
An article about the Prophet Muhammad in the English-language Wikipedia has become the subject of an online protest in the last few weeks because of its representations of Muhammad, taken from medieval manuscripts.

In addition to numerous e-mail messages sent to, an online petition cites a prohibition in Islam on images of people. The petition has more than 80,000 “signatures,” though many who submitted them to remained anonymous…

A FAQ page explains the site’s polite but firm refusal to remove the images: “Since Wikipedia is an encyclopedia with the goal of representing all topics from a neutral point of view, Wikipedia is not censored for the benefit of any particular group…”

Sadly, strident Islamists do not respect the view of Muslim scholars – and their own history – much less those who simply catalogue information.

  1. Steve S says:

    As I was saying in #4 before I was so rudely edited (for what, I am not sure of).

    How about a petition to remove Islam!

  2. Jägermeister says:

    #31 – THC

    The bible states that you should stone your misbehaving children etc. It all depends on the level of the brain development, which sentences these folks follow.

    And no, I don’t defend Muslims or Christians… they’re all sheep.

    Will Islam rule the world… well, first they’ll have to get rid of the West and then China (as the big pork lovers we all are). Good luck.

  3. Phillep says:

    #33, Most Christians and Jews grew up.

    Some people are nuts, that is, they /need/ a religion, they /need/ something to believe in.

    And some of that bunch need something to obsess about.

    Christianity and Judaism are starting to mellow out in their old age, and it’s getting harder for most of the people who have to believe to find a Christian (and maybe Jewish) sect to join that meets their needs, so they go looking. And there’s Islam.

    Arranging for martyrs to attain their wish, also cleans up the gene pool.

  4. Canucklehead says:

    Religious prohibitions are endless. That’s why, in their wisdom, the founding fathers of the U.S. prohibited a state religion, and granted freedom of speech, etc.

    Would these petitioners accept the Jewish prohibition against using any modern machines on Saturdays?

  5. natefrog says:

    My image of Muhammad: (_!_)

    And, just to show I’m not discriminating against anyone in particular, here’s Jesus: (_!_)

    And here’s FSM: ~(_!_)~

    (In other words, I’m getting pretty f-ing sick of people getting their panties in a wad over the most trivial shit imaginable.)

  6. Mister Apeshit says:

    Here’s a better picture of Muhammad:

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Love the URL in #37! I’ve always got a kick out of those cartoons. It’s funny that if no-one had raised a stink over these cartoons not very many people would have seen them.
    To answer #29, not very far. Something similar to “you let me live my life and I will let you live yours” or “hold down the loud rock after 10:00pm”. Simple human courtesy.
    I am afraid that this simple human courtesy that we would have for each other is lost on most Arabs.

  8. Fahrquar says:

    #16 You have made some valid points. I also believe he didn’t want any temples built either and I don’t see them coming down anytime soon.

    Supposedly he was just a human like Jesus, Confucius and Buddha, get over yourselves. These extremists whine just like all the other religious nuts and aren’t much different, except for the really stupid ones that die for nothing.

  9. Mister Catshit says:

    I think it was just last week, these same commentators were screaming a lot of bad karma because the Westboro Church wanted to be seen and heard. Well, here we are, now screaming because Muslims don’t want to be seen or heard.

    May God Bless the First Amendment. The idiotic yahoos around here don’t give a rat’s ass about it.

    So after we eliminate all those groups we disagree with, how long until we eliminate a group YOU’RE affiliated with?

    In the end, those objecting to the pictorial will just have to endure it.

  10. TIHZ_HO says:

    #15 Gary, the dangerous infidel

    “If you’re familiar with the old Mad Magazine “Spy vs Spy” ongoing engagement, I happen to think it was the black spy, but so far I have no proof ;-)”

    Yes! LOL! I re-read what you said and yes Spy vs Spy applies here! Good one! 😆


  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    # 16 wankhairil said

    The prophet’s (Muhammad) reason for not wanting a pictorial (or for that matter other forms such as statue or sculpture) of him is for fear that people might adore/worship his image rather than his messages (from God).

    Yes you are correct as I recall from my time in Indonesia. I had the pleasure to discuss the differences between Islam and other religions such as Christianity and Judaism.

    You get a completely different perspective about Islam from talking to the average Muslim. For one, they are more concerned about the radical Islamic Jihad minorities then we are as they are putting Islam in a bad light. However as Muslims they cannot speak out about it.

    One thing that struck me is I was told that it is the duty of every good Muslim to protect from harm anyone who is under the protection of their religion. Meaning say a practicing Christian must be protected from harm in as much as if they were Muslim as long as that Christian does not attempt to convert or slander Islam in any way.

    Muslims see them selves as enlightened and closer to god’s truth than Christians and Jews both of whom they respect. Jesus is seen as a great teacher / rabbi and is respected as preparing the way for the Prophet Muhammad.

    By the same token Muslims which I spoke with asked my why Christians worship Jesus and not the word of God?

    Muslims also think its odd to canonize the instrument of Jesus’ murder, the cross. To them it would be the same as making reverent the rifle that shot JFK. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?


