CASTALIAN SPRINGS, Tenn. – The muddy field was littered with debris after a wave of violent storms: Living room couches, strollers, children’s toys. So when two rescuers came upon a baby, they thought he was a doll.

Then he moved.

“We grabbed hold of his neck (to take a pulse) and he took a breath of air and started crying,” said David Harmon, a firefighter from a nearby county who was combing the field for tornado victims. The boy was found at least 100 yards away from where his family’s house had been, possibly lifted by the storm’s fierce winds, according to witnesses at the scene on Thursday. There was no trace of exactly where the house stood. His mother, who did not survive, was found in the same field.

As the death toll across the region rose by two Thursday to 57 people, the infant was a sign of hope. The 11-month old boy, named Kyson, was surrounded by flattened homes, bricks from a blown-apart post office and snapped trees, a devastating scene similar to so many communities across the South.

The baby’s mother, 24-year-old Kerri Stowell, was one of six people killed in the small community, said Sumner County Sheriff Bob Barker.

  1. Gawd says:

    oops. Missed one.

  2. Personality says:

    But god saved it for a reason, right? RIGHT???

  3. liunam says:

    #2. The baby is a he and not an it.

  4. jman says:

    #3. Actually the baby is a he AND an it.

  5. Li says:

    The worst tornado incident in twenty years, and it happens in February. Last week there was two days of 64º temps in the midwest. . . in February.

    Our weather is whack, eh?

  6. the answer says:

    Hey, FEMA actually saved a live. Chalk that one up to the record books.

  7. Nate says:

    It’s nice of Bob Barker to be giving back to the community by serving as the Sheriff after so many years of the life as a celebrity. His fine work here should be commended.

    Poor kid though… losing his mom at that age will leave a huge hole in his life.

  8. Named says:


    Depends. He’ll be too young to remember, and if a stable, healthy loving family adopts him, he’ll be fine.

  9. SN says:

    Gee, when I destroy a community and throw a baby into a field, I’m arrested! Damn God gets all the breaks.

  10. Uncle Patso says:

    You know, I’ve lived in different parts of ‘Tornado Alley’ most of my life (I’m old enough to have used a phone system with operators instead of dials), and I don’t remember tornadoes on January or February. And now here are two outbreaks a week apart, with more than half a hundred killed.

    This is why it drives me bonkers when people say ‘Global warming — sounds good to me!’ I’d rather have snow in January and February than tornadoes, thank you very much.

    And don’t get me started on how many Category 5 hurricanes we can expect per year….

  11. floyd says:

    #8: The little boy has a grandfather who was on TV this morning talking to a reporter. The fireman who found him during a second search of the area around the family’s home says he’s going to keep in touch with the boy and his family. The boy seems to have only minor scrapes and bruises.


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