1. rectagon says:

    Wow. Who knew!? I’m getting rid of my bike right now!

  2. RBG says:

    I was going for it until they showed an autoclave and called it a hyperbaric chamber.


  3. Mister Apeshit says:

    They failed to mention the girls that have to pull their underwear down to their ankles before it snaps away from the crotch. Another source of nasty germs.

  4. Bubb says:

    That was great and so timely, I just started microbiology. I hope to share this with the class!

  5. Cursor_ says:

    Damn! My cover is blown.

    I say to you all, do NOT wash your hands so much!

    Or so help me I will still come in your room at night and kill you all!!!!!

    I just need 10k more souls and I will get a date with the Ivory Soap girl Marilyn Chambers!

    Cursor_ aka The Giant Talking Bar of Soap

  6. edwinrogers says:

    A constant source of amusement to foreigners, how Americans place paper on toilet seats, but will let unemployed hairdressers inject their faces with botulism bacteria.

  7. Al says:

    #6 Edwinrogers

    “foreigners”? Do you assume that everyone who reads this blog is American? I’m neither an American nor a foreigner. See if you can sort that out.

    That kind of Americentric attitude is an even greater amusement.

    Oh, and most of us “foreigners” have no idea what Americans do when they take a dump, having never watched.

    And how can one be an active hairdresser-injector and unemployed at the same time?

  8. Mister Apeshit says:

    #6 – As an American, I would never use a public toilet. Even if I was doing some serious brown capping, I’d walk around with a turtle head all day to avoid a public toilet. Paper toilet seat cover, indeed…

  9. Steve says:

    #7 You foreigners are all alike. Attempting to condescend from your subordinate position.

  10. TIHZ_HO says:

    This Video has been a Public Service Announcemnent from The Department of Homeland Security

    “Keeping you in a state of fear from everything! Since Bush has been in Office.


  11. bobbo says:

    I once had to go bad in Gorky Park Public Restroom. So dirty, I was afraid to just walk across the floor–but I had to go!!

    I raised the toilet lid and stood on that. Fairly hygenic and much better than keeping a purple turtle all day long==whatever that is, I’m sure it was better!

  12. TIHZ_HO says:

    Sounds like Russian toilets smell as bad as Chinese toilets – even ones in restaurants.

    What about just “talk to a tree” thats what Chinese do…unless it was #2. :/ I guess thats “Sit on the grass” then…


  13. McCullough says:

    This thread has descended into the sewer.


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