  12. DeLeMa says:

    42 –
    Wish I could find something to argue with you, just to be cantankerous but, I do agree with only a minor hiccup..why is it they can do nothing to stop the idiots profaning their religion, from within ,to the point that they have convinced the rest of the world they are ALL less than rational ?
    Is it not logical to think the ones best suited to police their members are other members ?

  13. TIHZ_HO says:

    #42 DeLeMa Thats not possible as good Muslims are not meant to fight and criticize others. It is the ‘bad’ Muslims who fight and are public EG Sunni and Shiite.

    The many Muslims I knew in Indonesia feel so damn frustrated and pissed off every time there is some Islamic terror attack et al. However it is not their place to damn them as they would presume to be Allah – Allah will damn them as only Allah can – so there can be no policing as you suggest.

    Makes sense, but its also frustrating as hell!

    This is also what Christians are meant to do as well!! “He who is without sin cast the first stone” et al…

    A good Muslim would not force someone to embrace Islam even though they would assume that everyone must. That is what I have been told so many times.

    I have met a few Iranians at trade shows and my wife and I had to chance to talk with some Iranians from one company about what is going on in the world. The one thing I remember they said is “Don’t hate us because we have a stupid leader, its the same as we don’t hate Americans because Bush is stupid”.

    We have not yet had the chance to take up their invitation to visit their company and their country to see with our own eyes how it really is. One day maybe…


  14. leo charre says:

    The base of mideast religions, Christianity, Islam, Judaism – is overall peace and hope in the face of hardness and pain.
    Their scriptures are dotted with extremes every which way. It is the individual, foremost- who is responsible to pick, choose, and interpret what is what.

    This ‘petition’ is one more example of a group of people asking another group of people to ‘think’ the same way. This is an aggressive quest to tell people what to be.
    I do not see the petitioners as Islamic.
    I do not see the terrorists as Islamic.
    I do not see people who suggest ‘nuking’ as Christian.
    Groups and individuals inflicting pain, hate, oppression on one another do not deserve the good name of any philosophy or religion.

  15. Jack Flanders says:

    #5 – “What’s the fucking surprise? Islam proclaims that it’s laws apply to EVERYONE, INCLUDING NON-MUSLIMS.”

    All religions are the same. Christians do the exact same thing. I can’t get married as a gay man because it offends SOME Christian views of marriage. Doesn’t offend my religion, and there’s no rational science that says my marriage will destroy someone heterosexual marriage, but because it offends the Southern Baptists views, they spend years and millions of dollars fighting it. SCREW Christians, SCREW Muslims…they’re all crazy. All Praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the one true (and delicious) god!

  16. Rick Cain says:

    All religions suck, including islam.
    They obsess with the end of the world and even moreso with making others agree to their twisted views by force.

  17. jawaid shabbir says:

    europeans are trying to distrub the peace of world by frustrating the muslims. please do not do these kind of fulish things. remove these pictures

  18. smrizz says:

    Muslim cannot do such kind of humiliation even once in the history, is this not enough for the world not to provoke us, and the Muslims who involve in Jihad just frustrated due to the Europeans and Americans who wants to rule the world even by making these places hell.Iraq and Afghanistan are the real example of crulism of world that they are just spectators.

  19. muhammad zubair says:


  20. TIHZ_HO says:

    #50 Sounds like an “all boys club” 😉 kiss kiss


  21. wellwisher says:

    Remove these pics from site. thats good for you

  22. waleed says:

    pls. remove pictures of Muhammad

  23. nawaf says:

    pls remove pictures of Muhammad

  24. TIHZ_HO says:

    What pictures of Muhammad?

    Who knows what he looks like if Muslims were never allowed to have pictures of him, right? For all you know this is just a picture of Bobammad his neighbor from across the street.

    If you are that serious about this better show us a real picture of Muhammad so we know what not to show, okay?

    Until then these pictures might be of anyone. You don’t want to piss off Allah with killing people who didn’t actually do anything wrong now do you?


  25. shaheedbhola says:

    plz remove the photos from this site

  26. TIHZ_HO says:

    #56 shaheedbhola

    You mean ALL photos? Be reasonable, thats like going back to DOS!


  27. awais shah says:


    i am very upset.on these picturs !!
    why you people want to give grief to muslims.
    just give me ans!!!!
    anyhow you will see each persons who do this type of cruality.
    you will see each person will be finished by ALLAH.
    and INSHALLAH very soon.

  28. TIHZ_HO says:


    Salam to you too…

    No one is giving grief to Muslims here. Hoever it seem that you are with you saying “You people” We are all Allah’s children! You cannot take that away you are not Allah!!

    Who are you that knows what Allah will do!! Only Allah can know! YOU ARE NOT ALLAH so don’t pretend to be!! Ask for forgiveness and mercy as you condemn yourself by your own words!

    I will pray for you…


  29. agha aamir says:

    its not right to keep the picture

  30. arsal says:

    plz plz dont do this
    its my request to plz remove this pic right now
    this will effect all over the world

    plz i request u one again remove this


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