars McCain, our next Fuhrer!!!

  7. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    No big surprise about Romney, nor love lost, but there was one comment by a newscaster/pundit (I can’t remember whom) that I thought was especially offensive. They framed the uncertainty over his continuing candidacy within the question “How much more of his sons’ inheritance will he spend?” Criticize him for a million things, but not for spending his own money.

    He was usually the smartest guy in the room, but certainly not the most trustworthy.

  8. Li says:

    Perhaps Ken can spend more time with Barbie in their Malibu dream home now.

  9. Brett says:

    This whole electoral system here in good ol’ USA, uhm i mean USSR is a fraud. And i’m not even speaking of Diebold.

    It’s staged and rigged, thanks also to the brainwashing of the mainstream media. Look i knew already before the primaries that it will be Billary vs. McCain or Ghouliani, because those are the military industrial complex darlings & puppets.

    That’s why the NWO and corrupt establishment is afraid of Ron Paul and ban him from debates and don’t even mention him.

    It’s just never ending. 4 and more years of the same bullshit.

    This will not end until americans shut off their TV and get their lazy asses off the couch and educate themselves, go on the streets and demand real change and revolution.

  10. Angus says:

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! McCain, Clinton, and Obama are my choices.

    Hmm, I wonder if I can transfer to Canada…

  11. eaze says:

    #1 & #9 – Right on!

  12. KwadGuy says:

    The Republicans had two excellent moderates in the race this year: Gulliani and Romney. I don’t care how they had supposedly reshaped some of their views in order to win the primaries, their records most ASSUREDLY demonstrate them both to be social moderates and fiscal conservatives–the perfect combination to actually win a national election.

    There are those who attacked Romney as a “flip flopper”. The positions he flopped to were, by and large, not mine, whereas his original flipped positions were more aligned with mine. Despite this, I had absolutely NO worry that, if elected, Romney would be an entirely palatable (and utterly competent) president. I never believed his conservative conversions. Some looked at that as a bad thing. Not me.

    So now we’re left, on the Republican side, with McCain. If the Republicans had one option sure to lose the general election, it was/is Huckabee. But if they had two, the second was/is McCain. Unless the Democrats are foolish enough to nominate Hillary (and I certainly wouldn’t bet against the party who nominated Kerry in a year that should have been theirs to be that foolish again), McCain goes down as Bob Dole for the 21 century. That is, unless McCain chooses Huckabee as his running mate (not much of a possibility, I hope). A McCain/Huckabee ticket against, say, Obama/AnyoneButHillary will probably look more like McGovern ’72 than anything else and I can’t even imagine McCain/Huckabee beating Hillary.

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Na na na naa
    na na na naa

    Hey hey

    Good Bye!

    Now we just get rid of that Huckabee clown and we’ll have a candidate who won’t do any more damage in the off chance that the Democrats don’t win.

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    #9 makes a real good statement at the end. We as a people need to get off the couch and learn for ourselves. Originally the founding fathers (a real smart bunch) had elections open only to property owners. This was because they felt that the average joe wouldn’t be involved enough to learn about the issues and vote intelligently. I think we all can see what they were afraid of, seeing how people let the media influence them, how many people who can vote actually do vote, and the voting practices of the public in general.

  15. the answer says:

    Now lets get ALL the republicans to drop out, and we might be able to save this wasteland of a country

  16. julieb says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing Ann Coulter campaign for Hillary Clinton.

  17. chuck says:

    I guess being tall with good hair just doesn’t cut it any more.

  18. Awake says:

    And he departed with the following statement, which clearly indicates how utterly unfit this man was to lead the country:

    “If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror.”

    I didn’t have strong feelings either way about this guy before, but now I feel nothing but disgust and revulsion. FU#$ YOU ROMNEY!

  19. Hmeyers says:

    Romney is in the same situation now that Hillary will be after Obama wins the primaries in D.C, Maryland and Virginia, Wisconsin and Hawaii. (Obama might win 8 states in a row for the rest of February due to where the states are).

  20. MikeN says:

    So the last remaining candidates are all in favor of immigration amnesty.

  21. TheGlobalWarmingNemesis says:

    #13 – The new damage is just beginning, no matter which of the 3 get in.

