• AOL splitting in half.
  • Dial-up beginning to fade for good.
  • Where is Steve Case when you need him?
  • Good article in Computerworld on Vista drivers and the Microsoft dilemma.
  • Sony LCD-TV’s dominating market.
  • CBS Mobile does deal with Loopt for location-based advertising.
  • Euros accepted in NYC!
  • The name that is sticking is Microhoo.

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  1. Vidvan says:

    Alt. tag line: When do we no longer take Dollars?

  2. grog says:

    #1 :: as soon as g.w. bush’s strategy of deliberately devaluing the dollar succeeds in wiping any remaining value it may have.

  3. Rob says:

    When dollars start appearing on the toilet paper rolls in the public restrooms, then it’s really time to worry.

  4. the answer says:

    Ha a dollar is going to equal a peso soon enough. I for one welcome the European union overlords

  5. hhopper says:

    Sony has certainly pulled some shit on the public but some of their products are still excellent.

  6. chuck says:

    If a developer went to the trouble of either writing drivers for Vista, or getting their existing drivers to work in Vista, and then Microsoft breaks them with SP1, then how is it the developer’s fault?

    Microsoft has a history of doing this – which is why most developers wait until (at least) SP1 of every version of Windows before bothering.

  7. chuck says:

    So now “Microsofties” will now be known as “Microhooligans” ?

  8. GigG says:

    When do we accept Pesos?

    The answer seems to be about a year ago.



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