A 21-year-old German man has been convicted of sending a photograph of his penis to an unknown woman via mobile phone, authorities said on Wednesday.

“We all had a bit of a laugh when we saw the thing,” said Christian Kropp, presiding judge at the court in the eastern town of Sondershausen.

The woman reported the sender to police after receiving the photo attachment of the man’s genitals, the court said. Officers found evidence he may have sent similar images to other women.

How funny-looking could it have been?

  1. Phillep says:

    The best evidence that humans and chimps are related. Horny male chimps wag their weenies at the chick chimps who come over for some “ook ook” if they are horny.

    And that’s why we have flashers running around; primative mating instincts.

  2. Mister Apeshit says:

    At least on that small cell phone screen it would show the actual size.

  3. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    “Man convicted of sending unsolicited penis photo by phone”

    So now we know, always wait for someone to solicit a photo of your penis before sending it to them. There are just so many rules to memorize, but this sounds important 😉

    [Har! – ed.]

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    Beneath those gray suits there’s a pervert in every German 🙂

  5. RBG says:

    Flashing in the age of high tech.


  6. TVAddict says:

    What a dick.

  7. Raster says:

    “It was an honest mistake officer! I though I dialed my lawer!”

  8. Dallas says:

    Well, there goes THAT killer Application.

    This will stifle innovation and growth (no pun intended) in the critical smartphone industry.

    Germany is becoming another pussy of a government. Is this where republicans are going to roost when they get their sorry asses kicked out of the US?

  9. Cinaedh says:

    If some woman sent back a picture of her vagina, would they have babies?

    Sorry for the question but I got my sex education in a U.S. school.

  10. Mister Catshit says:

    #9, Cinaedh,

    That would depend. I think probably for most of the US, but outside the Bible Belt look for more monkeys.

    Good question.

  11. njk says:

    I’m just wondering if the scene in the German judges chambers was anything like that scene from Porky’s with Beulah Balbricker when they were being questioned about who’s schwantz Beulah was pulling through the wall.

  12. Rick Cain says:

    So now you can go to jail for dialing a wrong number?


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