    “If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror.” – and with that the last real American left the race.

  22. paddler says:

    I live in Massachusetts and for the first time in my life took a republican ballot in the recent primary just so I could vote against Mitt Romney. And I wasn’t alone, a lot of registered independents I know did the same thing.

    We dodged a bullet with that jackass. Whew…

  23. jlm says:

    “Now we just get rid of that Huckabee clown and we’ll have a candidate who won’t do any more damage in the off chance that the Democrats don’t win.”
    perhaps you should look at McCain again, hes the last one I wanted to win on the Republican side

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #23 – I have looked at him. I disagree with him on many issues, but he’s proven able to work both sides of the isle and reach compromise with his adversaries.

    Unlike the rest of the Republican field, I feel like he’ll see himself as the President of all Americans and not just the ones who voted for him.

    Like Bush, I feel like Huckabee and Romney don’t even think I’m a legitimate citizen.

  25. Brandon says:

    He will be missed. I now have not a single candidate that I like as a possibility.

  26. JT says:

    Romney claims to support the “war on terra”. When asked why none of his sons were serving in Iraq he said that they were serving their country better by working in his campaign. Now that his campaign is over, anyone want to take bets on how many of his sons will be enlisting?

  27. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    You want dealbreakers? Nothing McCain can say or do outweighs the fact that he wants to perpetuate the two worst things that Monkey-Boy has done to America. It’s bad enough he wants us to stay in Iraq – but making the Bush tax cuts blatant giveaway of the economy to the ultrarichpermanent? I’d sooner see Vlad Fucking Putin in the White House. 🙂

  28. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #26 JT asks, “Now that his campaign is over, anyone want to take bets on how many of his sons will be enlisting?”

    Now maybe Romney’s sons can make America strong by getting out there and building America’s true backbone, the corporations. Or they can just ring doorbells and be Mormon missionaries for the Lord.

    I had a bit of fun a few weeks ago talking to a couple of missionaries who stopped by the house — they caught me when I had some free time for a discussion. After hearing a few inconvenient truths about the god they worship, for which there is no answer rational to anyone who’s not heavily indoctrinated, I don’t think they’ll be coming back anytime soon. My house may even appear as a large red “danger” blotch on the Mormon map. That would make me proud.

    That said, though, I’ve always found Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses to be polite and respectful, so it’s clear they’ve learned some of the basic rules of salesmanship. Some members of the more mainstream Christian sects could learn a few lessons from these fringe groups who have to work so hard to make a sale.

    Anyway, sorry to stray off topic, but with Romney leaving the race, it may be awhile before Mormonism comes up again. Sorry to drag you into this as my jumping-off point, JT 😉

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #26 – When asked why none of his sons were serving in Iraq he said that they were serving their country better by working in his campaign.

    He had a stupid answer… but its a stupid question. Mitt was running for President. Not Mitt’s sons. Mitt has no right or authority to compel his sons to enlist, not would he be able to stop them from doing so if they wanted.

    It might be fair to ask Mitts sons why they didn’t enlist… But not much more fair than asking why my son (who is 19) didn’t enlist.

    If you asked me, it’s because daddy taught him well.

    #27 – You may think this is crazy talk coming from a self described liberal such as myself… But we invaded a stable sovereign nation and broke it… Then we bitch about how Iraq doesn’t have their shit together.

    Well, they did before we showed up and fucked the region, the world, and our own economy. They weren’t good guys, but they were the glue in the region.

    I believe that right is right. I don’t break into your house and smash up your kitchen, then hang around afterwards complaining that you aren’t fixing it to me liking. We broke it. We have to fix it.

    As much as I like Obama (and as a party loyalist, you know I’ll vote blue), on this one issue… I really don’t agree with Democrats. I think we need a new strategy and a hundred other things, but leaving isn’t a viable option now. We have to put this nation together whether we like it or not.

  30. Donald says:

    What we now have to look forward to.

    From GOP: More Iraq war to the delight of Bin Laden and his terrorists. More illegals. More jobs lost. More favors for the rich.

    From Dems: A nanny state. More illegals. More lost jobs. More favors for the lazy.

    Where is Ross Perot when we need him?


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